Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3432: Mutiny is imminent, An Junxin

Gongsun Wulou put down the bow in his hand. He had just wound the string. I don’t know if it was because of his guilty conscience or anger, which made his movements much slower than usual, and even made Hu Changhai say so much in one breath. If it wasn’t for Gongsun Liuxiu’s arrow in time If you die, I am afraid that things in Dongcheng will be exposed to the world.

Gongsun Liuxiu had an embarrassed expression on his face, this time he didn't know how many angry eyes were directed at him, he swallowed a saliva and said, "This Hu Changhai has shaken the military's heart, and he is fooling the public, and he will be executed according to the law. , I shot one of the arrows to kill the general's military law, and the army should take a warning!"

Gongsun Fifth Floor's expression softened a little, looking at the two law enforcement sergeants who had been motionless, and said solemnly: "Drag Hu Changhai's body away in front of Xiaoshou Army as a punishment! Also, I just asked you two to execute it. The military order is delayed, according to the military law, it should be hit with thirty military sticks!"

The two armored soldiers looked at each other, and the one on the left sneered: "My lord on the fifth floor, I am not a law enforcement sergeant, and besides, you are not a general of our armored cavalry. We can execute the military order you gave us, and also You don’t have to do it, but if we want to hit us with the Thirty Soldiers, please let General Murong Lin come.”

Gongsun Wulou's face changed slightly, because he obviously began to feel the hostility around him. At this time, he knew that he was losing control of the army. If he was not careful, it might be irreversible, because that killed him. Many of the sergeant Su Wei in Dongcheng were relatives and friends of these armored cavalrymen. The look in Murong Lin's eyes when he questioned him about the cause of his eldest brother's death explained everything.

In the heart of Gongsun Wulou, he began to curse Hu Changhai ten thousand times, and he actually said this. Gongsun Liuxiu gritted his teeth, wound his bow and arrow, pointed at the sergeant, and said loudly: "Cadero, What do you mean, if you commit a crime like this, I can kill you now!"

The armored cavalry named Cadero said coldly: "The following is a crime? May I ask the six repairs, what is the following? Our commander is Murong Lin, and he wants us to obey with just a token. There is no such rules and military law!"

Gongsun Liuxiu said solemnly: "But Murong Lin has already handed you over to the Lord of the Fifth Floor, because the Lord of the Fifth Floor has the token of the National Teacher in his hand, and the token is like a face, don't you, your Majesty, even the National Teacher? Did you not follow the order?"

Cardro suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahahaha, I have to wait and obey the order, but have you obeyed the order? All of us received orders to break through from the North City, but you are coming to the West City for a while, and you want to leave in a while. Go to the western part of the battlefield to contact Houqin, are these orders from His Majesty, the national teacher, or the two of you?"

Gongsun Wulou took out the token and said solemnly: "Why, Cadero, are you questioning this token? This token is in my hand, then my words are His Majesty's order, do you think Can't resist?"

Cadero sneered: "You should lie to the child, let alone you, even the late emperor, you have to be polite to us all armored and cavalry, we support him, he is the Emperor Dayan , We don't follow him, he couldn't even get out of Yecheng back then? Don't use this trick to oppress us!"

Gongsun Liuxiu gritted his teeth, pulled the bowstring, and pointed the arrow directly at Cadero: "You don't believe that I dare to shoot this arrow?"

The corner of Kadro's mouth twitched slightly, and the hundreds of armored riders around him suddenly all bowed and arrowed, pointing directly at Gongsun Liuxiu. The arrows flashed coldly, just like the killing intent in their eyes. Dare to shoot, then he will immediately become a hornet's nest.

On Gongsun Liuxiu's face, sweat flowed like a small stream, and it ran down his cheeks and beard, and his hands were still shaking slightly. The courage of a single arrow is only a matter of riding a tiger, and he is still here to support it, and the corner of his eyes has been cast to the fifth floor of Gongsun as if asking for help.

Gongsun Wulou rolled his eyes and put his hands down: "Alright, alright, a little misunderstanding, how can Dayan's soldiers not kill the enemy, but they meet with swords and soldiers? Captain Cardero, you He is a veteran of the army and a famous warrior. If you have anything to say, please ask at once to understand. The military situation is urgent, and we have to quickly stand out. Six repairs, what are you doing? ?"

Gongsun Liuxiu suddenly put down the bow and arrow in his hand as if he had been granted amnesty.

Cadero waved his hand, and the surrounding soldiers also put down their arrows, but their hands were still clasping their bowstrings. Obviously, they were ready to shoot at any time. As long as the words of Gongsun Wulou and the two brothers made them a little bit dissatisfied, That mutiny was inevitable. .

Gongsun Wulou secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Cadero, that Qian Changhai was just spreading rumors and causing trouble. What he said is not the truth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't believe his lies."

Cadero said solemnly: "Then why the Lord on the fifth floor did not carry out the military order we received and break through to the north? Why did you only let General Murong Lin and General Mu Yugang break through to the north, but he brought us the main force to the north. West? If this is the order of the national teacher, why is it inconsistent?"

Gongsun Wulou sighed: "Because there are a lot of spies from the Jin army in the city, and there are more than 2,000 people in armored cavalry, no one can guarantee whether this military order will reach the enemy's ears, so we The order to go north was given in advance, but when facing the battle, it was changed to go west. This is to pretend to attack the north and push the west to protect our true tactical intention. You are a veteran, you should know this."

Speaking of this, Gongsun Wulou continued, "When you followed the late emperor and went south from Yecheng, you initially said that you wanted to occupy the sliding platform and capture the Central Plains, but after crossing the river, you suddenly turned to the east and attacked Qilu. What's the difference with our play today? Do you want to say that the late emperor also acted on his own and was selfish?"

This statement made many armored cavalrymen secretly nod and whisper. Obviously, Gongsun's fifth floor's remarks sounded nothing wrong. In the army, confidentiality and anti-espionage are the first things, and temporarily change the battle. The planning thing, which has been used many times before, is no stranger to them.

Cadero continued: "Since it is to guard against spies, why let General Xiaolin also raid the north? Can't you trust General Xiaolin, or do you want to say that he is also a spy?"

Gongsun Wulou sighed: "If we don't let him break through to Peking University with great fanfare under the banner of the King of the North Sea, how can we cover us? This is called a suspected soldier, a feint, you have been fighting for so many years, you will not even know this. Bar."

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