Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3545: Big brother goes out to protect 3 younger brothers

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Yuchida was so angry that his beard was about to stand up. He held the three-strand steel fork and held it high this time. He used his usual thrusting force to stab into the pile of stones fiercely. His muscles bulged for a while, and the upper arm armor of his right arm also broke the lanyard and fell to the ground at once.

However, this time, this full-strength stab was enough to stab a knight in full body armor with a cold steel fork in the front and back in a horse battle, but it only smashed a spark on the stone on the ground, four or five. A piece of gravel fell along the crack and hit Yuchida's feet, and the three-strand steel fork still did not penetrate into the stone, but bounced from a higher height than before, even because of the excessive elasticity, The lower plate that led Yuchida was unstable, and the whole person took three big steps back, almost falling on his back.

Fortunately, Yuchida's control of body balance is top-notch. Thanks to his years of training and experience in maintaining his balance on the horse's back while fighting or dodging with all his strength on a bumpy horse, Yuchida's feet kept making mistakes. After a few steps, the steel fork was released early in his hand, and his arms circled a few times before he stabilized his body, and the three-strand steel fork smashed hard at his side three or four steps away. On the ground, it was still unable to fork into the stones, but rolled down seven or eight steps, until it rolled into the ground under the pile of stones, and then stopped.

Yuchida turned around and jumped off the pile of stones. He rushed to the front of the steel fork with a single stride. He took a closer look. Good guy, I saw a fork tip on the middle side of the three-strand steel fork. Weapons made of pure stainless steel can cut iron like mud, and stab people like thatch. After more than ten years, I don’t know how many large shields have been broken and how many enemy soldiers have been pierced through. Cut the blade!

Yuchida's heart hurts to the point of bleeding, even more distressed than the injury to the mount just now, because he changes the war horse almost every year or even a few months, but this three-strand steel fork is something he has used for more than ten years since he joined the army. When he was fighting, all his horse movements were designed based on this steel fork. For him, this steel fork had long been played like his own arm, and it was even a part of Yuchida's body. .

However, such a steel fork actually broke the front like this, just like Yuchida cut off a middle finger, he howled wildly, like a wolf howling at the moon, the feeling of heartache is unbearable, even Liu Rongzu Upon hearing it for the first time, I couldn't help but be slightly taken aback, and put away the mocking face just now.

However, in just an instant, a smile bloomed on Liu Rongzu's face. After all, this is on the battlefield. The grief of the enemy is his own happiness. This truth will never change. Liu Rongzu smiled and shook his head: "Oh, such a good three-strand steel fork, it's a pity, it's a pity, Yuchida, your Guanggu City is really too strong, even the rocks are so hard, your fork is a fork It broke the front, no wonder our catapult could not break the city after smashing it for so long. It seems that the next time we rebuild Jingkou City, we must move more of these Guanggu stones back, hard!"

Yuchida's eyes were red, he picked up the three-strand steel fork with the broken blade, and was about to rush towards Liu Rongzu, he shouted: "If I take the steel fork with only two strands, I will definitely kill you, this little thief. !"

Liu Rongzu smiled and waved his hand: "Yuchida, don't worry, I'll tell you a good way, look, my Fangtianhua halberd is still stuck in this stone, or you can pull out my halberd. , and then remove the halberd head and put it on the broken end of the steel fork. It will be sharper than the original fork head. This is called the old one will not go, the new one will not come, don't blame me for not reminding you !"

Yuchida was trembling with anger, screaming strangely, and was about to rush forward when he heard Yuchixiong's voice behind him: "Third brother, don't be fooled, this kid just wants to provoke you!"

Like a basin of cold water pouring down his head, Yuchida's head, which became hot due to anger, cooled down. He turned his head and saw Yuchixiong, who was already five or six steps away, on a horse, and said, "Brother, I am "..." But his eyes fell on his broken fork at once, and his heart suddenly grieved, and he was choked up and speechless.

Yuchixiong's eyes were like those of a falcon. He didn't look at Yuchida, but stared at Liu Rongzu in the distance. His voice was not high, but Yuchida could hear it clearly: "If the weapon is gone, it can be rebuilt. , but if his life is gone, then there is nothing. This kid is right to say that his weapon is indeed better than ours. After all, he is Liu Yu's nephew. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com I don't know where he got a magic weapon for him to use. I have observed this stone and it is really hard. This spear is not a toy, but a magic weapon. If you can pull it out, it will replace the three steel forks. , wouldn't it be better?!"

Yuchida bit his lip and threw the steel fork to the ground ruthlessly: "What big brother said is, if I have that halberd, what do I want these three steel forks to do, this halberd can be inserted into a stone, it must be Because this is a magic weapon, not how powerful this kid is. Just now, I used a rope to stalk the halberd. Maybe the force was wrong and I didn't pull it upward. Now I go to pull the halberd by hand, and I don't believe it. Da's strength cannot pull out this halberd!"

Yuchixiong nodded: "Brother, you can try it with confidence, I am here to protect you, and the second child in the distance will also shoot bows and arrows at any time. We, the three Yuchi brothers, share life and death, advance and retreat together, and are afraid to clean up Can't you see this little Wu Er?"

Yuchida bent down, knelt down on one knee, closed his eyes, and muttered something in his mouth: "Ancestor, God Kunlun, please give me Yuchida strength, so that I can..."

Before his prayer was over, he heard a burst of laughter, accompanied by Liu Rongzu's Xianbei words: "The sky is so big, the sky is so big, the ancestors of Yuchi's department, the dead ghost, open your eyes quickly! , your children and grandchildren, now you are going to pull out a toy halberd, but the fork is broken and the horse is falling, but it can't be pulled out, hurry up and give him some strength so that he can pull out this halberd, otherwise he will not be able to pull it out in the future. What's the use of the guy."

Yu Chixiong said in a deep voice, "Youngest third, don't be fooled, now you just concentrate on pulling out the halberd, pulling it out, and hacking this baby to death with your own hands, but now, don't be distracted!"

Yuchida nodded earnestly, stood up, glared at Liu Rongzu, took a deep breath, and walked towards the halberd stuck in the pile of rocks three steps away.

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