Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3519: 2 corps shoots against flanks

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Murong Lin's eyes were wide open, his heart was beating faster, the Jin army shield formation on the opposite side was less than a hundred paces away. Ten paces away, it was scattered everywhere. It was because our side couldn't make the last attack, so he gave sandbags. The corpses of men and horses that were smashed by earthbags and BMX, and more than 20 heads under Xiaoxiao, lined up in a row and inserted in front of the formation of 60 or 70 paces. , and between Xiaoshou and the shield formation on the opposite side, within a dozen or so steps, were the corpses of people and horses that were more than two feet high.

As an excellent cavalry officer, he is very clear that the distance of about a hundred paces in front of him is a dead place in the sense of the art of war. It is impossible for the cavalry to surpass the corpses on the ground and the obstacles ahead, and then cross the generous shield walls to attack. Jin army behind the shield.

The situation at this time is different from the first assault. The Jin army's defense line is obviously solid, and the row of owls seems to be more like a temptation and ridicule, to attract these armored cavalry to continue to come forward and die.

Murong Lin gritted his teeth, and he stopped looking at the expressions of those owl heads. The crossbow arrows behind the shield on the opposite side were like rain, with the sound of howling wind, scattered in the formation of the attack on his side, and many of the knights around him were There was a muffled sound, even if they were separated by a hundred paces, even if they were all in full armor, and even the knights of the North Sea King Guard had a layer of hard leather armor inside the iron armor, lined with silk to prevent arrows. Unable to completely block the shot of this powerful crossbow, many knights were hit by two or three crossbow bolts, bleeding into the flesh, causing damage!

Murong Lin thought quickly while holding the shield. He could feel the vibration of the crossbow arrow hitting the shield in his hand, and he could also feel the power of the crossbow. It was indeed a strong bow and a hard crossbow. If they were forced to move forward again, I am afraid that if they were close to fifty paces, they would be killed directly by a crossbow, instead of being slightly injured as they are now.

Murong Lin took out the horn with his other hand and began to blow it. His order, through the rapid sound of the bugle, spread throughout the entire army: "A hundred paces away from the enemy, mount and shoot a round, turn left!"

The dozens of armored cavalry in the front row put away their lances and hung them on the weapon hook, and the big bow was copied in their hands at once. Adjusting the angle a little higher, it is a burst of bows and arrows.

Hundreds of long arrows flew out quickly, like a black cloud, after dodging into the opposite shield wall, a groan and scream came from behind the opposite shield. Obviously, this round of blows, It caused a certain amount of damage, and even the crossbow bolts that had just been shot continuously were interrupted for a moment.

After shooting this arrow, the dozens of cavalry in the first row suddenly turned sideways to the left front, like a horizontal stick, slanting past the enemy's one-word shield wall, just like when the cavalry attacked. Turning forward, the rider on the outermost side swept past about fifty paces before the enemy's shield formation. He held the reins with one hand, and let the rider jump between the corpses of men and horses and the sandbags everywhere, so as not to give the enemy a chance. When he tripped, he stepped on the bow body with his foot, controlled the arrow with one hand, then raised his foot, released his hand, and sent an arrow toward the shield wall facing the opposite direction in this staggering manner.

With a bang, one arrow hit the shield wall on the opposite side. More than ten long arrows had already been inserted into the half-foot-thick shield, and two arrows were so deep that they had no handles. Amazing power when riding and shooting.

And this arrow became the last straw that crushed the shield. When an arrow was shot, the large shield was broken from the middle, and the upper half of the shield was broken and fell. The three crossbowmen in the back , as far as the eye can see.

The person in the middle is nine feet tall and looks like a bear, isn't it Shen Tianzi? He also did not expect that this shield would actually be shot through by an arrow. Fortunately, the last crossbow in his hand was turned to the firing position.

Fifty paces away, the armored rider who just stepped on the bow and broke the shield with one arrow, was excitedly trying to change the arrow to fire, but the arrow pierced his throat, and his neck pierced. A **** arrow came out, and the left hand that controlled the rein was about to lift the arrow to catch the arrow, but two arrows hit his side again, and the horse was also hit by three arrows. , Gushu

After Shen Tianzi fired a crossbow, he threw the large crossbow that had been emptied in his hand to the ground, took a small round shield by his hand, and waved it in front of him, covering the two crossbowmen beside him. The sound of the sky was incessant, and six or seven arrows were shot in the blink of an eye, but all of them were sent flying by the shield in Shen Tianzi's hand, and fell to the ground.

The three sergeants rushed up with a new large shield on their shoulders and shouted, "Third brother, we are coming!"

Shen Tianzi waved his shield back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and smiled: "You guys are not slow. Take precautions, don't let Liuya come in and hurt your brothers!"

When a large and thick shield was erected in front of him, Shen Tianzi breathed a sigh of relief. He suddenly realized that he had been shooting up just now, but he didn't have time to observe the movement of the enemy army. The ranging soldier outside the steps, Shen Tianzi shouted: "Er Mazi, what are the enemy troops doing now, are they returning or rushing into the formation?"

Half of Ermazi's body sticks out of the shield wall. He is standing on a small cart, which allows him to see the situation outside clearly. He said loudly: "The enemy troops are shooting in batches, and the horizontal line swept forward. More than a hundred cavalry have passed through the front of our army and are interspersed with our army's flank, only thirty paces away from our side. "

Shen Tianzi's eyes widened: "Is it really going straight to the flanks? Did the small ones come, or did they all come?"

Ermazi said loudly: "After their fourth and fifth rows of riding and shooting, they all went obliquely. It should be that the whole army wants to break through our army's flank, third brother, don't be careless!"

Shen Tianzi laughed loudly: "We had expected this as early as we expected, the order was sent, and all the shields in the formation were concentrated on the flanks to defend, pile up sandbags, and the long lances stepped forward to defend the formation, and the archers were behind the formation. If you are riding and shooting, you should shoot at the opposite side. If you are in a sudden formation, you will rely on the shield wall and sandbags to stab them. A small number of enemy cavalry will rush into the formation. Just follow the tactics just now and surround and kill them. Without my order, do not attack. Those who step beyond the sandbag, behead!"

The army shouted in unison: "Order!"

Beside Shen Tianzi, a junior general whispered: "Third brother, if you only defend and don't attack, how to eliminate this Yanqi? Just let them pass?"

Shen Tianzi smiled slightly: "Someone will clean them up!"

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