Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3596: Guarding the entire army of Mu Jiayou

Shen Tianzi said angrily: "Everyone is going to fight, I'm just here to watch, can you be happy instead? Brother Ah Shao, why don't you give me your troops and let me go, or don't do it? Talk like this."

Tan Shao twitched the corners of his mouth: "I don't have any battles, why don't you say this. Do you think I'll be sending us out to fight one by one, and it's going to be easy for me to do it here?"

Shen Tianzi turned to laugh: "Oh, I almost forgot about this, you used to be more crazy than me, Brother Ah Shao, you always have to be the first one. But, uh, now you are the main general, You can't always be in the front like you used to, you have to control the whole situation."

Tan Shao sighed softly, his eyes darkened: "A few years ago, I was just like you now, Tian Zi, at that time I was the first sharp man in the Shenjian camp, and there was Uncle Bottle behind him in everything. Master, I just let go and kill, until the day of Luo Luoqiao..."

Speaking of this, tears flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't say it anymore.

Shen Tianzi said solemnly: "Brother Bing is a real hero, admired by all our brothers in Beifu. Although I have not been in the Beifu army for a few years, the first one to serve Brother Jinu, and the second to be Brother Bing. With such an uncle, I won't blink an eye if I die for him."

Tan Shao raised his head and said sternly: "Uncle Bottle sacrificed to protect us and the victory of the army. Now, his career has been handed over to me. In the eyes of outsiders, this may be military power, but In my opinion, this is a responsibility, I cannot disgrace the reputation of my uncle bottle, I am fighting for his unfulfilled last wish!"

Shen Tianzi nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, the great cause has not yet been achieved, and the ambition has not been fulfilled. Uncle Ping's current grave is still facing the north, facing the hometown. Your Tan family went south to Jingkou from Qilu. This time, the battle to destroy Yan is also The battle to take back your hometown can only be won, not lost!"

Tan Shao said solemnly: "This battle only depends on everyone's hard work and struggle, Tian Zi, I originally wanted you to take a good rest, but now you may have to work harder."

Shen Tianzi's eyes widened: "Why, are there other variables?"

Tan Shao nodded, turned his head to look behind him, and said solemnly, "Master Zhang, come here."

Zhang Gang changed into a leather armor, squeezed out of the crowd, and ran behind Tan Shao. He seemed to be in good condition. He was completely two people from the embarrassed appearance when he fled for his life. When he saw Shen Tianzi, he smiled and said: "General Shen, I didn't expect you and I to meet again. I'm really happy."

Speaking of this, a burst of sadness flashed across his face: "It's just that many people will never see each other again."

Shen Tianzi nodded vigorously: "We must avenge the brothers who died."

Tan Shao said sternly: "Master Zhang, how many siege wooden armor do you have here?"

Zhang Gang looked embarrassed: "There are still twelve or three, and most of the disciples who can operate have been killed or injured, and now I can't find many people who can operate."

Tan Shao nodded: "If I ask General Shen to bring five hundred sergeants to guard your wooden armored troopers, and send 500 auxiliary soldiers to specially transport bows and crossbows for you, you can make these dozen wooden armored troopers. Have you been fighting?"

Zhang Gang's eyes lit up and said, "If there are enough guards, then these dozen or so wooden armors can withstand thousands of troops!"

Tan Shao looked at Shen Tianzi with satisfaction: "Did you hear, Tian Zi, this time I will give you all the rest of the Shen family soldiers. I counted them just now, and now there are about 500 people who have returned to the construction, and they can all Go straight to the battle, but this time you don't need to kill the thief yourself, but protect the dozen or so wooden armored mechanic of Zhang Dajiang, understand?"

Shen Tianzi said sternly: "Are you still worried about the enemy's cavalry fighting back?"

Tan Shao's expression was serious: "As a general, I think about defeat before winning, no matter how the enemy's performance in the city is, I have to prepare for their full-scale assault. Tens of thousands of armored cavalry will rush into the formation. Quine's dozens of carts can't be stopped. When we attacked the city before, we lost almost all the heavy carts and large shields in front of us. The only ones that can come in handy now are the wood of Zhang Dajiang. The armor has been detained, and when necessary, you still have to rely on these wooden armors to cover the evacuation of the entire army."

Shen Tianzi fully understood and saluted: "Don't worry, with me here, I will make sure that this wooden armor mechanism is safe. As long as there are enough bows and crossbows, it can really stop the enemy's charge."

Tan Shao stepped forward and held Shen Tianzi's hands: "The safety of the front is all up to you. I am still collecting and repairing heavy trucks here. As long as there are two hundred repaired and standing in front, then I will There is nothing to worry about anymore, you can push these carts to forcibly attack the city, Tianzi, don’t be in a hurry, just cover the wooden armours slowly.

Shen Tianzi said sternly: "Don't worry, Brother Ah Shao, I have a clear priority. In fact, I only need to block the gap that the enemy forces rushed out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to prevent them from rushing out. If I really want to push in, instead The advantage of our infantry is up to us."

As he said, he pulled the reins of Zhang Gang's mount, led the horse and followed him to the rear of the formation: "Old Zhang, take me to your precious places, we won't be able to do it for a moment. hold up."

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Tan Shao's mouth, and then disappeared in a flash, he turned his head and said loudly to a few messengers beside him: "Quickly urge the auxiliary soldiers and the civilians. Hurry up and collect and repair heavy trucks for me on the battlefield, repair one and go to the previous one, I have to hurry here!"

Guanggu, Xicheng, behind the city gate.

Three thousand blue-armored cavalrymen stood in the square behind the city, silent and silent, while Yueshou stood on the tower, looking two miles away, about three hundred paces away from the gap in the city wall, the gate of the west city, not It is placed in the center like a normal city gate, but it is moved to a very offset position in the direction of the south city. It is precisely because of this design that the entire section of the city wall in the middle can be completely collapsed. Now this city On the front of the gate, there were hardly any large-scale Jin troops, but instead it became a peaceful place in the battlefield.

In the gap in the distance, Quinn commanded the cavalry and was slowly advancing. The cart was pushing in front, the cavalry spread out their wings, and the archers followed behind the cart, pulling their bows and leading arrows, while the hundreds of people outside the city. The famous cavalry hurried to the front line of the wooden armored organ, and after a random arrow was thrown, he carried his body on the back of the side horse, and fled towards the city without looking back. Disappeared in the smoke and dust in the city.

Yueshou's mouth curled into a smile, and he said solemnly: "Kaesong, attack!" Click to download the APP on this site, massive novels, free to read!

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