Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3303: Ghost soldiers leave the city to shock everyone

With this roar from Kubilai, he staggered and walked into a cave with an axe, and behind him, more than 700 soldiers with inferior weapons in their hands, There are even a lot of rusted knives with cracks on the blade, and a pile of rust falls with every wave. This appearance makes all Yan Jun gently shake their heads and sigh, because as long as anyone with eyes knows, When these people go out, it is like sheep entering the tiger's mouth, that is, to deliver vegetables.

But these people have high fighting spirit, and the potion they drink seems to be the best stimulant, making them excited, shouting all kinds of swearing words, even bursts of wolf howling, some bare feet The sergeant walked directly over the broken ceramic bowls that had been smashed to the ground. The shards cut their feet into openings, and the blood was all over the floor, but these people did not seem to hurt themselves, still With great strides forward, when hundreds of people walked through the open space in front of the city wall like this, the broken porcelain on this large area had already turned into powder, mixed with the bloodstains they left behind, making people feel free in their hearts. An inexplicable fear. . .

Beside Murong Lan, a lieutenant general came over and looked at the backs of these people who had already walked into the caves, and whispered: "Princess Lan, their feet are injured, can they still fight? Do you want to call first? Come back and bandage it, or you'll die first if you can't touch the enemy."

Another small school said disapprovingly: "I think these Dingling people will surrender to the Jin army after they go out, and they have no plans to come back."

Murong Lan said coldly, "It's true that he won't come back. Look at the bloodstains on the ground."

The two of them looked around and were stunned for a while, because they didn't pay attention to this just now, and their attention was all on the bodies of these Goguryeo people. Now, when they looked at them, they found that the blood was still bright red or dark red when they flowed out just now. The child has turned purple and black, and there is a faint smell of fishy smell, which is getting heavier and heavier, and even covers the burning corpse fragments.

The lieutenant named Ke Erbai said in surprise: "Could it be that these people were poisoned, in the potions sent by the national teachers..."

Murong Lan sighed softly: "The national division can use all possible ways to fight, so don't worry about it. Don't ask. Send the order to withdraw the defenders at the head of the city, and don't leave a single one behind."

The junior officer named Gugeer was about to blow his trumpet to give orders, but he was suddenly stunned and said in surprise: "What, there will be no guards at the head of the city. If the enemy forces attack the city, we..."

Murong Lan shook her head: "After these Dingling people are out of the city, I can guarantee that the Jin army will not want to climb the city wall again!"

Before Murong Lan could finish speaking, there was a heavy sound of falling fences. The iron fences fell on the back of these hidden soldier caves, completely separating these soldiers from the caves. On the other side of the city wall, The bricks and stones fell one after another, and the soldiers in the Tibetan Soldier Cave roared and pushed down and smashed the first layer of city bricks that were more than a foot thick. From Murong Lan's point of view, you could clearly see through these open city walls. , to see the situation outside the city.

Thousands of soldiers of the Jin army, fully equipped with leather armor, iron helmets, carrying cloud ladders, were charging towards the city wall. In front of them, the unextinguished black fire was still burning. His face was disgraced, and his armor and skin were even smeared with wet mud, so that he could dash through the black demon fire, and everyone's eyes flashed with fierce murderous intent.

The twenty or so people headed by them saw that more than ten holes suddenly appeared at the bottom of the city wall. He came and shot these Dingling soldiers who rushed out of the city fiercely.

Three or four long arrows were nailed to Kubilai's chest and shoulders at once. At the distance of sixty or seventy paces, these arrows were directly nailed to his body. But Kubilai didn't realize it, as if these long arrows were not shot at him. With a wave of his battle axe, several long arrows stuck on his body, the arrow shafts fell in response to the axe, and he was confused. The voice, following the south wind, drifted into the city from the gap between the fences of the Tibetan Soldiers Cave, and entered the ears of the stunned crowd: "Wu'er, grandpa is here!"

Murong Lan raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "Close the cave and completely block it."

Gugeer woke up like a dream, and immediately blew the horn, and on the top of the cave above the Tibetan army, the soil bag and sand that had been prepared suddenly fell, just like the concrete of later generations. , was completely blocked, and with the mud and sandbags that rustled down, the last scene everyone saw was the Dingling people who rushed out. Many even threw away their weapons and rushed towards them like mad dogs. The Jin army soldiers on the opposite side.

Ke Erbai shook his head in disbelief. As the deputy general of the fifth floor of Gongsun, he had seen a lot of brutal killings, but he had never experienced such a thing as a longevity demon. The kind of spiritual shock made him also. He became petrified in an instant, and even forgot how to speak, Murong Lan's voice coldly penetrated into his ears: "General Ke Erbai, I will leave this to you for the time being, if Helan Gang and the others at the city head arrive, they will also Please go down to the city as soon as possible, and don't stay on it, this is the order of the national division."

She said, turned and walked towards the mount ten paces away. Ta Xuebai was just like her. She was wearing silver armor all over her body. She was digging her hoofs uneasy, and her mouth was snorting. Obviously, she had entered a state of battle. .

Ke Erbai suddenly reacted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned his head to Murong Lan and said, "Princess Lan, where are you going, you don't want to..."

Murong Lan got on her horse, picked up a bright silver horse lance, and rode the horse in the direction of Wengcheng: "This matter is over, I will go to help elsewhere."

Ke Erbai looked at Murong Lan's figure, together with the twenty or so cavalry guards behind her, disappeared in the dust of the sky and disappeared on the road to Wengcheng, Guge's voice sounded in his ear: " General Ke Erbai, there are still more than 20 bowls of the potion that Dingling people drink, how to deal with it?"

Ke Erbai suddenly snorted and turned to look at the ground on the side. There were still more than 20 bowls of black and steaming medicinal soup, and on the edge of these bowls, a large wooden bowl filled with soup. The bucket, he shouted: "Quick, quick to dump all these **** medicinal soups, no, throw them all into these ghost fires for me, I don't want to see it again!"

As he said that, he rushed forward with a stride, picked up a bowl, and threw it into the remains of the corpse that was still burning on the side. , The smell of rotten duck eggs permeates everywhere, shrouding the city in a faint and strange smoke.


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