Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3386: 5th Floor, Tie Xin, go west

Gongsun Liuxiu's voice sounded behind Gongsun's fifth floor: "Fifth brother, everything is ready, are we going now?"

Gongsun Wulou shook his head: "What's the hurry, we're not going to charge behind Beihai King's troops, let them charge first, the bigger the momentum, the better, the harder they fight, the better chance we have."

Gongsun Liuxiu walked to the fifth floor of Gongsun. He waved his hand and signaled the dozen or so guards around him to step back. Within a thirty-foot radius, only the two of them were left. Gongsun Liuxiu said in a low voice: "Fifth brother, there is no turning back for this attack. If we really go straight to Houqin this time, we will never be able to return to Dayan. If it's all of us, it's okay to say, it's just these armored cavalry... …”

When he said this, he looked at the formation under the city, one person and two horses, more than a thousand armored riders who were silent, but with a faint murderous intent, shook his head.

Gongsun Wulou gritted his teeth: "As long as you rush out, everything is easy to say, I have the token of the black robe in my hand, and I will say that I am going to meet the reinforcements of Hou Qin and Han Fan. Are you afraid that they will not follow? "

Gongsun Liuxiu sighed: "But their wives and children are still in Guanggu City after all, even if the military orders can make them reluctantly believe, but if they come back to save their wives and children, then we can't control them either."

Gongsun Wulou sneered and said, "Have you lived in vain for so many years? Most of our Xianbei women were looted and looted, not like those Han people who were famous matchmakers who were married and talked about their feelings, and Houyan fled from Yecheng back then. At that time, almost all the soldiers and soldiers left the old and weak women and children who were inconvenient to move to escape the Yellow River to establish Dayan. This time, it was just a repeat of what happened in the past, not to mention telling them that as long as the reinforcements arrived, the Guanggu would be able to escape. The siege will be lifted naturally, and if they really want to reach the Central Plains, they won’t think about coming back anymore.”

Gongsun Liuxiu gritted his teeth: "That said, can he really hide from the black robe this time? He won't be completely unguarded against us."

Gongsun Wulou curled his lips disdainfully: "He just wants us to try out the enemy's movement, I have been paying attention to this wave of Mu Yugang's troops, they came from the direction of Xicheng, and they obviously left. After a while, you can tell from the sweat on their horses."

Gongsun Liuxiu's eyes widened: "I can tell you this, fifth brother, how did you do it?"

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "Mu Yugang's horse is a sweaty horse. It is different from other ordinary horses. You can roughly tell how long and how far you have run from the amount of sweat. Just now they were galloping at full speed. After about half an hour, there were five or six miles of land, which proved that they did not come out from a nearby hidden place. From the direction and the smoke, they should have come from the Xicheng area. Hmph, this old man in Murong Town wants to hide his own. Whereabouts, but still love the child, and finally exposed."

Gongsun Liuxiu said thoughtfully: "So, the main force of the King of the North Sea is actually placed in Xicheng? Instead of attacking after us. But the terrain of Xicheng, how could it be possible to kill when the enemy is attacking the city? What's more, the terrain of Xicheng is that there are high mountains outside, even if the cavalry rushes out of the city gate, they will not be able to deploy. When the Jin army rushes down from the mountain, how can they be stopped by the armored cavalry that only fights on the spot?"

Gongsun Wulou curled the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "That's what Hei Pao and Murong Zhen are considering, maybe Murong Zhen is just a **** of Hei Pao, to lure the main force of the Jin army and Zhang Gang's wooden armor. Hei Pao might want to attack from Nancheng and go straight to Liu Yu. However, we don’t need to worry about these things, we just need to be ourselves. If Hei Pao can really hold on to this time, it will be a heavy loss. To get through the connection with the west and build a world in the Central Plains, then he still has to cooperate with us."

Gongsun Liuxiu laughed: "It's still what the fifth brother thought, but..."

Having said that, he looked at He Lanmin and Wang Mengzi who were at the end and were about to enter the dust, and frowned slightly: "Mrs. Helan is following Xiao Linzi to the north, they just whispered together for a long time, I I think this woman seems to have noticed something, it seems..."

Gongsun Wulou's eyes flashed coldly: "I know Xiao Linzi very well, this guy is just a muscle, he has a martial arts skill, but he didn't learn his father's contingency, that's why Murong Zhen sent Mu Yugang. I came here for him to explore the way. If the Jin army was in an ambush, it would be Mu Yugang as a scapegoat. Hehe, Zhizi Mo Rufa is really right."

Gongsun Liuxiu gritted his teeth: "But, in case they and He Lanmin are both in Beicheng, Murong Zhen will follow us..."

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "That has nothing to do with us, we don't even care about the black robe, and we are afraid of him being Murong Zhen? Besides, after this battle, if the Jin army wins, then Guanggu will not be a jerk. Stay, even if Dayan wins, do you think the black robe can still hold him in Murong Town? He will definitely try to kill him and take back the armored cavalry. We stay here, it will be a dead end, and the black robe will temporarily appease him. Murong Zhen, he will definitely tell them about Dongcheng, then we can really say that there is no place for burial."

Gongsun Liuxiu grinned and said, "The fifth brother is still thoughtful, so let's go west with all our strength now, and we don't have to pretend to meet Murong Lin and He Lanmin?"

Gongsun Wulou nodded: "He Lanmin must have seen something~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But she still has the intention of breaking out of the siege and returning to the Helan Department, so she has to give it a try at the risk of death. I know, we won't take her to the north. Even if we rush out with us, it's just a useless burden. However, she has a very powerful thug by her side. Even if she can't rush out, she should be able to protect her and kill her back. , However, by then, we have successfully broken out of the encirclement and gone far."

Gongsun Liuxiu smiled and said, "But what if this woman comes back to meet us halfway?"

Gongsun Fifth Floor was stunned for a moment, and then he muttered to himself: "Yes, how could I forget this?"

A wicked smile suddenly flashed on his face: "So, it's better, Sixth Cultivation, remember, He Lanmin is optional, but the baby carried by the thug beside her is very important. With this child in hand, maybe we can talk to Liu Yu about the transaction in the future."

Having said this, he whispered: "Remember, if the thug follows, he may quickly lose control and attack us or even He Lanmin. When the time comes, he will be killed on the spot and the child will be snatched over. He Lanmin can die, but This child must live, understand?"

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