Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3558: Wooden armor siege arrow stone fly

Shen Tianzi's eyes widened and he was about to speak, but only heard a sound of a mechanism. It was the fifty tall wooden armored mechanismmen who could move on their own. They had slowly advanced to a place about a hundred paces away from the city wall. , stopped.

There was a loud sound of gongs and drums at the head of the city, and countless archers suddenly leaned out from the head of the city. In their hands, all bows and arrows were drawn. The difference is that these bows and arrows are not ordinary. The bows and arrows used to kill infantry, but the arrows of fire arrows with flaming flames.

Just as these wooden armors were advancing, the defenders at the city head also acted urgently. They probably prepared early that the Jin army might dispatch wooden armors, although the size of these wooden armors Much bigger than they've ever seen, but with a rocket attack, you can't go wrong!

The bows and crossbows on these wooden armored mechanic also began to shoot. On their arms, there were no less than six consecutive crossbows, and on their shoulders, there were two small trebuchets, and the force arm was vertical. Behind him, more than ten auxiliary soldiers quickly stepped forward and placed gravel in the nests of these trebuchets. At the same time, the continuous crossbow above the force arm began to shoot and went straight to the archers above the city wall. .

The sounds of "whoosh" and "poof" are incessant, sometimes mixed with screams. The archers at the head of the Yan army kept shooting arrows and falling into the city. After all, this time was different from the previous two sieges. It is more than 20 feet high, and it is only a little shorter than the city wall. There is no need to adjust the arc as before. It is almost necessary to use the extreme angle to shoot the arrows on the city wall in a sling shot. The powerful continuous crossbow With continuous firing, Jin Ya can even directly penetrate and destroy some of the crenels of the city wall, and shoot the crowded archers behind the crenels to the other side of the city wall. resounded on the battlefield.

With the firing of these repeated crossbows, the slinging arms behind the wooden armored organs also began to move, one after another raised and fell, and the baskets of fragments flew up into the sky and sprinkled like raindrops. Above the city wall, from the current angle, there are almost bursts of stone rain cleaning the city wall. If the crossbow arrow attack just now was just one or two people falling into the city, this wave of stone rain will make three or four Individuals, even five or six people, fell along with these rubble, and even many crossbow machines that had just been pushed out of hidden positions and were ready to shoot were smashed by stones.

However, the Yan Army archers at the head of the city still did not retreat, nor did they flee in all directions. They were well-trained, and there was no one to avoid the storm. The officers who led the team let out bursts of low roars, and They also began to focus the rockets in their hands, accurately and accurately, at the wooden armored fighters on the opposite side.

"Pfft", "Whoosh", hundreds of rockets, like swarms of fire crows that cover the sky and the sun, flew towards the wooden armored people on the opposite side, such a distance, such a height difference, almost these The arrows were all without futile firing, and they all hit the surface of the wooden armor.

However, the imaginary flame did not rise, because the bodies of these wooden armored fighters were all covered with a thick layer of wet mud. Although it made them look completely unbeautiful, it was an artifact to deal with fire attacks. Entering these layers of mud, there is a sudden "Zhi" sound, and then quickly extinguishes. In less than half an hour, you can see that almost every wooden armored person has hundreds of arrows stuck in it. , None of the wooden armors were on fire, and from a distance, it seemed that they were stuck in the mud, and it was more like hitting a huge arrow target.

The sound of drum horns resounded at the top of the city, and the rocketers retreated one after another. In the attack just now, at least three or four hundred people directly hit the head of the city to Arrow Stone Storm, and no less than two hundred people fought with injuries, but the result was a victory. But they were very disappointed. The strong protective power and powerful attack power of the wooden armored fighters almost cleaned the city head once. Now even a blind man can see it. If you don't change your tactics, you can't do it!

The sounds of "woo" and "boom" were incessant, but from behind the city wall, a formation of stones flew out. These stones, all the size of watermelons, were powerful and heavy, directly facing the wooden armor that was about a hundred paces away from the city wall. The mechanic is a smashing smash. Although such an attack is far from being a precise strike, it cannot control the trajectory, but even these flying stones that are bombarded at a rough set distance still have a miraculous effect!

With a "pop", the right arm of a wooden armored head was severely hit, and the arrow branches inserted in the mud layer of the right arm were all broken, and the two arrows on the right arm were firing The repeating crossbow was also sent flying. The entire right arm was almost broken at the elbow. Above the broken forearm, the remaining repeating crossbow was still firing again and again, but the direction was different. From facing the city wall just now, they turned to the auxiliary soldiers who were pointing back and constantly replenishing arrows and stones. There was a sound of bowstrings, and the three auxiliary soldiers fell to the ground screaming.

There was a burst of scolding from the auxiliary group, but before the scolding fell, another stone hit the wooden armored man's head with a slamming sound~www.wuxiaspot.com~ pat ", the wooden armored organ's head Together with this watermelon-sized stone, it fell at the same time, just rolling on the back of the lever arm.

More than a dozen auxiliary soldiers were filling the gravel, but there was a sudden noise above their heads. Looking again, two round, hard guys just smashed into the nest where the gravel was placed. It was smashed to pieces, and together with the strong arm, it was also broken in an instant, and a large pile of stones flew around, knocking five or six slow-running auxiliary soldiers to the ground, the brains of the dead burst, and the living He also vomited blood, and it was difficult to get up again.

This disabled wooden armored manipulator lost his balance because of the broken right arm and the fracture of the head and the riprap behind it. It was swaying like a drunk man, and it was still in The raised left arm is still shooting at the city head, but every shot, the recoil when the arrow is fired also makes it keep retreating and spinning, and the auxiliary soldiers behind him start screaming. Stay away from it, and the rear cabin of the wooden armor mechanic began to open, and two small operators jumped out of it, and one of them turned back and shouted into the cabin: "Zhang Shishi, run, hurry."

But Zhang Shishi's voice came from inside the cabin: "If you want to leave, I have to continue fighting, and I have to..."

Before he could finish his words, another stone hit the wooden armored manipulator from the front.


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