Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3223: Offensive and defensive east city 1 trigger

Gongsun said on the fifth floor: "I originally brought some earth sacs to guard against the enemy’s fire. Now it seems that I don’t need them anymore. However, if it is really critical, I will use these catapults to throw the earth sacs out of the city. You can also kill some of the enemy sergeants who climbed the city, what do you think?"

Helan Harim waved his hand and pointed to the head of the city: "The second red flag tree has risen. The enemy is already 300 steps closer to the city. I have to go up. You can do it yourself here. Don't add chaos. Just repel the Jin army. I will give you some credit!"

Gongsun smiled on the fifth floor and pressed his hands on his chest, and gave a military salute to Helan Harim: "Then General, I wish General Harim a victory and make new contributions. If you need my help, just issue the flag according to the regulations. Me and my subordinates listen to your dispatch at any time!"

Helan Harim smiled and patted Gongsun’s shoulder on the fifth floor: "Okay, if we can't hold the top of the city with thousands of elites, what use are you more than a hundred people? Let us beat the drum here. Just cheer, oh, what you said is sack attacking the enemy, it’s not a bad idea, just adjust the distance, don’t hit our own people at the head of our city, should I leave some sergeants who operate catapults to help you?! "

Gongsun shook his head on the fifth floor: "No, these guards of mine are all good at handling catapults. You've seen them before during martial arts performances. Well, because I have been fighting in the back, my guards don’t need to be like Armored riders or your men and horses need to be as good as melee combat. This is their ability to feed themselves."

Helan Harim nodded with satisfaction: "Then I will trouble you here. By the way, you can also supervise the team here. If there is someone who escapes before a fight, you can kill on the spot, no matter who it is. It is the same whether it is a soldier from the Helan tribe or a palace guard!"

Gongsun smiled slightly on the fifth floor: "Okay, I'm good at this. However, I think General Harim's subordinates, as well as this thousand palace guards, must be heroes who would rather die than escape. Living and dying with their own positions."

Helan Harim smiled and turned around and walked to a wooden box in the middle of the city wall. His voice came downwind, full of breath: "Do your thing, Gongsun fifth floor, the contribution after the war will be no less. yours!"

Gongsun smiled and pressed his hands on his chest on the fifth floor, and bowed. When his body straightened up, the wooden box Helan Harim walked into had already risen from the ground and ascended to the top of the city along the ropeway. On his face, he put on a mocking and disdainful expression, murmured: "Go, die for honor."

A guard walked to Gongsun's fifth floor and whispered: "Master on the fifth floor, are we going to pack the catapult into a big bag and hit the city?"

Gongsun said coldly on the fifth floor: “Don’t worry, get ready first, and wait until Harim can’t stand the Jin army’s attack on the city. Head, can you do it?"

A trace of killing intent flashed in the eyes of the guards: "No problem, just these old guards?"

Gongsun's fifth floor hooked his mouth with disdain: "As a child of the Dayan nobleman, it is not an honor to die for the country and die well? Cover my mouth tightly. After the war, if you use this trick, just say It was Helan Harim who did it. Who dares to reveal half a word, and the whole family will go on the road together!"

The body of the guard shook slightly and quickly saluted and retreated. Suddenly, there was a scream of killing from outside the city. It seemed that thousands of army boots were stomping on the ground quickly, even here, there is a thick gap between them. The wall of the city can also be heard clearly, and the third blue flag on the top of the city also fell and turned into a red flag, accompanied by the hoarse roar of the soldiers watching the city head: "The enemy is attacking the city, the city is close to a hundred... ..."

His voice hadn't been yelled out yet, only a "Woo" was heard. The observation sentry who turned his head and shouted at the city shot an arrow through his neck. While covering his neck, he screamed and staggered for two steps. Finally, from The top of the high city fell straight down, from the wooden box of Helan Harim Upper City, less than three feet away, fell heavily to the root of the city wall, and suddenly became a pile of mud. There is no human form.

Gongsun's gaze on the fifth floor followed the wooden compartment where Helan Harim was about to rise to the top of the city, and he muttered: "Old man, you can fight for a bit, don't force me to make a big move!"

Fifty steps outside the city, Liu Huaishen put down the big bow in his hand, the bowstring was still swaying slightly, and the guards on one side cheered loudly: "General's arrow, when this arrow passes, the enemy sentry will be killed. It's Liu Dashuai's clan brother."

"That is, our general is a compatriot with the handsome man, so naturally he will not be weak. This arrow is just a small test. If Helan Harim comes up~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he will also be ordered by him. Fate!"

Liu Huaishen looked glamorous and nodded: "You little rascals show me a good look, where is Helan Harim, tell me right away, I promised Brother Tang that I will avenge him!"

Hu Jiujiu's voice sounded from Liu Huaishen's side: "General Liu, Brother Changmin has an order, this time your Chinese military guards don't attack the city, let us come!"

Liu Huaishen’s face changed slightly, turning his head and looking behind him, he didn’t see anyone behind him at first glance. He didn’t see anyone behind him until he looked down two feet before seeing a four-foot-tall dwarf with soft armor all over his body. There are a bunch of dwarfs who are the same four or five feet tall, and most of them are only half of the height of the heavy armored infantry under his men. There are more than ten people carrying the ladder, and some of them don’t hold it. The long fang with its head, caught in a pile of sergeants of normal height, rushed towards the city wall.

Liu Huaishen frowned: "Is it Hu Jiujiu Hu, the subordinate of Changmin Brother? Didn't he say that before, he helped me attack the city, and still let me take the lead?"

Hu Jiujiu grinned: "The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. I originally asked General Liu to attack the city to cover our tactics of digging tunnels and sinking the city wall. It's a pity that the vast solid walls of this terrible day have the city foundation deep into the ground. K, the brother digging the tunnel under us also suffered more than half of the casualties because the tunnel collapsed. This time, it was a direct attack, and my brothers and I were the vanguards this time!"

A guard next to Liu Huaishen sneered: "I said Xiaowei Hu, this siege requires strength, and only warriors like Tang Fang can rush to it. You are short, and you are good at digging holes and tunnels, but this attack. Let's forget about the city. We reload the infantry and we are a tall man. This is suitable for attacking the city. I said Lieutenant Hu, let us go first."

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