Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3187: Mu Zhimiaoyin's military order

"East Jin Dynasty Beifu Yiqiu eight (!

Liu Huaishen sighed: "Get the order!" He stepped forward to take the commander order passed by Liu Yu, and turned to leave with Wang Xuanmo, but he heard Liu Yu mutter behind him, "All of you remember. Now, on the battlefield, don’t have any other thoughts. The purpose of all is to win. You must use your own flesh and blood to cover your companions to kill thieves, instead of taking the lives of your companions to make merits for yourself. Otherwise, no one will come to help you in the end, understand?!"

Everyone agreed in unison. Wang Xuanmo nodded vigorously, quickly rolled up his sleeves, rolled the gown around his waist, and ran off the stage with Liu Huaishen. Liu Yu turned his head and glanced at the person beside him. The book clerks said, "Everyone, avoid it for the time being, Liu Changshi and I have something to discuss with Her Royal Highness."

Liu Zhong hurried away with the civilian officials and the guards. For the time being, only Liu Yu and three were left on the handsome stage. Liu Muzhi looked at the heavily packed infantry lined up a hundred steps before the handsome stage. Under Liu Huaishen's order, he dispersed the formation and changed to a marching formation, maneuvering around Changwei in the direction of the east city, like a forest of steel, suddenly opened a large opening, leading to the front of Guanggu city. , Also seemed to be much closer, Liu Muzhi gently shook his head: "If it weren't for Wang Xuanmo's nonsense, would you really send the Chinese Army's iron armor to the East City?"

Liu Yu nodded: "I made this preparation when I promised to give Changmin 3000 reinforcements, but Wang Xuanmo asked me to advance this decision. What I didn't expect is that everyone is facing a hard fight this time. Either save your strength or think of various tricks to compete for credit. Wang Xuanmo and Zhuge Changmin's thoughts will never be limited to the two of them."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu paused and looked at Liu Muzhi: "Jangmin has always been like that, but at least he has made great achievements in the war. He stays with us and at least has not missed major events. He will preserve his strength, but not To kill your brother’s life and steal power for yourself, this young Wang Xuanmo is so powerful, did you not see it before, or did you have to use it?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head calmly: "Jin slave, you should know that I am not only thinking about the battlefield, but also outside the battlefield. The way of employing people needs to tolerate all kinds of people with different temperaments, which I can’t like. Just use it, don’t use it if you don’t like it. I know that if you hold back, you just want to ask me about Wang Xuanmo, and now it’s exactly what I want to tell you."

Liu Yu's brows frowned: "You know that Wang Xuanmo is fighting for merit and gain, and there is no bottom line for doing things. You also recommend such a person to me? Today, he spoke out on this occasion. This should be what you meant, or even this. It is your idea to attack the city wall regardless of the enemy and me?!"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, I think so. And, I'm going to do it this way."

Liu Yu's expression changed, and he said solemnly: "Naughty! Fatty, how can you do this? When Shen Linzi left just now, I saw that something was wrong with you, and kept muttering to him. It turns out that you are explaining this... ..."

Having said this, he suddenly realized something and turned his head to look at Wang Miaoyin: "Miaoyin, is this in favor of you and the fat man?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "You are cruel to this heart, so we can only be the wicked person. Mu Zhi is a long history and cannot directly give orders, so I have to be the emperor who exercises the power of the emperor. I ordered it, otherwise how do you think Shen Linzi is willing to follow the order?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Why, why are you doing this? Our Beifu Army never does this kind of betrayal of comrades!"

Wang Miaoyin said solemnly: "Because we don't have time, we can't attack the city again, and then rest for three months to besiege the city. As you said, the victory of this Guanggu offensive and defensive is decided today. The life of Nancheng will only kill more people. Here in Nancheng, there is a black robe who is sitting in the town. This trick may not be effective. However, in Xicheng, after attacking the city, the enemy will inevitably fight for it. The crowd, when the time comes, a thousand stones will be concurred, which can kill a large number of enemy elites. At this time, if the real attacking troops of Rongzu and others are dispatched, it is possible to break the city in one fell swoop!"

Liu Yu looked at Liu Muzhi: "Do you also believe that this style of play can break the city in one fell swoop?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "I'm not so optimistic. I don't think I can break Xicheng in one shot, but this way, at least the Yan army in Xicheng can be forced to take out all the defensive arrangements to block our army's full attack. Even if an attack fails, the ancestors can continue to defend against them, destroy their various hidden organs, and completely destroy their defensive capabilities. At that time, it will be the time to attack with all strength."

Speaking of this, Liu Muzhi’s eyes flashed a complicated light: "I specifically explained to Zhang Gang that if the enemy's hidden organs appear, he does not have to worry about our army that is attacking the city, even if Rongzu is attacking the city. , Don’t worry, the ones that should be smashed, the shots that should be shot, even if they die together, are what we have earned, because we will pay a much higher price to keep these institutions alive!"

Liu Yuchang sighed: "You are really cruel, you are really cruel, before Zhang Gang had such a **** hatred, this time as long as there is a fighter, he will never let it go, and will not care about our army's siege. For the life and death of the soldiers, he is the best candidate to carry out your order. Even if the soldiers seek revenge from him afterwards, you only need to throw Zhang Gang out as an account!"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "That's the case. This is the order I gave to Shen Linzi, sending slaves. From the bottom of my heart, I don't want you to know such an order, but you are the coach. Since I asked, I can't No. If you want to punish me for this, you can order now!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ eyes widened: "Liu Muzhi, are you worthy of those soldiers who smashed the city bravely but were killed by your order?"

Liu Muzhi said loudly: "I'm sorry for the soldiers who died in battle, but I am worthy of the Jiangshan Sheji of the Great Jin Dynasty, and I am worthy of you Liu Jinu. If you really want to get justice for them, you can kill me to thank the world, and then Take my first class back to the teacher and fight against the demon thief. Tell Liu Yi and Meng Chang that if there is selfishness, this is the end!"

When Liu Muzhi said this, he closed his eyes and straightened his neck, which was almost invisible, as if waiting for Liu Yu to chop his head.

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned: "Okay, don't fight, this order is my order, Mu Zhi is just passing my order, sending slaves, if you really want something to explain, then kill me. I faked the military order and killed the soldiers, you can kill me to thank the army!"

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