Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3481: 5th Floor Jedi Counterattack

Gongsun Wulou laughed and ripped off his back strap, and the breastplate fell off, revealing the single shirt inside, and he immediately pulled back his bra, revealing a fairly muscular body. On his chest, there is a tattoo of poisonous gu, which is the mark of the Tiandao Alliance. He patted the tattoo and said solemnly: "You shoot, shoot here! Cadero, don't let his grandma be with Lao Tzu. Pretending to be a hero here, you really want to kill me just now, and you have to wait until now? You are reluctant to part with your three wives and two sons!"

Cardro's hands were trembling slightly. Rao was murderous. He was calm and composed. At this moment, sweat started to form on his head. , he can disregard his own life, but his wife, children, children, and a family of more than a dozen people can't accompany him to death.

Murong Lin gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Brother Cadero, you step back, it's none of your business, it's my eldest brother who died, and I will avenge the revenge of the Beihai Palace! I don't care about the fifth floor of Gongsun. Whether or not I was instructed by someone, it was the murderer who killed my elder brother, I killed him to avenge my brother, and it is only natural, even His Majesty can’t blame me!”

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "Really? General Xiaolin, are you really so confident? You are a good son, filial son, do you really think that if you kill me, your Beihai Palace will be fine? You also know the country The teacher's attitude towards your Beihai Palace, give him an excuse to kill the generals before the battle, and give him the excuse for a collective mutiny, and settle it after the war, hehe, it's not that you can deal with the past with your own life!"

Murong Lin said sternly, "Vengeance by blood is beyond the laws of the state. If I avenge my brother and kill you, even a state teacher can't do anything to me!"

Gongsun Wulou laughed: "Yes, it sounds pretty good, but I am holding the Dayan Tian plaque in my hand now, I am not Gongsun Wulou, I represent Emperor Dayan, the national teacher of Dayan, You dare to kill me, hehe, it means that there is no lord, and that means killing the commander-in-chief, okay, whoever wants to rebel, shoot now, shoot at me!"

He said, holding the Dayan Tian card in his hand, the other hand patted his chest triumphantly, the poisonous tattoo swayed along with a few sparse chest hairs, as if even the poisonous was grinning laugh.

Murong Lin's teeth rattled and he held the sword tightly in his hand, but he didn't take a step forward.

Gongsun Wulou put away his smile and said coldly: "Okay, Murong Lin, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I have already told you the truth that you want to know, I am acting on orders, and now this big Yantian card In my hands, I represent Dayan's emperor, and I represent Dayan's commander-in-chief, if you don't want to rebel, just listen to me, I can let go of what happened just now!"

Cadero said bitterly: "I bah, it's shameless, don't talk about how many brothers you killed us, just talk about this command, the command level of your three-legged cat, how many of us have you killed? In less than an hour, the troops will be destroyed, thousands of brothers will die in your hands, and the rest of us, even if they die, will no longer obey your orders."

The surrounding sergeants burst into applause: "That's right, don't listen to him, let him get out."

Murong Lin also said solemnly: "Gongsun Fifth Floor, even if I don't want to avenge you for killing my brother for the time being, your order is completely different from the order we received at the beginning, even if we want to **** Mrs. Helan to break through, But now Mrs. Helan doesn't want to break out of the siege, this mission is over, we are all dressed as knights, and now we have to do our own thing, you can leave if you want, don't wait for me to change my mind, and I will take your life at all costs! "

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "Okay, Murong Lin, you are talented enough to want to fight with me, but now, I am afraid I will lead you to break through, I am also afraid that you guys will not be able to work hard, even I will kill my life with a fake hand. This time the plan is over, but let me remind you that the plan failed this time. If your success is close to success, how the national teacher will punish you afterwards, just ask yourself for more blessings."

Murong Lin said angrily, "Gongsun Fifth Floor, what you are relying on is only this token in your hand, now on the battlefield, I can't kill you, but you have the ability to always have this token to protect you, as long as your The moment the token leaves your hand is when you die, your life, I have to decide, even Tianma can't save you, I said!"

He gritted his teeth when he said this, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and his hands were clenched tightly, showing his hatred to the sky.

Seeing him like this, Gongsun's fifth floor also felt a chill in his heart, and forced a smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly thought of something, and looked at the more than sixty guards on the side, all of them bowed their heads He didn't dare to look him in the eyes, Gongsun Wulou gave a heavy "hum": "You are all skilled, all the heroes with high martial arts, just want to take my head, so that I can join the armored cavalry and make achievements. Hey, if you all think so, why don't you tell me, you tell me, I will never hinder your great future!"

Tears of these guards were about to flow out. In this exchange of strength and weakness, almost in an instant, they all rolled off their saddles, knelt on the ground, fell to the ground, and said in unison: "I'll be confused for a while, and offend the lord, Please forgive me, my lord."

Gongsun Wulou laughed: "Oh, I heard it right, what do you call me? My ears are not very good, let me hear it again?!"

The guards looked at each other, and all shouted in louder voices: "Please spare your life, the lord!"

A murderous intent flashed in Gongsun Wulou's eyes: "I also know that I am the lord, and the evil servant kills the lord. If I don't say the family law of my Gongsun family, even if it is according to the national law of Dayan, what should I do? Nigelsang, you say."

This man named Nigelsang was a thirty-five- or six-year-old man with a round face. He was also one of the few people who just lowered his head and didn't point the arrow to the fifth floor of Gongsun. !"

As soon as these words came out, many people fell directly to the ground, unable to get up again. Everyone knows Gongsun Wulou's viciousness and the careful eye for revenge. When he killed Zhang Gang's mother, who had no grudges against him, he was so cruel and crazy. Today, I don't give him such a big deal, even, It is very likely that he will let these knights of the North Sea King do this so that they can prove their loyalty!

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