Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3207: Please do not as good as radical

Muronglan was a little surprised. Looking at the black robe, there was a suspicion in her eyes: "Why do you say this? Brother, in my previous impression, you are not afraid of the heavens, and you are always confident and arrogant. Domineering, even if it is doing things that people and gods abandon together, it is plausible, why this time..."

A hint of helplessness flashed in Heipao's eyes: "As of this time, things have been out of my control. My opponent is no longer the good brother-in-law who attacked my city and wanted to destroy my clan, but was with me. A good partner who has lived and died for decades, Liu Yu, in your face, shouldn't destroy our whole family, but a cloak..."

Murong Lan thoughtfully said: "You have now left the identity of the Heavenly Alliance, and even only seeking to realize the Ten Thousand-Year Peace Plan, so you feel that Dou Peng has discovered your purpose and starts to eliminate you as the first priority. Is your goal?"

Heipao gritted his teeth: "Of course, Liu Yu is fighting for his ideals at least. Although I don't agree with his suit, he is a noble and righteous man after all. The destruction of the country is not to slaughter our Murong tribe, but Cloak, I now feel more and more that this person is terrible. He betrayed me this time and used my heart to fight against Liu Yu. However, he secretly raised troops to capture the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It was a strategy of killing two birds with one stone. He knew I wanted to use it. What did the Wannian Taiping plan do, so I deliberately lured me to this step. When Liu Yu and I have no use value, then this world belongs to him. Then he can truly ask for what he wants and become the only master of the Heavenly Dao League. ."

Murong Lan nodded: "I have long advised you not to cooperate with that cloak, what he wants is different from what we want, but you are blinded by this ten thousand years peace plan, and you have lost your always calm judgment. , This is the end of the matter, and regret is useless. In this battle, I will try my best to help you defeat Liu Yu, even if I face him in a face-to-face battle, I will not hesitate!"

Hei Pao shook his head: "No, you don't have to do this. This battle has resulted in too many blood feuds. The Northern Army generals will want to kill me and then soon. If you fight in person, I am afraid that Liu Yu will not be able to protect you. If we can hold the city, then everything is easy to say. If we can’t hold it, then at least the last bloodline of Murong clan will be left, so that we can continue, which is also good!”

Murong Lan shook her head: "I can't watch the people die and live by myself, brother, there is only one reason why I am still here to fight with you, and that is because my surname is Murong, in our bodies. , Bleeding the same blood!"

Heipao sighed: "Fine, Alan, you have been fighting for Murong for too long and sacrificed too much. Today, I no longer need you to continue fighting as a soldier. Your battlefield is in another place. !"

Murong Lan raised her eyebrows: "Big brother, big brother, at that moment, I almost moved you until you said this. In fact, what you really want to say is not me, but mine. Yizhen."

Under the mask of the black robe, the old face blushed and smiled and nodded: "I just want to leave a final escape, for the Murong clan and for you. Because, if the city breaks down, it can protect my blood. There is only Liu Yu’s only son."

Murong Lan sighed faintly: "You may have overestimated my position in Liu Yu's heart, and also overestimated the position of my son in his heart. Liu Yu is a noble and upright person, for his own ideals and his own Perseverance, there is nothing that can not be sacrificed and given up. He does not seek family power, love and wealth, but only to realize his dream of equality between all and the world. He is not our kind of family who puts the family above everything. People, even if you hold Yizhen as a hostage at the top of the city, he won’t hesitate at all, but will attack the city!” Gu

Heipao's eyes flashed coldly: "Yes, he is determined to take Guanggu this time, so whether it is you or Xiao Yizhen, you will not be able to stop him if you put it at the top of the city. But if Guanggu falls. , The whole city falls into his hands, then the lives of you and his son can be a bargaining chip to leave part of our Murong clan's lives, because at this time, you have to change your identity and no longer be the eldest princess of the Murong clan. , But Liu Yu's wife, the mother of his only son now!"

Muronglan looked at the black robe: "Do you want me to use Yizhen as a bargaining chip to plead with Liu Yu to save as many people as possible?"

Heipao nodded: "That's right, so I don't want you to continue fighting. I just need you to stay with Yizheng and wait for the final result. If the city is broken, it is you holding Yizhen. , It’s time to go out of the city to make peace with Liu Yu. At this time, if you can fight for more people’s lives, you can fight for a little more. Fight to death together, and the women and children, especially the children, will be left to you!"

As he said, he turned to face behind him and said in a deep voice: "Fifth floor, don't you hurry up to send Princess Lan back to the palace?"

Muronglan said coldly: "Big brother, don’t do this. I have feet and can walk on my own. General Gongsun is a titan, and he can be of great use in this battle. He should appear in the city to fight instead of escorting one. The woman who can act on her own returns to the palace."

As she spoke, she turned around and walked down the inner city, while Gongsun's military salute on the fifth floor looked respectfully, watching her walk towards the palace of the inner city, accompanied by several female guards.

When Gongsun straightened up on the fifth floor, the respectful look on his face had disappeared. He walked to the black robe and whispered: "Master, did you really let Princess Lan leave like this? Guzhen is broken, I'm afraid Liu Yu won't be able to protect her..."

Heipao's white eyebrows raised slightly: "Stupid, I don't even know how to distinguish between aggressive generals and please! For your kind of stuff, you can just order directly. Can this method be used for Princess Lan?"

Gongsun opened his eyes wide on the fifth floor: "Master, what do you mean?"

Hei Pao said coldly: "Alan is a man of love and righteousness. Even if he stays in the city, facing the generals of the Beifu army and facing Liu Yu, it is still impossible to kill the killer. This time is different from before, Liu Yu anxious. To return to the teacher to quell the rebellion, I have come desperately, even regardless of the lives of his subordinates, and went crazy to attack the city. Even at the head of the city, it is impossible for Alan to stop the Jin army’s attack as before. Therefore, I directly prevented her from defending at the front of the city like the last time. Because this trick is useless. As a general, assassin, she is all top-notch. In this battle, I need to use her military talent!"

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