Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3603: Enemies entering the city against the order

Kuaiyue gritted his teeth, his eyes sparkling, a sergeant, also his personal messenger, and his brother-in-law, named Zhang Liner, stepped forward to look at the background of the people leaving the wooden armor, and spat on the ground angrily. With one bite, he scolded: "Grandma is a bear, she really wants to leave, but it's just a prisoner, how can you have such a big temper."

Kuai Yue sighed: "Then Queen Wang directly gave him the position of being a junior supervisor. This time, she represented the emperor's personal conquest, and even the status is above the commander. Zhang Gang's own official rank is now It’s no worse than Shuai Shao, even if Shuai Shao comes, I’m afraid he can’t stop his actions, let alone us. Lin’er, you have to learn more about this worldly situation.”

Zhang Lin'er's expression softened a little, but she still said bitterly, "Brother A Yue, we didn't join the army to serve the country for any reason, I just can't take this breath. Uncle Zhuang is here, he will definitely not let him be so arrogant."

Kuai Yue hooked the corners of his mouth, a look of disapproval flashed across his face: "Actually, Lin Er, if our big uncle Zhuang had a little bit of contention and a bit of the drive of someone like Zhang Gang, would he still be in this position now? He? But the brothers that the commander knew when he was in the grasslands, even if the friendship for so many years is not as good as that of the older generation of generals in Beijing, at least they will not be under Shaoshuai and Big Stone."

Zhang Lin'er smiled and said, "That's because Uncle Zhuang has always obeyed military orders and followed orders, but the commander followed his lead and carried it out without compromise. Isn't this what he has always taught us."

A trace of disdain flashed in Kuai Yue's eyes: "Once you obey orders, you will never be able to be alone. Look at Brother Ah Shao, his qualifications are not as good as that of Uncle Zhuang, but now he is the leader of the first army, and there is also a big brother. Stone, too, can often do things on his own, and Wang Zhenye, who disobeyed the military orders, robbed his exploits, and even killed Brother Meng Long. Isn’t he being reused now? If you don't obey Liu Laozhi's command, you have what you are today?! Obeying the military command and following the command is for the lower-level soldiers, but if you want to take the lead in the position of general, then I'm afraid you really have to give yourself more plans. ."

Zhang Lin'er's expression changed: "Brother Ayue, you don't really want to give up the defense line and follow Zhang Gang into the city. Whether he wants to die or take revenge, it's his business, but it has nothing to do with us. But If we are dispatched and cause this line to fall, it will be a big deal."

Kuai Yue gritted his teeth: "Look, even the fifth floor of Gongsun wants to escape from here. If the King of the North Sea is here, how can he let him escape like this? This can only mean one thing, Murong Town's army is no longer here. , When we enter the city at this time, it is time for meritorious deeds. To defend here, we can only prevent the enemy from rushing out of the city directly, but if we want to enter the city and win the merit of the first, we must control the gap."

Zhang Lin'er's eyes widened: "But, if the enemy army really still sets up an ambush in the city, and the two thousand of us leave the line of defense, wouldn't it be for them to eat alive? At that time, all of them will fall, and the enemy will come out on both sides. If the large troops of our army are attacked, isn't that our West City, all of them are going to collapse?!"

Kuaiyue said solemnly: "With Zhang Gang and the others in front, even if there are enemy troops in the city, it is impossible to destroy us all at once. In this way, I will send 500 auxiliary soldiers to stay here, and the cart will also be given to us. You, if there is an ambush in the city, you will immediately set up three red flags. If you delay time here, Shao Shuai will send troops to fill the place. I will follow behind the wooden armored organ, just grab the gap, and the enemy will not be so easy to destroy. for us."

Zhang Lin'er nodded: "Brother Ayue, you always have an idea, I will listen to you. However, you still have to be careful, Zhang Gang wants to take revenge, we don't have to go deeper with him, we just need to fill the gap."

Kuaiyue smiled and strode forward. As he walked, he greeted the messengers beside him. Soon, more than 1,000 infantrymen behind the rubble piled up their shields and raised their lances. The city wall gap, strode forward.

Above a hidden arrow tower in the city, Murong Zhen's eyes were fixed on Kuaiyue's department, and a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth. On both sides, there are thousands of armored riders in ambushes, with human titles and horse bridles, three or four hundred paces away from the gap, hidden in the streets, their blue robes cover the armor, which makes any The reflection of the stomach will not flash.

On the front road, dozens of riders such as "Gongsun Fifth Floor" still pretended to be panicked, rushing around in a panic, leading more than a dozen wooden armored agents to pursue along this road, and even It can no longer be unfolded into a horizontal line, but two in a row, crowded in the avenue, in the courtyards and abandoned houses on the side of the road, thousands of walking sergeants armed with lassoes and sharp axes~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You have already made preparations to let the huge wooden armor pass through the street in front of you, just waiting for an order.

Murong Ping held a flag in his hand, his eyes were full of excitement, watching Kuaiyue's troops marching forward step by step, more than 300 people in the first team had entered the gap in the city, and The follow-up continued to enter, he licked his lips and said, "Your Majesty, they have come in, we should rush!"

Murong Zhen smiled slightly: "Don't worry, now the enemy has just entered the city and is still lined up to guard. Although we attack at this time, although we can completely destroy the enemy's leading troops, the follow-up sergeants may retreat, wait, I want to All of them came in, and even the troops who were left behind in the follow-up rubble also stepped forward and attacked again!"

Murong Ping said in surprise, "Are you saying that the follow-up will follow up?"

Murong Zhen said calmly: "Since they have chosen to enter the city, the people who stay behind won't just watch others make meritorious deeds. The wooden armour's entrance into the city makes the guards of the rock pile unstoppable, and it is the same now. They speeded up their escape, and led those wooden armourers to catch up, if Zhang Gang ran fast, these Jin troops who entered the city would naturally catch up, and then..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw the rubble outside the city. Zhang Liner really brought his subordinate's cart forward, and Kuaiyue also trotted all the way, flooding into the city with his subordinates like a tidal wave, directly following Zhang Gang. The wooden-armored organs were running behind them. These heavily-armored Jin troops had no formation to speak of, and could only be described as scrambling to be the first.

Murong Zhen's brows were completely stretched out: "A Ping, let's go, within half a quarter of an hour, we will destroy the enemy and leave the city, and attack the main force of the Jin army outside the city!" Click Download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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