Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3171: Black robe pretends to anticipate the enemy first

Heipao said coldly: "All the sergeants behind the southern city gate are ordered to evacuate and retreat into the caves of the Tibetan soldiers. Sergeant, wait for my order, if the Jin army really penetrates the city gate, the engine will be turned off, so that they will come back and forth!"

Heipao’s military orders were quickly issued to several messengers behind him in the form of horns and semaphores. In less than half a minute, a large number of soldiers and soldiers of the Yan Army who were originally densely behind the South Gate rushed in. Among the hundreds of potholes for Tibetan soldiers on the inner side of the city wall, light soldiers and civilians diverted into the back streets like a river, while hundreds of armored horses flew on their horses and turned their heads straight to the south gate. A long-distanced gallop rushed to the place where it came from. After returning to the mountain and the sea just now, after the gate of the spear forest and the sea, it became empty and empty in less than three minutes.

When the last armored horse ran a distance of about fifty steps, only a loud sound of "boom" and "boom" was heard. Hundreds of boulders the size of a winter melon over ten kilograms were smashed by those three miles in the Jin army. It was thrown by the catapult placed outside, and it flew to the gate of the south gate quasi and fiercely. Although there were a lot of stones hitting this gate before, they were more to destroy the buildings on the edge of the gate. The Tibetan city guards, but this round of attacks was like a torrential rain. Almost all the catapults on the front line of the southern city of the Shanxi Army attacked the towers of this southern city.

Almost every two seconds, a big rock slams into the tower. From the angle of Heipao and Muronglan, it can be clearly seen that these stones can be hit from the front door of the tower or from the window pane. Entering, hitting the beams, smashing through the beams and pillars, causing a series of collapses inside the tower, and there were a lot of stones. They simply flew out from the doors and windows on the other side and hit the crevices at the back of the city wall. It looked as if it was A person was struck by thousands of iron fists, bones were broken, flesh and blood flew across the tower, and the entire tower was soaked in smoke and dust, and from this smoke and dust flew out, either big rocks or broken wood!

Murong Lan opened her eyes wide and shook her head inconceivably. She has experienced a lot of battles, and such a violent flying stone blow is unprecedented. She murmured: "Well, how can this flying stone be so powerful, it can directly attack the tower from three miles away..."

Heipao said coldly: "At first glance, it was Zhang Gangqian's good deed. He used the torsion force of the wooden armor mechanism to throw stones, and the counterweight method increased the range and power of these catapults. It seemed that he wanted to use stones directly. Smashing down the tower, or even smashing through the city wall of Guanggu, is fortunate that we have been operating Guanggu for many years. This city wall has been strengthened many times, like a golden soup, so that he won't have a chance to take advantage of it!"

Murong Lan sneered: "Yes, when you strengthened, you drove those prisoners of war and civilians to build the city, and use glutinous rice puree to reinforce the city defense. After the construction is completed, let the sergeant stab these walls with a sharp knife. If you can’t assassinate the civil servants, you will kill the sergeant. Such an extinction of humanity can naturally allow people to achieve this level."

Heipao smiled and shook his head: "My little girl, to stimulate people's greatest motivation, you have to be forced to die. I don't rely on this method of mine, just relying on the previous city defense. It was broken by people. I killed thousands of people to build this city, but now I have protected the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Do you think it's more profitable?"

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "So, it is worthwhile to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of millions of lives to complete your ten-thousand-year peace plan? Is there a clear conscience?"

Hei Pao nodded: "I am not a general soldier, I am not a good soldier. In my position, you have to make this choice. Little girl, one day, you will know that I am right. You all these years It has affected Liu Yu too deeply. In this battle, I will want you to know who is doing the right thing!"

Muronglan was speechless for a while, looking at the flying stones one after another, smashing the tower to the ground, she sighed quietly: "Disputes in the world are caused by the desire for power of you people. It’s because you always want to control others and dominate others. Everyone’s lives are in your eyes, just like ants, insignificant. Even if the 100,000 soldiers of our army are just your pawns, no matter how old they are. A careerist like you, I am afraid that this world will truly be peaceful for ten thousand years!"

Heipao smiled and said: "Then why don't you kill me now? Take my first level and go to meet your man, maybe he can give you the peace you want!"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "Is it interesting to mock me like this? Murong's blood will always bleed on my body. This cannot be changed. After this time, you take the tribe back to Liaodong, and I will be separated from you again. See you, because I have done all my responsibilities as a descendant of the Murong clan!"

Heipao's brows wrinkled slightly: "Aren't you going to Liaodong with me? Do you think that after a battle like this, Liu Yu and his men can still tolerate you?"

Murong Lan shook her head: "No, I have helped you for so many years. I have done all the bad things. I don't know how much I have done to hurt Murong. You can shame and deceive yourself. I don't have the face to meet the ancestors, eldest brother. , This is the last thing I have done for you. After doing it, you and me are all destined, and we will never have anything to do with you!"

Hei Pao sighed: "Then you might as well not come back yesterday~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "I have to help you one last time. If I agree with you, we will fight back Liu Yu. The Murong clan has the opportunity to cross the sea and return to the Liao and return to their homeland as free men. I don’t ask our people to continue to dominate the world and become rich. I only hope that they can live safely, just like our ancestors. This is the last thing I can do as a descendant of Murong clan. I'm sorry Liu Yu, I'm sorry Wang Miaoyin, after this battle, I will give them an explanation! "

Hei Pao shook his head: "Do you want to make them dead? Don't be stupid. You and them are enemies from the beginning. I always tell you not to be emotional, because I know that there will be this day. Whether it is Liu Yu or Wang Miaoyin. , I got a lot from you. If you hadn't revealed the secret of the black demon water to Wang Miaoyin back then, how could they extinguish the black sacred fire outside Nancheng so easily?"

Muronglan said solemnly: "You used 300 barrels of black demon water at one time, and now there are less than 500 barrels left. Next, how do you guard it?"

A cold light flashed in Heipao’s eyes: "Don’t let Liu Yu feel that my black fire is broken, will he send out his infantry to attack the city with all his strength? My little sister, today, you will thoroughly see the best in the world. art of war!"

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