Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3200: Reinforcements mobilize fans and allies

As the dwarf Hu Jiujiu’s laughter went underground and turned into a weird noise, the hole that was originally opened was restored to normal, but without the cover of the turf, it still looks like a new one that has just been turned over. Earth, however, for the current situation where the entrance of the cave is within the Changwei, there is no need to worry about leaking any news, because according to Hu Jiujiu, this crypt is already close to the city wall.

Helan Harim’s voice came from the top of the city: "How about it, General Zhuge, do you want to continue fighting, or do you want to take a truce for the time being?"

Zhuge Changmin stood up and said solemnly to Helan Harim: "Since you have said this, you just want to buy time to rectify the city defense. I shouldn't have given you this opportunity, but Zhuge Changmin has always looked at it. Brothers and fellow robes are like siblings, can't bear them under the city of corpses, and then be destroyed by arrows, so let's take a truce for half an hour, we will arrange the corpses, and then fight again!"

Helan Harim smiled and said: "Sure enough, it is General Zhuge who loves soldiers like a child. Well, just depend on you. After an hour, we won't be too late to fight!"

As he said, he turned around and walked backwards. From this direction, he could clearly see that he entered a wooden box that had just risen. There was a sound of organs, and soon disappeared, and a large number of Yanjun soldiers. , Also disappeared at the top of the city, leaving only a few hundred visible to the naked eye. The poorly-dressed civilian husbands were still busy moving back and forth, carrying the stones and corpses from the top of the city.

There was a sound of horseshoes, but Liu Huaishen rode the horse until under the long siege. He looked at Zhuge Changmin with an angry face and said loudly: "Changmin, why stop attacking the city and make this kind of alliance with the enemy under the city? ?"

Zhuge Changmin looked at the army in front of him. There were three thousand, well-equipped, and finely armored troops just now. At this moment, they have lost more than one-third, but the sergeants still gritted their teeth and stood up. Like the barrel of a gun, the archers still draw their bows and arrows, pointing straight at the city head. Obviously, they don't want to retreat, and they are still waiting for the order to continue fighting again. If it hadn't been for Zhuge Changmin to retreat in gold just now, I'm afraid they would have continued to attack the city long ago.

Zhuge Changmin sighed softly and said, "Huaishen, how many more brothers do you want to lose? This is the Chinese army, the elite guards of the slaves, and all of them are the great boys from Jingkou, right? You are hard-hearted, bear them to make senseless sacrifices?"

Tears gleamed in Liu Huaishen’s eyes. As Liu Yu’s son to his foster aunt’s family since he was a child, he had given Liu Yu more than half of his mother’s milk since he was a child. The elder brother Liu Huaisu is more inferior than his compatriots. He is even somewhat reckless and less intelligent than ordinary people. Even with his son Liu Deyuan, who is 15 years old, he is like a five-year-old child. He doesn’t know how much to give. People have laughed for it.

Even some of the children of aristocratic families in the dynasty expressed to Liu Yu openly or secretly that Liu Huaishen’s intelligence was low and he was not enough to be regarded as a general. However, Liu Yu still insisted on giving him the posts of county guard and general, and even more importantly. The army’s guards were handed over to him. This time he was allowed to independently lead the attack on the East City. Obviously, he wanted to give this clan brother a chance to do meritorious service. Now that the siege failed, the casualties were heavy, even the famous warrior Tang Fang. When he died in the battle, how could he not let Liu Huai be cautious and want to fight to the end?

However, Liu Huaishen was stupid no matter how stupid he was, and knew that his side had no chance to win. This time around, he still wanted Zhuge Changmin to send reinforcements to reorganize the second offensive.

He said solemnly: "Brother Changmin, although we have suffered a lot, the Yan army has also lost a lot of troops. They are nothing more than the wooden box that can quickly go up to the city to maneuver their forces up and down the city. When Fangfashi hid underneath, when we climbed the city, we went up to the city to fight. This time as long as we increase the manpower, dozens of more ladders rush up, and even use ropes and claws to throw as many troops as possible into the city. The head can definitely be taken off."

Zhuge Changmin shook his head gently: "Your men and horses are heavy-armored warriors. These ropes and claw hooks may not be used."

Liu Huaishen gritted his teeth: "Many of your subordinates are agile swordsman rangers who can fly over the walls. This style of play is the most suitable for them. After going up to the city, the two sides will not be able to line up and fight with long weapons. The sword and the method of close combat can show their talents, Brother Changmin, don't save your strength at this moment, let us rush again, don't let Lord Tang and the others sacrifice in vain!"

When he said this, tears were about to shed.

Zhuge Changmin sighed: "Huaishen, Tang Fang is also my brother. I enlisted with many of my subordinates. I also took him back then. It is not only you who have feelings for him. Clean up the rocks and corpses under the city wall before you have a chance to attack the city again."

Liu Huaishen's eyes widened: "Really it is only temporarily clearing the channel for the siege~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Will the attack be organized again?"

Zhuge Changmin nodded earnestly, then turned to Zhuge Limin next to him and said: "Second, you lead the team personally. The three thousand soldiers in northern Qingzhou will be handed over to you."

A hint of joy flashed across Zhuge Limin's face, and suddenly he thought of something: "Ah, brother, you are not..."

Zhuge Changmin quickly winked, and said solemnly: "What's not this or that? Didn't you say it? Let's avenge the Tang Fang brothers and the soldiers who died. When we finish cleaning the city wall, that's it. When you let go and kill, you have to give me a bit of dexterity at that time, don't fall behind others!"

Zhuge Limin's heart is bright, this Zhuge Changmin wants him to take advantage of the collapse of the city wall for a while, rush to the front, not to let others take the credit. It's just that Zhuge Changmin at this moment doesn't want to tell Liu Huaishen this cryptic warfare, or he is afraid that he may leak the wind and cause the enemy to be alert. Zhuge Limin nodded: "Brother, you should be optimistic about my performance."

As he said, he turned his head and jumped from the top of the long wall. When he landed, the huge potential made the long wall sway slightly. He took a pear out of his arms and took a few bites. As he chewed, he said solemnly to the three thousand light swords players who had already lined up after Changwei: "Brothers, get ready to work, come with me!"

Liu Huaishen listened to the cheers in Changwei, and nodded excitedly: "Okay, thank you, Brother Changmin, and Brother Changmin, I am Tang Fang, thank you!"

Xie Ge Changmin smiled slightly: "This is what I should do, Huai Shen, don't worry, now I will send someone to clean the city wall. When the fight starts later, you and Li Min will charge first, and I will lead the army to follow suit. I will not break the East City. I Zhuge Changmin is a man in vain!"

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