Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3216: Reminiscing about the first thing

Murong Chui smiled and looked at He Lanmin: "Minmin, do you want to go back twenty-six years ago, and become the number one beauty in the grassland?"

He Lanmin nodded excitedly: "Of course, appearance is everything about a woman. I have enough glory and wealth. Now I just want to be who I was back then. I had no choice but to make a deal with you. Time, I want to be myself!"

Murong Chui smiled slightly: "But you said, are you willing to continue to be my slave and listen to my drive? If I continue to command you, drive you, and let you continue to be my apostle as I have done for thirty years, Are you willing?"

He Lanmin was taken aback for a moment, stood up slowly from the ground, looked at Murongchui, shook his head and said: "You, you are not Yuhuadengxian, you have become a god, and you will no longer be in that heavenly alliance, a god. What should a mortal care about with me. I'm afraid, you don't need me to be an apostle."

A shuddering chill flashed in Murongchui's eyes. What He Lanmin wanted to say next was so cold that Bing was directly in his throat, only to hear the black robe coldly say: "Could it be that the gods and Buddhas all over the sky? Need a human apostle? So, what are the Buddhists and Taoists worshipped? Minmin, you should be fortunate that you will become the closest mortal to the gods, but this also requires you to take on the corresponding responsibilities, absolutely not like you As expected..."

Having said that, he took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and held He Lanmin’s chin, the eagle-like eyes, staring tightly at the eyes that He Lanmin tried to avoid, he suddenly laughed: "You think I'm soaring into Once you’ve become a god, you won’t be in this world anymore. After playing Liu Yu, I disappeared. Then before I disappeared, you asked about the way to return you to a sixteen-year-old girl, and you also mastered the ability to rejuvenate and rejuvenate. The eternal law, then in this world, you will become a living god, enough to make all the kings and princes worship under your pomegranate skirt, right?"

He Lanmin’s eyes no longer escaped, simply looking at Murongchui. Just now he was pretending to have deep and affectionate eyes full of love, but at this moment he was full of grudges: "My enemy, I will eat it for you in this life. All your careful thoughts can’t be kept from you. No matter, if you really want to find an apostle in the world and ask someone to be driven by you, then I’m willing, as long as you can really become the master of the world like you said What's wrong with being driven by such a god?"

But at this point, she suddenly pushed Murongchui's hand away, stepped back two steps, and her expression became grim: "However, even if you have the art of returning to youth, even if you have the art of rejuvenation, you don’t seem to be sure. Can you win Liu Yu and his army? Or, you can show me two more years to see if you can let the sky thunder, landslides, and meteorites, and wipe out all Liu Yu’s siege soldiers. chant."

Murong Chui smiled slightly and shook his head: "Minmin is Minmin, a born actress and actor. You can swear by each other in the last moment, and turn your face ruthless in the next moment. If I were a teenager in my twenties, I would definitely be fascinated by you. I'm overwhelmed and disregarded for my family and country. I probably understand now why Tuobagui would hate you that way and treat you that way. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is because of love."

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "Love? He loves me? He only possesses me and only uses it. If he really loves me, he will devise a strategy to throw me at so many stinky men to bully when he was in Daning City? I don’t have any responsibility at all, but I still dislike it..." Gu

Murongchui kept smiling and looked at He Lanmin. Suddenly, He Lanmin realized something, widened his eyes, stepped forward, grabbed Murongchui's black robe's chest, and said sharply: "Could it be that what happened back then? ..."

Murong Chui said calmly: "Minmin, I don't have to lie to you anymore. That's right, what happened back then was Murong Lin's arrangement. This is his deal with Tuobagui!"

There were tears in He Lanmin's eyes. Her hands were trembling lightly, with a choked voice in her voice: "Why, why do you want to do this, why do you do this to me?!"

Murong Chui sighed: "Because Murong Lin knew that I was only using him to temporarily stabilize the northern border, and would never really give him great power. He wanted to keep the army, so he could only let Tuobagui exist and rebel. But a unity Tuobagui in the grassland is not something he can handle with confidence. He is also afraid that he can't control the game too much. Instead, the Tuoba tribe will become a huge threat to Dayan. Therefore, he must find a way to separate the Tuoba tribe and the Helan tribe. , And you are the link between the Helan Tribe and the Tuoba Tribe!"

"Muronglin likes you, too. Tuobagui knew this, and even offered to give you to Muronglin for his great cause to show his sincerity in cooperation. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but Muronglin was unwilling. He said, your heart is on Tuobagui's body, even those who get you will not get your heart. He Lanmin like this is what he doesn't want. What he wants is a heart-to-heart, complete love. He, attached to his He Lanmin!"

He Lanmin bit her lip tightly: "So, what he did was to throw me at the sergeants of the Xiyan and Dugu Department, let me be bullied by dozens of stinky men, and let Tuobagui from now on. Despise me, leave me, and then he will come in again, use my vengeance to cooperate with him?!"

Murongchui nodded: "As my most powerful and ambitious son, now you finally know what kind of person he is. My energy at the time was to be spent on cooperating with Doupeng and messing up the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the south. I can’t take care of the whole north, so I can only let my son of a **** take charge of the affairs of the north. Perhaps, this is the biggest mistake of my life. His ability to create chaos and trouble far exceeds the ability of Anbang to build a country! Me and Like you, you are all victims."

He Lanmin suddenly sneered: "Murongchui, it will be more than 20 years ago, maybe I will really believe you, but now, I can't fool you by making up a story. Muronglin is dead long ago. For many years, it couldn’t be easier to put the blame on a dead person. It’s not your instruction and plan. How can an ordinary prince dare to make a claim for this kind of Northern military affairs? Collusion with Tuobagui, will you tolerate him?!"

Murong Chui sighed: "You overestimated my control. Murong Lan was still sent by me to monitor Liu Yu. What was the result? Instead, she influenced Liu Yu and captured me, saying that my family betrayed me. It is not Murong Lin who is the most powerful, but my most important sister!"

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