Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3689: The people who are separated are the dead species

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "It's too late to say this now, I can't negotiate with her on the battlefield any more, the black robe will attack soon, it's a life-and-death fight, and you know Miaoyin's attitude towards Alan, they directly You can live and die on the battlefield, I am not letting you stop..."

Liu Muzhi waved his hand: "Ji Nu, listen to me, you talked to Murong Lan outside the city before, and no matter what the conditions are, it is impossible to escape from the eyes of the black robe. You are husband and wife, and you have the same mind. There are some things you can do. In the absence of words, does the relationship between the two of you still need to be confirmed by signing a treaty or a blood alliance?"

Liu Yu raised his brows: "Of course not. In fact, as long as I look at Alan, I can tell what the other party wants with just one look. I know that she wants to save Nanyan and her clan, but I can't allow it. An independent and complete Murong Ministry exists, not because I can't trust her, but because my relationship with her will end with our old age and death, and the successor, even our children, may not There will be no betrayal."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Sometimes I think you are too stubborn. If you want to say that you are against the imperial court and provoked a rebellion, is it just a matter of the Hu people? Are the Han people not going to rebel? For Da Jin, the one who caused the most harm Are these Hu people, or are they the demon thieves of the Heavenly Master Dao? Is it the Murong Department, or is it the local tyrants of Wu land like the Shen family?"

Liu Yu instinctively wanted to refute, but he didn't know where to start.

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Things gather by like, people are divided into groups, I know that you think that these Hu people live together as a clan, only listen to the leader and the chief, and do not know the favor of the country, so you need to beat them. It's not wrong to make up messes and become the people of Dajin. This is no longer a problem for confidants. In theory, this is also true, but you have to consider the means and time to achieve it. As soon as the people's country is destroyed, they must be dispersed and mixed into the Dajin. All over Jin, did you take into account the feelings of these barbarian people? Even when you quelled the Tianshi Dao Rebellion, you didn’t let the rebel leaders like the Shen brothers forcibly split up the family.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "After all, the Shen brothers are Han Chinese, and they are still threatened by demon thieves, so..."

Liu Muzhi sneered and said: "Okay, I don't need to talk about coercion here, the Shen family is the owner who wants to speculate and wants to take back his power in Wudi through the rebellion of Tianshi Dao, so his family joined the rebellion. It's not that they were forced by others. The Wu Di family who participated in the rebellion also accounted for 70% to 80%. It's just that after the defeat of Tianshi Dao, they all said that they were forced by others. The handling of the rebellious Wu people is also not to blame, just considering the fluctuation of people's hearts and fear of further turmoil, why do you insist on breaking up and mixing up the Hu people in Nanyan?"

Liu Yu sighed: "To be honest, if there were other Hu people, maybe I could slow down, but this Murong Clan, I really..."

Having said this, Liu Yu shook his head: "Don't you know that none of these Murong people are willing to take care of themselves? It's very polite for me to keep them alive."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Yes, the people of the Murong clan are indeed naturally rebellious, but if you divide them into different places, do you feel safe and honest? Back then, before Fu Jian went to Feishui, he also took the Murong clan from Qianyan to death. They are scattered all over the place, but they can still disperse their troops? Murong Chong, Murong Hong are thousands of miles away from Murong Chui, right? Don't they rebel? Even if you really spread them all over, if there is a chance, still It will take advantage of the opportunity.”

"Heaven Comes"

"What's more, with Murong Lan around, others can betray you, but she won't. Don't think that she betrays you by secretly pregnant with your son. In fact, in the final analysis, she is probably doing this to deal with the black robe. After all , If she is the eldest princess of the Murong clan, the child she gives birth will inherit the blood and name of the Yan Kingdom, it will be better than Murong Chao who obeys the black robe in everything."

Liu Yu said solemnly, "Did Alan tell you something?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "As of now, I will not hide it from you, Murong Lan once persuaded me to persuade you not to destroy Yan, she will try her best to make your children ascend the throne and submit to Dajin forever. , even if you want to separate the Murong clan, don't just after the country was destroyed, because at that time, the Murong clan was most worried about safety and life. You think about dispersing them into the villages of the Han people and letting them follow the Han people. Fusion, but they are worried that they want to disperse and disintegrate you, and distribute them to various villages and townships for secret execution."

Liu Yu's eyes widened: "How is this possible, does Alan think the same way?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Of course she knows you don't think so, but it's hard to guarantee that the Han people below don't do this. For ordinary Han people, they are slaves to the subjugation of the country, and they can be bullied ruthlessly. The village has been dispersed by one household and two households, and the power is alone. There is absolutely no benefit at once. Even if you want to disperse, you can't spread out like this. After they learned to farm, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com also intermarryed with the Han people, so that they could completely become the people of Da Jin.”

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Why didn't you tell me about these things earlier? It's not that I can't understand."

Liu Muyi looked at Liu Yu motionlessly: "Ji slave, you are such a smart person, do you want me to point it out?"

Liu Yu's body shook slightly: "What do you mean, she is Miaoyin..."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Yes, that's why I said that if a woman is for love, she can put everything aside, not to mention from a rational point of view, if Murong Lan takes over Qingzhou after the war and orders Qilu, then she will To become the most powerful family, even above the Xie family, do you think Wang Miaoyin can tolerate this situation?!"

The muscles on Liu Yu's face were beating slightly: "What do you mean, they also negotiated secretly before, and they ended up breaking up, and this negotiation didn't even tell me?!"

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Now, you have to know these things too, because I don't want you to really put your life here, yes, Wang Miaoyin's condition for letting Murong Lan go is that she will always be spared. away from you, and far away. Do you understand what I mean?!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Miaoyin wants Alan to take his clan to Liaodong far away? Back to the Murong family's ancestral home?!"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Otherwise, do you think Murong Lan once told you that when she returns to her hometown in Liaodong, there is a fleet of hundreds of thousands of her entire tribe, thousands of large sea ships, where do you think it came from? What about it? Is it really made by Nanyan of the Murong family who can only fight on horseback?!"Click to download the APP of this site, a large number of novels, free to read!

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