Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3692: Ling Shi is also not a coach

Liu Yu laughed: "Is this the reason, not because the Zhu brothers are my official apprentices?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "If it's because of your relationship, then I would directly recommend Liu Rongzu as the best one. What's the point of looking for Zhu brothers, not to mention that now Zhu Lingshi also has his problems."

Liu Yu nodded: "Do you mean to say that the little stone defected to the enemy? How are you doing now?"

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "It has not been fully verified, but my spies reported that Zhu Chaoshi was indeed captured and joined the demon thief, and also participated in the siege of He Wuji. He and Lu Lanxiang entered the cabin together to hunt down He Wu. Ji, he was the only one who came out alive. Later, he turned to Lu Xun and left Xu Daofu."

Liu Yu murmured to himself: "In this case, I believe that Chaoshi didn't kill Wuji at the time, but wanted to save him and help him escape. Maybe Lu Lanxiang, a slut, was worried about Chaoshi, so he wanted to Going to kill Wuji, the two of them joined forces to fight back."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Afterwards, Xu Daofu wanted to kill Zhu Chaoshi for a time. It should be close to the truth. Lu Lanxiang wanted to leave Xu Daofu and turn to Zhu Chaoshi as his wife. Killing He Wuji and winning great achievements is the best way for Zhu Chaoshi to improve his status. If Xu Daofu really can't stand his wife running away, he will not give Zhu Chaoshi this chance at all, and he will be killed directly. He didn't make a move, which means that deep down he actually hoped that Zhu Chaoshi would kill Lu Lanxiang, so that he could get rid of Lu Xun's restraint and control over him. The open and secret struggle within the Tianshi Dao gradually surfaced."

Liu Yu's brows eased slightly, but they were still tightly locked: "But how to explain that, Lu Xun didn't attack Zhu Chaoshi, doesn't he know the truth?"

Liu Muzhi smiled and said, "If it is because of the consideration of attacking Jiankang, or having a general who is capable of fighting against Xu Daofu, then maybe this little sister is not so important. If Lu Xun really cares about this little sister, I'm afraid she won't let her marry Xu Daofu. In short, I still think that Zhu Chaoshi didn't really want to subdue thieves. If there is a chance, he will definitely do it anyway."

Liu Yu nodded: "But we Beifu brothers, the most important thing is loyalty and brotherhood, no matter what, Chaoshi still bears the infamy of murdering the Lord for glory, betraying thieves, and Lingshi, as the elder brother, almost lost the last time. If I am implicated and executed, even if I can escape the death penalty and let him inherit my great cause, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "So, this time, you arranged for him to be in Beicheng. It seems to be irrelevant, but in fact, you are going to give him the opportunity to make great achievements, right?"

Liu Yu laughed: "You still know me, I did have this consideration in the first place. Siege is a siege of three and one is missing. It seems that breaking the city and making contributions will be other directions of attack, especially Xicheng, people. Everyone wants to **** the position of the main general of the West City, and the North City is equivalent to being idle. God knows if anyone will escape from the North City. No one will **** him for this position."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "But in fact, you left Lingshi with a chariot troop. In fact, what you want him to deal with is not a broken army, but the main force of the enemy's armored cavalry. All the generals think they are the enemy. The army's armored cavalry will come from other directions, and only you think, they will kill from the north gate."

Liu Yu sighed: "But I only guessed half right, I didn't expect that they actually knocked down the entire Xicheng city wall, and then the iron cavalry shot out from the gap of more than 300 steps. Now the battle situation in Xicheng is so critical. I can't blame Tan Shao, but I am the coach."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "So, now it's up to Zhu Lingshi's performance. If he had moved the main chariot towards Xicheng earlier, he would still have time to save Tan Shao, otherwise, if he just stayed in the north There, it will only delay the fighter jets. Ji slave, what do you think Ling Shi will do?"

A cold light flashed in Liu Yu's eyes: "I believe that Ling Shi will pursue Gongsun's fifth floor department early to go to Xicheng, but because he didn't want to take the credit of Tan Shao and Shen Tianzi, he has been holding his troops. Now when the situation is critical, He will definitely go into battle, so in Xicheng, I have never arranged for the main force to rescue him, just because I believe in my apprentice's military talent, he must be aware of the danger of Xicheng and take the initiative to make up for it."

Liu Muzhi looked at Liu Yu: "You didn't order Zhu Lingshi to rescue him, you just wanted him to send troops to rescue him, so as to prove his handsome talent and convince the generals?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "This northern expedition, I will coordinate the siege of the city, because all generals and commanders are subject to my restraint within these ten miles. If we fight Hou Qin or even fight demon thieves in the future, then everyone will receive one. The army, separated by thousands of miles, can no longer be covered by me. I need the response and command of each general~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I believe in their strength and can make the right choice without me. After all, I can't command either. their whole life."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Then let's talk with facts, but I have one more thing to remind you, Zhu Lingshi is greedy for money, this is his big weakness, you must pay attention to this in the future. ."

Liu Yu frowned: "Do you still say that when he was the county magistrate last time, he privately took money from the government's stockpile before leaving office? I have already severely reprimanded him for this. He said that his salary was too low to be sufficient. You have also checked to support the ministry and his family. His family’s fields in Jingzhou were destroyed due to the war, and almost the whole family had to beg, and you should also consider these situations.”

Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "Do you think that if you and I were replaced, would you be greedy for public funds because your family was poor? These have nothing to do with wealth and poverty. You can mention any difficulties, but if you don't mention these difficulties, you will be able to use the power in your hands. To use public funds, that is another problem of nature. For Zhu Lingshi, my suggestion is that you can let him use his military talents, but you must not let him be in control of the military and even be in charge of the military and politics of a place, otherwise , this person may bury all the results obtained on the battlefield on his own greed."

Liu Yu sighed: "Then according to what you said, Zhu Lingshi is not the right person? In this way, who do you think is suitable to take over the Beifu in the future?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Wufu is in charge of the army, there will be all kinds of troubles and problems, you may need to change your thinking, and start to cultivate children of aristocratic families who are willing to serve the country from the army. Like Xie Xuan back then, he will become the next post. The coach of the North Palace."Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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