Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3363: Beicheng does not see Beihaiwang

Helan Lu nodded: "That should be the case, the iron cavalry is kept in the city, it is definitely not for breaking out of the siege, but when the siege is the most intense, it will kill Liu Yu's siege elite in one fell swoop, and only in this way can The siege was cleared in the First World War, and Liu Yu's siege army was defeated, and even Liu Yu dared not come again for a few years this year, or more than ten years."

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Big brother is big brother, think of the battle of Dragon City, the first-born Dayan defeated the master of more than 100,000 tigers and wolves in one fell swoop, the big demon king Shihu, probably the same. He should be the black robe. I want to recreate the past, and now I understand his intentions. The breakthrough of Beicheng must be a test of the strength of the Jin army. If there is no Jin army in Beicheng, it will sweep the east and west cities and force Liu Yu to invest reinforcements in these two cities. direction."

Helan Lu smiled slightly: "Liu Yu's heavy troops and the main formation are still here in Nancheng, and now his central army still has not dispatched the main force, but he has drawn some troops and horses to support the offensive and defensive battle of Dongcheng, and this time Liu Jingxuan After the siege, he sent thousands of troops from the Central Army to support the former army to supplement the losses, but now his Central Army still has about 20,000 troops that have not been dispatched, and it is also his general reserve team. Only then can this army be dispatched, otherwise..."

Murong Lan frowned: "On the contrary, if you want to counterattack from the city and attack Liu Yu, you have to transfer his troops and horses away, so as to have the opportunity to directly attack his commanding station, right?"

Helan Lu's eyes flashed coldly: "That's right, the success or failure of this battle lies here, and now the black robe moves first, to force Liu Yu to expose the reality of the North City and his main attack direction. A full-scale attack, then our iron cavalry will really strike."

Murong Lan nodded: "When the time comes, the killing formation you set up in this urn city will be launched in one fell swoop, right?"

Helan Lu smiled slightly: "That's right, when the time comes, I will ask Princess Lan to help me!"

Murong Lan didn't answer this, she looked in the direction of Beicheng and murmured, "Murong Zhen, can he see this situation?"

Beicheng, inside the city gate.

Gongsun's fifth floor, with more than 20 accompanying horses, galloped all the way, and saw He Lanmin's petite body, which was particularly obvious next to Wang Mengzi's giant gorilla-like figure. The man, gestured something, in the open space behind the city, about 2,000 cavalry in armor and cavalry are standing still, plus the auxiliary horses, there are four or five thousand cavalry, fifty cavalry are lined up in a line formation.

Regardless of the people and horses, under the sun shining past noon, they were all motionless, even the horses didn't even breathe a sigh of relief. All the soldiers can only be described as a deaf ear, as if this war has nothing to do with them. .

The corner of Gongsun Wulou's mouth hooked, and he muttered to himself: "As expected of the armored cavalry, the most elite cavalry in the world, the outcome of this battle depends on them, eh, but why are there only two here? There are more than a thousand cavalry, and Murong Zhen is not there."

A shadow flashed in his heart, he rode his horse forward, came to He Lanmin's side, looked at the general, nodded and said, "Murong Lin, where is your father?"

This general is the second son of Murong Town and the younger brother of Murong Huojibu who was killed in the Dongcheng battle. He stayed in the city as a guard with the elder brother. In fact, the nature of the hostages is somewhat different. The other sons and nephews of Murong Town , all stayed by his side, this Murong Lin was his lieutenant and a fierce general in the armored cavalry. During the battle of Linqu, he briefly served under Gongsun's fifth floor, and he was considered an acquaintance.

Murong Lin looked at Gongsun Fifth Floor, a terrifying cold light flashed in his eyes, mixed with hatred, and disappeared in a flash, causing Gongsun Fifth Floor's heart to tremble slightly, but in an instant, Murong Lin returned to his usual demeanor. , gave a military salute to the fifth floor of Gongsun: "I have seen the adults on the fifth floor."

When Gongsun Wulou was in Linqu, he was the general of Zhennan, and Murong Lin also called him General Gongsun. Now he has become the fifth floor adult. Although it is still a respectful title, he has obviously lost his respect as a soldier. Gongsun The fifth floor was about to have an attack, but when he thought to himself, he didn't have a formal military position right now, and it seemed like he really didn't have anything to call him other than the tribal title like an adult. He coughed dryly and said, "Murong Lin, Did your father go to support other places? I have a military order from the national division here for him to pick it up."

He Lanmin said: "Master on the fifth floor, now Murong Town, the King of the North Sea, has another mission and is not here, but before he left, he had already received an order from the national division. We used it to complete this mission."

The complexion of Gongsun Fifth Floor changed: "What, the order of the national teacher has arrived in advance?"

Murong Lin nodded and said, "Yes, half an hour ago, my father received an order, this team was specially prepared for you, and now the work of leaving the city has been completed, as long as you give an order, you can open the door. Break through."

The corner of Gongsun's fifth floor's mouth ticked: "I said Xiao Linzi, this is a major military matter, and I can't make a joke. I have to ask you first, what is the order given to you by the national teacher?"

Murong Lin said sternly: "Although the last general is not talented, he has fought with the army for many years. At this time, it is even more impossible to make jokes about the military order, but it is the Lord of the Fifth Floor. Mrs. Helan also came here with the token of the Helan Department, and will need to test your tiger talisman at the end."

Gongsun Wulou sneered and said: "Xiao Linzi, do you think that I can't give orders to you if I don't have a military post now? I asked your father where to go to discuss the next battle plan. Can you afford this responsibility? "

Murong Lin said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "The order I received at the end was to **** the Fifth Floor Lord and Mrs. Helan out of the city. If there is a chance, they will go all the way north to the border of the Helan Department in the north. If there is no chance, they will withdraw to the city. This Is there a problem with the order?"

Gongsun Fifth Floor's eyes rolled: "Isn't the national teacher explaining the actions of your father's follow-up soldiers and horses?"

Murong Lin smiled slightly: "Father's follow-up action is a military secret, and it was ordered by the national master to father and commander alone, and the last commander is unknown."

Gongsun Wulou gritted his teeth: "Who came to give the order? Are you sure it was the order of the national teacher?"

Murong Lin's face changed slightly, and he put away his smile: "National teacher, please have at least confidence in the command of my Dayan soldiers. Such an important military order cannot be faked. If you don't want to lead me to break through, you can now. Order to dissolve, and then you go and ask the national teacher in person!"

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