Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3114: Kobayashi finally resolves his father and brother feud

Murong Lin said disdainfully, "The real man is to fight the enemy face to face, and use a baby to protect himself, what kind of hero is he?"

He Lanmin was anxious and angry, and her eyebrows stood upright: "A real man will go out of the city to fight with the enemy, and he has been in the city for almost a year and dare not fight, so what are you talking about as a hero?! Murong Lin, only alive, can we talk about it? What a hero is not a hero, when he dies, people will only point at the corpse and laugh at him, this is just a defeated army!"

As she said that, she pointed to Wang Mengzi in the distance, and Mu Yugang's head was stuck on the axe, and sneered: "If you take a head like your uncle Gang, stick it on the axe or The waist, is it some kind of hero, an honorable thing?"

Murong Lin instinctively wanted to refute, but looking at He Lanmin's angry face, he was speechless and could only shake his head and sigh.

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "If it weren't for your stupidity and impulsiveness, why would I send Wang Mengzi out, and why would I trap that kid in the enemy's hands? This guy doesn't listen to my orders now, and I don't know if he can come back alive. If we wait for him, we won't be able to go by ourselves."

Murong Lin said in a deep voice, "I can send troops to respond and get that child back!"

He Lanmin pointed to the right side coldly: "Do you think you still have time to do this?"

Murong Lin's expression changed. Just now because of the quarrel and excitement, he didn't even have time to carefully observe the battlefield on the flank. This time, he turned his head and looked at it, but his heart sank suddenly, because he found that the battlefield on both sides was billowing with smoke, obviously There are a large number of cavalry, outflanking the two wings.

He Lanmin said solemnly: "From the very beginning, the enemy troops were dividing their troops to outflank the two flanks. They had ambushed early on, and even a woman could see it. You and Mu Yugang didn't see it. As for the raid to the north, let me tell you, the farther north you go, the more traps you will end up with, and there will be a dead end. Therefore, Gongsun Fifth Floor ran straight to the west, and will never die on the battlefield preset by the enemy!"

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "Of course I also saw this at that time, but our assault went smoothly, and the enemy was obviously desperately resisting. Those rangers were probably just bluffing, otherwise, why so many The cavalry and chariot troops were lost, but they didn't come to the rescue?"

He Lanmin said angrily: "There are tens of thousands of armored cavalry, are you the only one? You don't know the intention of the enemy army, and the enemy army still doesn't know ours. After opening the city gate, five hundred people rushed north. , Two thousand people ran westward, and the rest of the army is unknown, and you are the main general of the Jin army, what would you think and do?!"

Murong Lin let out a long sigh: "I never thought that I, Murong Lin, had fought for many years and experienced hundreds of battles, but I didn't even have the accuracy of my wife and the other girls. These battles were all in vain. According to you, even my father and king are now in danger. , and he is in the West City!"

He Lanmin's heart moved: "Your father is in Xicheng? Who told you? Did Mu Yugang give you a message?"

Murong Lin nodded: "Yes, he actually said that he would attack and test. If there is an ambush by the enemy, I will quickly go to the west of the city and meet up with the king. Here in Beicheng, it is just a feint to test and attract enemy troops. The real breakthrough is in the direction of Xicheng. This time, you are right!"

He Lanmin slapped her palm on the saddle angrily: "It's fine if you don't believe me, not even your father? Murong Lin, you really are an idiot!"

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "I don't want to give Heipao any reason, and then use the excuse that I don't obey orders and act privately to harm my father, Gongsun Fifth Floor is his person, what he can do, I can not!"

He Lanmin sneered: "Even Gongsun's fifth floor is just doing things on his own. The orders he received are the same as yours, to protect me from the encirclement, but where is he now? General Xiaolin, don't be too honest, this will hurt yourself. Just like Murong Lan, when did he listen to his orders? But has Heipao really punished her? Even if it was me, I would be adaptable, but could he still kill me?"

Murong Lin's eyes widened: "In the last Linqu battle, didn't Hei Pao kill Gongsun Gui who did not obey the order and withdraw privately? This is what we all saw."

He Lanmin said coldly: "That's because Gongsungui lost the battle and screwed it up, so he started to kill the generals, but if we let us go out and do things on our own, out of his command and control, Then it is impossible to follow his arrangement, because he can't defeat Liu Yu himself, just like this time when the North Gate broke through, according to his orders, it is a dead end. If he really thinks that he can break through here, why did he only send two people? More than a thousand rides out of the city? Shouldn't it be to overwhelm your father's main force?"

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "It turns out that all these orders are fake, we are just his pawns, according to what you said, he deliberately let you take Liu Yu's son to break through. , is there another purpose?"

He Lanmin nodded: "You kid finally woke up, he didn't really want us to take this kid to the north as a hostage, Liu Yu didn't even care about his son's life or death when he went to the north to attack the city. Don't worry? The real purpose of the black robe is to lure Murong Lan out, understand?"

Murong Lin sighed: "Now I finally understand that Princess Lan mainly lives and dies with her clan and her family and country, and will not abandon the entire city's soldiers and civilians, so Heipao used her son as a bait to lure Princess Lan out, and the soldiers of the Jin army would not leave. Dare to kill Princess Lan, so that the breakout troops can do whatever they want, and even sweep the Jin army in Dongcheng and Xicheng, this is what Hei Pao has to do."

He Lanmin sneered: "Yes, not only does Murong Lan not want to abandon her clan, she also does not want to kill her former brothers. After all, she is the elder sister-in-law of many Beifu military generals and their comrades-in-arms, not for her son, she How can you get out of town?"

Having said this, Helan Min paused: "However, it seems that Murong Lan is not stimulated by the black robe, she would rather not come after her son and continue to defend the city, so this child is no longer valuable to us, General Xiaolin, you understand everything now, then to avenge your elder brother, or even to save your father, what should I do, I don't need to teach you!"

A murderous intent flashed in Murong Lin's eyes. He looked around, looked at the surrounding men, and said solemnly, "The soldiers of the Beihai Palace, besides the Jin army, who are our enemies?"

The eyes of all the officers and men filled with murderous intent, and they said in unison: "Black robe, Gongsun fifth floor!"

Murong Lin screamed: "Now, come and take revenge with me! Kill the fifth floor and save the father and king!"

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