Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3407: Ritian Artifact Broken Iron Cavalry

Sun Chu was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened with a look of doubt, but he realized that he couldn't see the result when he looked at Zhu Lingshi's face, so his eyes quickly turned to the front, those who suddenly jumped out The Jin army ambush shield guards held large shields in their hands, and no one even held a weapon such as a long lance. It seemed that they were ordinary shield guards, and there was nothing special about them.

Sun Chu gritted his teeth: "What are you doing, what the power of the day, I think it's going to give the thief the day. Big stone, you..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw a sudden burst of light in front of him, as if the sun suddenly appeared in his present, almost all at once, and he couldn't see anything clearly, he shouted: "What's going on, what's the answer? thing!"

There was a black cloth in Sun Chu's hand, before vaguely, he seemed to be able to see Zhu Lingshi's eyes covered with a black cloth, and his voice came calmly: "Brother Sandan, cover your eyes. , for a while but just look at the results."

Sun Chu put black cloth on his eyes, then held the long lance in his hand tightly, and said solemnly: "Even if the enemy cavalry is killed, I can listen to the wind and kill the thief, but I hope everything will be as your big stone will. Said, when I opened my eyes again, I saw the corpses of the enemy army everywhere!"

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Just in front of the two of them, more than 200 ambush soldiers also quickly blindfolded their eyes. At the same time, they tore off the skin on the front of the shield. Just at this moment, the sun shines from the side and front. And the front of their shields is not a wooden shield, but a whole copper mirror. Under the sunlight, it is suddenly radiant, and more than two million shields instantly become more than two hundred huge glowing lights. The body, which made the armored riders who were sprinting with all their might, thirty paces away, suddenly became blinded.

Mu Yugang, who was rushing in front of him, suddenly felt as if his eyes had been hit by a rocket, and the heat was unbearable. He couldn't see everything on the other side. The sound of "woo-la" turned into a scream: " My eyes, my eyes, me, I can't see anything!"

Even the horses were neighing, as if they were shot by hundreds of bows and arrows, or the screeching sound when they were stabbed by a long lance, and soon, there would be war horses fighting each other. Collision, the sound of the iron-clad knight falling off his horse came from all sides.

Mu Yugang gritted his teeth, he threw away the lance in his hand, because he could no longer see the front and the opposite, he felt something dripping from the corner of his eye, a **** blood Qi got into his nose, and he could feel that it was bleeding from his eyes. The other party didn't know what kind of magic trick he used, but he could damage his eyes in an instant.

Mu Yugang pulled the reins ruthlessly, the horse hissed, jumped twice, and finally stopped, and there was a loud noise less than five feet away from him. The sound of the horse's body was accompanied by the man's leg being slammed into the horse's body, and the scream when the bone was broken and the tendon was broken: "Ah, my leg, my leg!"

Although Mu Yugang couldn't see everything around him, he was able to hear the screams one after another from around him and understand the situation around him. The attack he encountered this time was unprecedented. Bai Duo's eyes, even with horses, are almost all blind. Now his eyes are so swollen that he can't open them at all, but it's not the kind of hard injury caused by arrows in the eyes. Shock, that in all likelihood will collide with the companion next to him, just like the person next to him just now!

Mu Yugang gritted his teeth, took out the horn in his arms with difficulty, and quickly blew two short and one long three beeps, which was the order to retreat on the spot. Not south, east, north or west, just from the direction you felt when charging just now, let the horse turn directly, and then run towards the rear with all your strength.

Just as Mu Yugang was galloping back, he seemed to hear a thunderous roar behind him. He could understand Chinese, and he could clearly hear the thick Wu Yue accent shouting behind him. : "Mojiao that thief who beat the flag escaped on horseback, kill him, kill him!"

Mu Yugang's soul was blown away, because he could clearly hear these voices sounding about thirty steps behind him, and he could even imagine the situation around him. I was afraid that few of his subordinates were still alive. Well, even if you use your own speed, it's just that. Others don't need to say anything, and the Jin army behind him is obviously prepared. Attacked, and even the sound of pulling the bow and arrows came from behind. Obviously, there were at least ten arrows pointing at him.

Mu Yugang gritted his teeth, pulled the reins and galloped forward, and pulled the riding shield of the right saddle to his back. He didn't even have time to fasten the shield buckle as usual, and then put it in front of him. Tie a knot in the heart goggles, just grab the leather cord on the inside of the shield and throw it, let the shield hang on your back through the belt on your shoulders, you can feel the shield cover your back. Where the heart hurts, even if it's over.

And Mu Yugang's left hand and two legs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were not idle at all, he slammed the reins and kicked the horse's belly. He could even feel the spurs plunge into the horse's belly. Stirring in the fat can bring severe pain to the horse. This Shalifei has been his favorite ride for many years, and he loves it even more than his own son. , Only by rushing out at the fastest speed can you save your own life, and it is also saving its life!

Mu Yugang could feel a strong wind blowing from behind him, with the chill of death. It was not an ordinary wind, but the feeling of a long arrow passing through the sky. He could even feel that his back was as sharp as a sharp arrow. The knife and dagger stabbed several times.

It penetrated the riding shield on the back, then shot through the iron armor on the back, wrapped the arrow through the silk underwear of the iron armor inner shirt, and then shot the muscles on his back. These protective measures are enough to prevent five The distance of ten steps allowed the well-trained archers to shoot them with three-stone strong bows without breaking their armor, but they were still hit by the arrows.

Mu Yugang could already feel new liquid dripping down his back. Obviously, it was blood, not sweat. The bow power of these Jin army archers could break shields, pierce armor, and pierce the skin at a distance of about fifty paces. , Even as an enemy, even if he hurt himself, Mu Yugang couldn't help but secretly shouted ok.

Sha Lifei even made a long hiss, and Mu Yugang fully understood that it must have been an arrow in its butt, because its vertical leap just now obviously stopped a little, but it ran faster instead. I prayed secretly in my heart: "God Pegasus, bless me, let me survive, let me escape!"

Chapter 3407: The Artifact of the Sun and the Iron Rider Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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