Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3502: Axe Broken Horse Belly Blood Rain Bath

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There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Shen Tianzi's mouth. A string that was tense in his heart could finally be loosened because, just now, he had been gambling his life!

Shen Tianzi knew very well that this guy named Cardro was a real warrior. Although he was in the battle, if he really wanted to take his life, he would have to sacrifice dozens of lives. Shen Tianzi would rather risk himself alone. He didn't want so many of his good brothers to die in the hands of this person, not to mention, he just made the oath to avenge the brother Chen Niuzi, and he had to fulfill this promise himself, living up to the name of a man. .

This is also the reason why Shen Tianzi chose to fight this person head-on. From the depths of his heart, he knew that in such a narrow road meeting, he must not be afraid of death. Those who dare to work hard will have a better chance. If you are afraid to turn around or dodge first, then you are almost certain to die. After Kadro entered the battle just now, he would rather take out his iron whip and smash it, rather than continue to charge forward to break through the formation. I want to live and fear death, and I don't have the courage to die and the ruthlessness of life after death.

When Shen Tianzi was in Tianshi Dao, he had seen too many desperadoes, some of them were really ruthless, but most of them showed their fierceness when killing people, but when they were dead, they would appear more than ordinary people. He is also greedy for life and fear of death, so Shen Tianzi is betting his own life, betting that this Cardero will be the latter!

At the same time as Cardro's last roar, the murderous aura in his eyes dissipated, and a trace of desire to survive flashed in his eyes, so Shen Tianzi's mouth evoked a smile, fighting in such a situation, either perished, or one side Retreat, and the result of retreat is death!

Shen Tianzi still stood motionless, his big axe was held horizontally like this, ready to be thrown out at any time and slashed at people or horses, or turned slightly sideways and chopped the entire body of the horse from the side. , together with Kadro's thighs and a sharp axe, almost all of Kadro's impact, or escape routes, are all locked, so Kadro has almost only one choice left, and that is - fly over past!

I only heard a roar from Cadero, and the jujube-red warhorse under his crotch rose up with four hoofs, and jumped up, just like the Jin army soldiers who jumped over the front row just now, this kind of riding over obstacles. I don’t know how many times I have practiced in normal times before I can be so relaxed and comfortable. A huge black shadow passed over Shen Tianzi’s head, blocking his whole person. He looked up and saw all the scenes under the horse’s belly. Including the belly of the horse, the belly of the horse, and the work that swayed and stood tall, it was all in one bag.

Shen Tianzi finally moved, the horse's hoof kicked off his helmet, revealing a mess of hair, but he didn't care. Holding the handle of the axe, he didn't move at all. The horse's chest and abdomen were brutally cut open by the axe, and the belly was ripped open.

What fell down like snowflakes in the air was the blood of the horses, and what fell like a meteorite was the XXXX of the horses. Up and down, bathed in blood, he closed his eyes and felt the feel of the axe in his hand when he was cutting his belly to pieces, and at this moment, he was extremely convinced that the horse was completely dead, and the horse on the horse was dead. Dero, it is impossible to escape!

A loud sound, accompanied by the dying cry of the jujube red warhorse, sounded about five or six steps behind Shen Tianzi. Shen Tianzi turned around, shaking all over, the XXXX of the horses hanging on his head. , have been thrown to the ground.

The battle axe in Shen Tianzi's hand had already been brushed several times as if he had painted the red paint. Even the wooden handle was covered in bright red, which was shocking. Just seven steps away, Cadero was struggling to get under the horse. stood up in a pool of blood.

One of Cadero's legs had completely changed shape from the knees down. With the support of the iron whip, he was able to stand up reluctantly. At this moment, he was struggling towards the back, dragging a wound. The legs want to run, but everyone knows that this is just a powerless last attempt. What will be the consequences of a cavalryman who has lost his horse and broken his leg and is caught in the enemy's line?

More than a dozen swordsmen roared with their swords and wanted to go forward and kill Cadero. Tian Zi roared sharply: "Fuck away, as I said, this dog thing is mine, and no one is allowed to rob it!"

All the swordsmen stopped~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looking at Shen Tianzi covered in blood, but with a smile on his face, like a **** of death in hell, holding a big axe in his hand, he slowly Following behind Cadero, while walking, from time to time, he picked up a stone from the ground and threw it ruthlessly. While hitting Cadero, he also made a symphony with the leaves on his body.

As Shen Tianzi walked, he threw a stone at Kadro, and said sarcastically: "What's the matter, why don't you run away, didn't you say you were going to kill me, why did you want to run away from my head? It seems You Kadro is not as heroic as you claim to be, you are still a coward who is afraid of death, that's why you lost to me!"

Several screams came from the formation behind them, followed by cheers and roars from the Wu soldiers. It was the last few cavalry soldiers still in the formation who were pulled off their horses and stabbed with swords and spears. Although they are lightly armed, the weapons in their hands are all sharp and sharp steel weapons that can cut gold and jade. Even the heavy armor on the armored cavalry cannot prevent these melee assassinations. The cry disappeared, and the formation was silent.

The muscles on Cadero's face jumped, and he saw that the nearest cavalry had retreated three hundred paces away, and began to re-arrange and prepare. The corpses of more than a hundred men and horses, together with the more than twenty cavalry that rushed into the enemy line with him just now, and the nearly 200 cavalry in the first cavalry that he brought, are all explained here.

Cadero understands that with the military technique of armored riding, even if he runs back, he will die, not to mention that the evil spirit behind him is still playing a game of cat and mouse. He gritted his teeth, turned his head, and held it tightly. With the iron whip in his hand, he straightened up, facing Shen Tianzi who was ten steps away, and roared: "Do you want my life, come and take it, see if you have the ability!"

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