Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3598: Want to restore the old ancestors

Kuai Yue's eyes widened: "Then are we going to form a formation in the direction of the city gate or..."

Kui En said solemnly: "The purpose of seizing the rubble is to prevent the enemy cavalry in the city from rushing out. Our army turned to meet the enemy, and the flanks were exposed, so it is entirely up to you to give an early warning. Don't panic, make a warning, and then quickly retreat into the cart, I will have a way to deal with it here."

Kuaiyue hooked the corners of his mouth in dissatisfaction: "It turned out that we were asked to be reconnaissance sentries, Uncle Zhuang, isn't this a bit overkill, but I..."

Kui En said loudly: "I don't care if you are a famous warrior or not, and whether you want to make meritorious deeds to kill thieves, now our army is in danger, what we need is to protect our flanks and not be overwhelmed by enemy raids, you are me My nephew, and even my subordinate, must obey my orders, if you go out of business here, then I can only do military law, do you understand?"

A hint of fear flashed in Kuaiyue's eyes, and he said sternly: "I'm ordered, I will guard the line of rubble, uh, yes, Uncle Zhuang, our brother under the rubble..."

Quinn shook his head: "There is no time to save people now, all you need to do is to take precautions and report the news. Now you are the eyes of the whole army, and you have to keep an eye on the things inside the city walls. You have nothing to do, if it is an enemy cavalry attack with flanks, I will help you defend."

Kuaiyue said solemnly: "Order!" Immediately afterwards, he waved the long sword in his hand and called to the sergeants behind him, "Children, come with me!"

Quine's one-eyed, watching Kuai Yue rush towards the top of the rubble, shrinks slightly, and turns to the sergeants behind him and roars in a deep voice: "What are you still doing, turn to the right, prepare to meet Enemy attack!"

A sergeant blinked his eyes, pointed to the twenty or more wooden pallet trucks in front of him, and said, "Brother Zhuang, do you want to follow these trucks?"

Kui En shook his head: "No, I'm relying on them to defend against enemy cavalry attacks. The enemy cavalry out of the city on the flank can be seen, but the iron cavalry in the city is unknowable. I asked Ayue and the others to go out for warning. Buy time, give me orders, form a strong formation, put your shields and lances, and prepare to meet the enemy!"

The sergeants behind him made a roar of promise, turned to the shield and the top of the lance, and turned to the flank where the smoke was rising. Only a hundred auxiliary soldiers and civilians were left behind, and they remained behind more than 20 carts, watching nervously. To Kuai Yue and the others who were rushing towards the top of the rubble.

Guanggu, outside Ximen.

A golden wolf banner with the character "Yue" fluttered in the wind. Yueshou straddled the horse and stood in front of the battle. Behind him, more than a thousand horses had already rushed out of the city gate, and more than a hundred were still among the horses' tails. Covered with branches, they are running back and forth, and the dust is covering the sky, while the thousands of cavalrymen riding blue armor are like a moving grassland, and the lances they hold high are like a dense steel forest. Down, a green light flashed, and along the smoke, a green and chilling air was blown towards the Jin army formation two miles away.

Yueshou's eyes narrowed slightly, and the lieutenant next to him replied, "General, what are we waiting for, the enemy is lining up, and now our soldiers are more than halfway out, they can attack directly. , if they wait for them to form a formation, especially those wooden armor monsters, and turn to us, it will be difficult to fight."

Yueshou waved his hand: "No hurry, it's already like this, you might as well wait for them to continue turning, it's better to face us completely before charging!"

He Du'er's eyes widened, with a puzzled look on his face: "Why is this? Wait for the enemy to form a formation before rushing?"

Yueshou smiled slightly: "Do you remember what I told you before, how did my ancestor, Lord Yuewan, defeat Ran Min in the Battle of Yecheng?"

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He Du'er's eyes lit up and said, "I remember, that time, we were also fighting with coalition forces. Our army, Yao Xiang's Qiang army, and Shi Zhao's soldiers and horses, the three parties worked together to break down Ran Min, his 100,000 troops. The army was completely wiped out, and I almost fled back alone. Since then, the reputation of the Murong family of Yan has been known to everyone in the Central Plains, and that battle was the masterpiece of your ancestor, Lord Yue Wan. I remember he was also with him. We are like this now, the war horses are dragging branches and dust, and they are bluffing, scaring the Ran Jun to the ground."

Yueshou nodded: "You only know one, but you don't know the second, the war horses are flying into the dust, so the suspects are propaganda to the outside world. In fact, in that battle, our army did not take the main attack at all. The real charge was Yao Xiang's. The Qiang people are soldiers and horses, and the cooperation between our Murong Clan Dayan and Yao Clan Qiang people also started from that time. Up to the late emperor Murong Chui and Yao Chang, they still joined forces to destroy Qin, which is a continuation of the friendship many years ago, that is In this battle of Guanggu, Hou Qin also sent troops to help."

Having said this, he hooked the corners of his mouth: "Let's not talk about this, just talk about the battle that year, our army was so suspicious, in order to bluff our army's strength and let the main force of Ran Wei's army concentrate on us. On one side, Yao Xiang's soldiers and horses were ambushed on the side of Yecheng early. Wei Jun thought that our army was the main attack, so he turned the entire array to our army, and the side and rear were empty, and Yao Xiang took 30,000 Qiang with him. The cavalry rushed out and rushed straight to the side of Ran Wei's army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The soldiers and horses of Shi Zhao in the city also rushed out, the Wei army was attacked by the enemy on both sides, and it was in chaos. , Fang You is completely victorious, so, before we attacked today, the King of the North Sea agreed with me on the method of play, that is, to reproduce the battle of Yecheng back then!"

Hedaer laughed, and he finally understood: "That is to say, we are bluffing here just like in the past, raising the dust in the sky, leading the Jin army to form an array against us, and then the Beihai King in the city suddenly rushed out, from To crush the Jin army from the side, right?"

Yueshou nodded: "Yes, but although the main force of the Jin army is now turning to us, the flanks are also guarded. You see, they have a small army to seize the rubble and put the trucks in the direction of the gap. We It's best to let them transfer these defenses, He Du'er, you are a warrior of our Yuebu, but this time, what I need is not for you to win, but for you to lose."

Heduer said sternly: "You want me to attack the sheep, then cheat and lose the enemy's formation, right?"

Yueshou pointed to the more than ten wooden armored mechanic who turned to his side, and said solemnly: "These wooden armored mechanic are powerful, can attack and defend, but after all, they are designed for siege, and they are cumbersome to lose. This time, I used rockets to attack these wooden armored organs, causing the appearance of burning these wooden armored organs first, and then rushing into the formation. When I came up, I attacked them with fire. This time, the Jin army was mostly infantry, so The wooden armor will be placed in front of you. If you look like a fire attack, the Jin army will spread out and fight back with cavalry. As long as their formation loosens, the Beihai King in the city will have a chance. When the flank attack is successful, our army will You can let go and kill!"

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