Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3529: The defeated army kills back Yiyan Yong

Bie Erhan angrily pulled out an arrow branch on his left arm, and a few pieces of broken armor, along with his action of pulling the arrow, fell one after another. The arrow was stained with blood, and he tore off his waist. A piece of cloth on the top, biting with his teeth, tied a circle across the armor, and there was no blood coming out of the broken armor. This was a simple bandage, and after the tie, he still looked at the surrounding men. They sneered: "Jin people's arrows, but that's all, there's a lot of skin that has not been scraped off from the horse."

Many knights also burst into laughter, but a **** man frowned and said, "Master Bie'erhan, I'm afraid, this kind of attack is not the way, Wu Er came prepared, the shield formation, Sandbags, and the guy who stabbed our horses on the ground, and the arrow array crossbow machine in the back, we are afraid that it will be difficult for us to be impulsive."

Bie Erhan turned to look at the guy who was about his age: "Shaoliguer, what's wrong with you? Are you afraid?"

Having said this, he paused: "Your son also died when the first platoon attacked, don't you want to avenge him?"

When the black big man Shaoligu'er heard this, his eyes turned red, he gritted his teeth, and said, "Of course I want to take revenge, I can't wait to chop up all the Wu'er behind the crossbow machine into flesh, so as to relieve my heart. The hatred, but, I am an officer, I am responsible for the dozens of brothers under my command, I can't ignore their lives and let them die for revenge!"

Having said this, Shaoliguer paused and pointed behind him: "The young master is approaching here, it is only a matter of two hundred paces, we can wait for him to come and join forces to attack together, now we will not To Baiqi, it is impossible to break Wu Er's defense line!"

Bie Erhan gritted his teeth, shook his head and said, "No, Young Master, they want to penetrate the enemy's flank and cannot stay here. We can't just look for help when we fight. If we wait for Young Master to come, it must be Give the order to pass with him, you also know that the enemy's bow and crossbow are very strong, if they shoot like this, we don't know how many people will die!"

Shaoligu'er's expression froze: "You mean to use our charge to protect the flank for the young master? Is it to sacrifice the lives of our brothers to ensure that the young master can pass through?"

Bie Erhan nodded solemnly: "Yes, from here, we can see that there are many murderous intentions behind the formation. We thought it simple before, thinking that the flanks of the Jin army were unprepared, but in fact their defense was even tighter than the front. Lord, they don't know this situation, and if they just want to pass, I'm afraid they will suffer a big loss, Shaoliguer, you have left ten brothers and are going to inform the young master, I will take the remaining troops and charge again."

Shaoliguer gritted his teeth: "You are courting death, instead of this, it is better to inform the young master that they will leave quickly. If there is an ambush here, I am afraid that there will be no shortage of them. The Jin army cavalry before, I am afraid they are here to lure us. In-depth."

Bie Erhan shook his head: "It is impossible to retreat, whether it is us or the young master, since we are here, don't think about retreating, if we can expose all the ambush of the Jin army, attracting Their main force, perhaps the army in the prince's place, has a chance. Shaoliguer, your son was killed in battle. I can't let you rush again. Stay here and tell the young master what happened. This is my order! "

Shaoli Guer was about to speak, but only heard the sound of iron hoofs moving from the side, getting closer and closer, he and Bie Erhan turned their heads at the same time, but they saw that there were more than 200 cavalry soldiers. Under the leadership of Yu Changqing, they re-formed their formation and charged towards their own side. Almost all of these cavalrymen were wounded, with more or less wound belts on their bodies, but all of them were angry. Wide open, gnashing their teeth, it was obvious that they, who had suffered a big loss just now, went back and forth, and this time they came desperately.

Bie Erhan sneered: "It's really a dead man who doesn't cry when he sees the coffin. Anyway, we can't break through the Wu dog array on the side, and can't we clean up these horse Wu Er? Knights in full gear, turn around. , kill all these Wu Er cavalry with me! After three arrows, the whole army will attack!"

All the knights shouted hello, everyone picked up their big bows, followed Bie Erhan, facing the swarms, and the cavalry of the old guards, about a hundred paces away, shot out an arrow.

The sound of "whoosh" and "woo" was accompanied by the sound of more than a dozen people falling from their horses, and a rain of arrows came from the opposite side. Four or five knights in uniform hit the key points and fell off their horses, but the rest of the people sat on their horses. , without dodging, without evading, another arrow rain passed by, and then, the third arrow was shot out, facing within thirty paces. , These knights in uniform took out their saber and epee, and rushed up screaming.

This time, the two armies did not have the cover of Yanchen, because the two sides fought head-to-head almost at a distance of less than 200 paces. The damage caused by the fall of the horse when the wheel collided is almost always catching and killing the enemy face-to-face.

However, although there is no bonus from wind and sand, the armored cavalry's horse skills are still not comparable to these old guard knights. After one fight, there are still more than 30 old guard cavalry. wuxiaspot.com~ But the armored cavalry they killed was less than ten cavalry.

After all, the horsemanship of the two sides cannot be made up overnight. Besides, the guards of these noble families are only the powerhouses of the ordinary troops of the Jin army. They have undergone devil training with the Beifu army, or they are all armored and cavalry. Compared with this kind of powerful army that has been running rampant in the world for decades, it still has great shortcomings.

Yu Changqing slashed out with an axe, and the knight in full attire on the opposite side was Shaoliguer. He raised the hammer in his hand, the axe and hammer intersected, and they swung apart, but Yu Changqing only felt his right arm go numb, and the tiger's mouth was actually numb. It also cracked. When I looked at my axe again, the blade was actually rolled up, but the shape of the hammer on the opposite side remained unchanged.

Shaoli Gu'er laughed: "How dare you be a general with such martial arts? Go to hell!"

Now it was Shao Ligu'er's turn to counterattack with a hammer. A lieutenant next to him, Yu Youzhi, also the eldest nephew of Yu Changqing, hurriedly swung a heavy sword and came from the side and rear, wanting to help, but only heard Shao Ligu'er scolding: " Where the **** is this **** making trouble!"

Shaoli Gu'er turned his head and slammed the hammer out. The hammer made a big loop, impartial, and hit Yu Youzhi's horse's head. The head of the armored warhorse gave the sledgehammer more than ten pounds a hammer. When it was swung, it immediately changed its shape, and the armor slammed into the horse's skull.


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