Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3592: Humans and Horses Flying from Despair

Shen Qingzhi stood beside Shen Tianzi, gritted his teeth: "Brother Tian Zi, here, there are dozens of war horses left by the enemy when they charged, and there are ten or so wooden armored organs that can move, you, You are the main commander, hurry up, hurry up and evacuate first, we, we have dragged on for a long enough time, you see, you see our cavalry are starting to fight back, you go, you go to meet them, tell Shuai Shao, Tell Shao Shuai, us, how we fought here, tell them, tell them each one of us, each one's name."


When he said this, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. It was an internal injury when he was hit with a hammer in the back in the battle just now. After talking so much at once, he finally couldn't hold it any longer. Finally, I couldn't stand, and I slumped to the ground. If it wasn't for the sword in my hand, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to sit still.


Shen Tianzi shook his head, he was almost unable to stand, he didn't even turn his head to look behind, sighed: "We, our luck is good enough, those enemy cavalry, those enemy cavalry arrived a quarter of an hour ago, always , has not moved, if they, if they came to rush earlier, we, we couldn't resist it last time, and now, now, we should go to Huangquan together."


"We, all the battles we have here, all the things, Brother Ah Shao, he, he has seen it, or else he will not, will not send cavalry to save us, no matter, whether we die or not, Still, still alive, we, we have all succeeded, we, we have bought time for the army to reorganize, reorganize, now, now the counterattack begins. Xanthium, we, we have won!”


Shen Qingzhi squeezed out a smile. He had been fighting just now, and he didn't even have time to look behind him. At this moment, he turned his head with difficulty and looked towards the back. More than ten cavalry had already rushed here, less than twenty paces away. , He laughed: "These, these are cowards, they, they have not dared to rush all the way until this time, or it is still a small group to play the vanguard, haha, this battle, we will win this battle."


Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth, propped up his body, held the handle of the axe in both hands, and directly faced the servant Gu Shura who was rushing in front of him, and said loudly: "Wu that thief, don't you want to come, do you want to come to me for revenge, come, come, Have the ability to take my life!"


Pugu Shura has already rushed to the place less than twenty steps away from Shen Tianzi, the iron hoofs behind him are like thunder, Pugu Dokro's roar clearly penetrated into his ears along with the wind: "Lord Shura, here we come! "


Pugu Shura's eyes almost burst into flames, he didn't even look at Pugu Dokro's military flag, he gritted his teeth word by word: "After this battle, I have to settle accounts with this **** Pugu Wanshi, Get away, don't delay me..."


He didn't have time to finish his words, and suddenly, he only heard a "click la la" sound from the back of the wooden armor mechanic. The sound, what is even more frightening is that this scream came from mid-air!


The bright sun just now suddenly became dark, and Gu Gu Shura instinctively looked up at the sky. This time, he suddenly found Pu Gu Dokro, and his war horse, flying in the sky, But Dokro, the servant bone, had already left the horse's back, his face fell off, and his face was full of surprise, but in his hand, he still held the military flag tightly, the shining lance on the top of the flagpole, But it is impartial, pointing to the servant bone Shura.

Servant Shura opened his mouth wide. In his decades of life experience, he has never encountered such a thing. How could people and horses fly in mid-air? Before he had time to turn his head around, he only heard a "pop", and the shiny tip of the lance pierced through his chest fiercely. Now he finally didn't have to think about it, and the servant Dok Luo's body followed closely, smashing him heavily, and the two corpses wrapped in iron armor fell to the ground like this, stirring up dust more than three feet high and rushing into the sky.


And more than a dozen trapeze, flying horses, like the boulders launched by catapults, smashed into the ranks of the charging armored horses. The attack power of the formation even surpassed that of the cannon flying stone and the eight-stone rushing ox crossbow. As soon as the horse fell, more than ten people were instantly crushed into meat patties. Even the shock wave when smashing people could knock people within a few meters of the surrounding area. They were all brought down, and the screams came one after another, and the dozens of Jin soldiers who were struggling to get up were stunned.


Shen Tianzi turned his head in surprise. He saw a dozen or more wooden boards with iron rings in the dust, shaking on the ground, and even bounced up to half a person's height.


Shen Qingzhi laughed loudly, pointed at those wooden boards, and said loudly: "Tian Zi, did you see this, this is, these are the pedals we were going to fly to the top of the city before, the sky has eyes, the sky has eyes, these The enemy cavalry, it was only after stepping on these pedals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that it flew, haha, it happened to hit them."


Shen Tianzi's eyes widened. Behind the smoke and dust behind him, he could vaguely see more than 100 horsemen who followed him. At this moment, he thought it was the manifestation of the gods. How dare he rush forward. Screaming and turning the horse, he fled in the other direction without turning his head, and he didn't even dare to turn his head to look at the situation in front of him.


Shen Tianzi also burst into laughter: "God helps me, God helps me, this is a good opportunity for us to take revenge and kill thieves, brothers, follow me..."


Shen Qingzhi suddenly grabbed Shen Tianzi's hand and said, "Brother Tian Zi, our mission has been completed, and it is meaningless to stay here. Let's go back and join our brothers while the enemy retreats. There are just a few dozen horses. Horses are available, let the brothers who can ride take those who can’t ride and run back, we still have the fighting power, and we can help kill those enemy horses!”


Shen Tianzi raised his brows and said, "Xang Er is right, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices at this time, God has eyes to help us fight off these thieves, we have to live well. Brothers , all mount up, withdraw, together with the brothers in the wooden armor, as long as there is still anger, don't let any of them fall."


He himself quickly jumped onto an armored warhorse, carrying a big axe, rushed forward, facing the collapsed corpses of Pugu Shura and Pugu Dokrona more than ten steps away, and pulled Mayang fiercely. hoof, stepped on it a few times, and then spit at the two **** corpses angrily, reined in the horse, turned around, bypassed the long formation of iron cables, and ran towards the side.


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