Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3212: Lead the cavalry out of the city to attack

Murong Zhen's eyes widened in shock. He looked at the black robe incredulously and shook his head: "You, you are not crazy, Princess Lan, Princess Lan is your sister, and has been your most powerful assistant for so many years. , The relationship with you is better than your biological son, how can you..."

Heipao suddenly roared: "But she is also Liu Yu's wife, and even gave birth to a son for Liu Yu. From the moment that little kid was born, she was no longer our Murong member, but a real I became a member of the Liu family!"

Murong Zhen swallowed: "Well, where did you start? That child was born in our Murong tribe, and even Liu Yu didn't even know about it."

Heipao's mood calmed down a bit, and his usual coldness was restored. His eyes shone, and he said solemnly: "This kind of thing can't be kept for too long. Liu Yu knew she was pregnant before, and Murong was pregnant when she left the city last time. Lan has given birth, and Liu Yu must know this. Anyway, her son is a huge hidden danger, even if it is a daughter, I would not do this!"

Murong Zhen sighed and said, "Are you afraid that after Liu Yu will destroy our Dayan, he will adopt this Murong Lan's son as the head of the Murong clan, and use his own son to rule us?"

Hei Pao gritted his teeth: "This is the most likely thing. If we retreat from the Jin army, then the next step is to negotiate a peace. I know Liu Yu's behavior very well. He can accept the terms of the negotiation and he must be someone he can trust. To take over Dayan, whether it is Murong Lan, or his and Murong Lan's son, is the person he can accept. Otherwise, whether it is me, you, or Murong Chao, he will not agree."

Murong Zhen said disapprovingly: "If we defeat Liu Yu and force him to retreat, what should we discuss with him at that time? It would be good not to chase him down."

Hei Pao sneered: "Even if Liu Yu fails this siege, he won't be defeated like Huan Wen. Even if his army goes back, leaving behind the powerful Han people from all over Qingzhou, he only needs to give some rations and equipment. Let these people continue to stand on their own feet and become enemies with us. Now you know the situation of our Dayan. There are no more than 80,000 soldiers. I don’t know how many people will die after this battle. Even if Liu Yu is defeated at that time, Beiyou Qiang Wei, there are Han tycoons in it. If Liu Yu returns next year, what block do we have? Even if we want to return to Liaodong, there will be thousands of big ships to transport our 200,000 Xianbei people back. This is with him Is it okay not to cooperate?"

Murong Zhen frowned: "But, even if you plan to kill Murong Lan's mother and son, how can Liu Yu and you have the hatred of murdering his wife and hurting his son?"

Hei Pao said coldly: "So, we can't kill Murong Lan by ourselves like we killed Zhang Gang's mother. We have to let her lead the soldiers in the battle. Then, think of a way to let her die on the battlefield, so Liu Yu can't blame others. Will regret it."

Murong Zhen smiled slightly: "You have arrangements for this? Not so, you seem to just use a radical command to make Murong Lan want to fight. She is a martial artist, and there are hundreds of elites who are willing to die for it. Death warrior, even if Kaesong is going to fight now, it is not easy to want her life."

Speaking of this, Murong Zhen paused: "What's more, as Liu Yu's wife, her deputy has been in the Beifu Army for many years. Many of the rising stars of the Beifu Army are those who have grown up in her own hands. Such as mothers and sisters in law, they really want to fight. I am afraid that these people will not be able to put down assassins, even if Liu Yu's strict orders are the same. When the city was attacked the other day, didn't these generals automatically stop attacking when they saw her at the head of the city?"

Heipao said coldly: "These are not things you have to worry about. I will naturally arrange, King Guiyang, all you have to do is to ride out through the north gate with all armor. This south gate I have to deal with Liu Yu personally. At the east gate, Gongsun has already been sent to the fifth floor. At the west city, I will arrange for Helan Lu to take over. Our Dayan’s iron cavalry is the biggest advantage, and it is also a critical moment that can break the enemy’s attack. The trick of the city troops."

Murong Zhen shook his head: "It's absolutely impossible. Now the three directions are so dark. Only this Beicheng direction has no movement. The Jin army is obviously surrounded by three and one. There may be a large number of ambushes in Beicheng. In an ambush, maybe even the armor will be lost!"

Heipao smiled slightly: "There must be an ambush for the three and one missing, but this ambush is to ambush and intercept our army to escape to the north. In other words, when Guanggu City cannot be defended, when it is fleeing outside, an ambush will be arranged. To capture the people out of the city, you need to set up an ambush. It will inevitably be in a dangerous valley or a lush woodland. Look, in the north city, is this the case?"

Murong Zhen said thoughtfully: "There is a large forest road only five miles away from the city gate. If you want to set up an ambush, UU reading www.uukanshu.com should be there. Otherwise, three to five miles outside the city On the plain, there are many places in the north of Zishui, which surrounds the city. The Jin army has no battalions or formations. This ambush is at least three miles outside the city gate. It must be in the woodland!"

Heipao nodded: "That's it. You didn't go out of the city to escape to the north, but to circle the city, and then run across the Jin army's siege from the flanks. What I want you to do is directly from the direction of Xicheng. Go around and attack the siege soldiers who attacked the enemy Xicheng, understand?"

Murong Zhen laughed: "Now I have about 10,000 armored horses under my hands. They are all arranged according to yours. I am ready in the inner city and can be dispatched at any time. I just have to go through the city gate. In one hour, although the invincible army appeared within three miles, if it takes too long to go out of the city, the enemy will find our intention. If the ambush in the woodland is exhausted, it is our army that is cut off."

Heipao smiled slightly: "I've considered this a long time ago. When you go to Beicheng and see the guard Duan Tianya, he will naturally tell you how to get out of the city in a quarter of an hour, go."

Murong Zhen said solemnly: "Then how do we return to the city after we defeated the Jin army that was attacking the city outside the city?"

Heipao said indifferently: "If the Jin army collapses, it will flee back to the Changwei. You can take the opportunity to chase and drive the defeated army to destroy the Changwei and the camp, but don’t chase too far. Ten miles is enough. When the troops collapsed, the siege was broken, and we had to retreat back to China. At that time, it was time for us to discuss peace with Liu Yu. Alan had my own way to deal with it. In the Jin army, I am afraid that some people would like her more than me. To die!"

Murong Zhen turned and walked down the tower. His voice followed the wind: "Heipao, I believe you for the last time. Remember, this time we are fighting for Dayan and Murong. Don't forget who you are!"

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