Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3600: Is it chasing or keeping one's will? 1

Following He Du'er's words, they reached about fifty paces before the Jin army's front. The more than 200 cyan armored riders who fired rockets threw away their bows and arrows, turned their horses' heads, and fled towards After galloping, even this time they didn't even bother to pull the reins of their off-horse.

A burst of strong bow and crossbow shooting hit the backs of more than 20 cavalrymen. The chasing horse rushed to the place where the corpses and the scattered horses were, and did not bother to behead or lead the horse, but chased and killed the fleeing horse that had already run several dozen paces away.

With a double axe on Shen Tianzi's back, he immediately stood beside the burning wooden armored mechanic. The surrounding sergeants kept pouring water and throwing mud at the flaming wooden armored mechanic. It was of no avail, the firelight shone on Shen Tianzi's face, and his piercing eyes were also flickering.

There was a sound of horses' hooves, and the one-eyed Quinn ran over. He glanced at the burning wooden armor and sighed: "It's a pity, such a good wooden armor mechanism, Tian Zi, I didn't say you, go to battle. Before, you should have smeared it with silt to prevent fire."

Shen Tianzi shook his head: "The military situation is like fire, if you slowly spread the mud and then go up, I'm afraid it will take more than a quarter of an hour. When the enemy cavalry attacked, I didn't even have time to come and defend the flank. Besides, Master Zhang is the most distressed. One, right?"

Zhang Gang's eyes were red. He didn't have time to watch when he lost dozens of wooden armoured traps just now, but the wooden armour traps were burned right in front of his eyes, even his two disciples. Before he had time to come out, he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Revenge, I must take revenge, General Shen, please order the attack, and I will not destroy these cavalry, I feel uneasy!"

Shen Tianzi frowned: "Our goal is still to attack the gap. These enemy cavalry are only flanking harassment, not a major problem. Zhang Dajiang, don't make a big mistake because of your temper."

Zhang Gang gritted his teeth: "It's fine if you have your infantry in the front. I, the wooden armored man, was originally used to defend against cavalry and siege the city. Now the enemy cavalry is on the side. As long as General Shen and your thousand soldiers can Follow me, and rely on my wooden armored mechanic alone, it is enough to destroy one or two thousand cavalry from the enemy army!"

Quinn shook his head: "No, no, the enemy cavalry is fighting against the city, and there is a city gate, and your wooden armor can't attack the city even if you get there. It's better to defend the flank, and follow us through this gap. Come into town."

Zhang Gang shook his head: "If the enemy cavalry leaves the city, it will be troublesome. You can attack us here, or you can go to the south of the city to sneak attack on the commander, disrupting the arrangement of our other places, that is, when we enter the city here, the battle line is stretched, think It is not easy to completely defend the flank, listen to me, it is the correct way for the mechanic to advance to the flank and destroy the enemy cavalry."

Kui En's brows wrinkled: "The battle plan was handed down by Shao Shuai personally, we only have to execute it, Master Zhang, now that we have repelled the attack of the enemy cavalry, the wooden armored cadres can still stay here and be vigilant, and so on. After Shao Shuai reorganizes all the infantry, we can attack the city."

Zhang Gang said solemnly: "Did you see that the enemy cavalry came out of the city gate in a steady stream. They watched the gap blocked for us and could not stand out, so they rushed out from the direction of the city gate. If you enter the city, you may have trouble, and if the enemy forces use iron cavalry to surround our siege troops in the city, attack them with fire or traps, or even destroy them by flooding and throwing stones, it will be too late to regret it!"

Shen Tianzi nodded thoughtfully and said, "Master Zhang is right. If the main force of the enemy's cavalry is outside the city, then our troops entering the city will never be safe."

A glimmer of pride flashed on Zhang Gang's face, and turned to anxiety: "That is, when I was still in Nanyan, I was in charge of designing the organs at the head of the city, but Hei Pao himself made a lot of arrangements in the city, Since they dared to collapse the city walls, they may be trying to lure us into the city, and then use various traps to kill and injure the troops that entered the city. At that time, we can't move forward, and we retreat outside the city to kill the iron cavalry. Although there are thousands of troops and horses What's the use of entering the city? Listen to my words and destroy these enemy troops outside the city, so that we can advance and retreat freely."

Shen Tianzi said solemnly: "This time I agree with Zhang Dajiang's statement, Da Zhuang, now we won't enter the city anyway, why don't we deal with the enemy cavalry outside the city first, what do you think?"

Kui En tickled the corners of his mouth: "This must be ordered by Shuai Shao, and we are better to act according to the order. Even if you have new ideas, don't act lightly, at least, now Lin Zi..."

There was a sound of horse hooves, Shen Linzi came in a hurry with more than ten cavalry guards, a look of joy flashed on Shen Tianzi's face, and he looked at Shen Linzi: "Fourth, you came just in time, hurry up and join us. , destroy the enemy cavalry first."

Shen Linzi glanced at the flaming wooden armor mechanic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said solemnly: "We still have to defend the front line, these cavalrymen who came out from the city gate are only attacking the flanks, not the enemy. The main force of the army, the blue-armored iron cavalry of Murong Town, King of the North Sea, is our confidant."

Having said that, he looked into the gap where the smoke and dust lingered, and frowned: "If you say that Murong Town's iron cavalry collapsed like this, at least I don't believe it. Someone said before that those green armored armored cavalry, um , Master Zhang, do you know which army they belong to?"

Zhang Gang hooked the corner of his mouth: "It should be the Yuebu cavalry brought by Shangshu Yueshou. They have always been in blue armor, and they were also the same group from the flag just now."

Shen Linzi nodded: "Well, it's Yuebu's armored cavalry, which was missing for a while, but now it came out from the city gate, so we can't take Murong Town's main force lightly. In my opinion, they are still in this gap."

Zhang Gang said coldly: "If it's here in the gap, why even the cavalry of Yuebu attacked, their most elite blue-armored cavalry of the North Sea King, but they didn't move, if they also kill from the city gate in a while, and we The main force of the army entered the gap and entered the city, so what should I do?"

Shen Linzi frowned: "Master Zhang, these are just a possibility, as long as your wooden armored manipulator can guard the flank here, even if the enemy cavalry comes out from the city gate, it will not be able to raise any big waves. The gate is only this wide, and it is almost impossible to have tens of thousands of cavalry out in a short period of time. Besides, if they really come out to assemble a large number of cavalry, we can also withdraw. In any battle, we must first think about how to be invincible. , Fang Wei is the general!"Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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