Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3702: 1-character chariot formation

Yuqiu Jin laughed: "Okay, great, Big Stone, don't forget this sentence, oh, by the way, how's the fight at Brother Sandan?"

Zhu Lingshi smiled slightly: "Just received the battle report, the Han infantry from the enemy army in Beicheng had already defeated the troops left behind by Brother Sandan, taking seven thousand prisoners, and the enemy generals Yuan Zun and Yuanmiao surrendered in front of the formation. "

Yu Qiujin slammed the chariot, causing the chariot to shake for a while, and laughed loudly: "Okay, great, the Yuan brothers can be regarded as fierce generals, if even they are willing to surrender, the enemy army in the city will be heartbroken. It's lost, uh, but why didn't they just surrender the whole army?"

Zhu Lingshi smiled and said: "Because there are more than a thousand Hu soldiers and Hu generals supervising the battle and driving them out of the city to fight, in fact, the Yuan brothers have long since surrendered. After killing most of them, the entire army surrendered to Brother Sandan. Now not only the enemy attack in Beicheng has been resolved, but even the gate of Beicheng can be captured at any time."

Yuqiu Jin laughed: "Then why don't you just go to Beicheng?"

Zhu Lingshi shook his head and said, "Now that the west city wall has collapsed, it is more convenient to enter from here. Just now, Brother Sandan sent someone to tell the time, but he was worried that there were ambush and fraud in the city, so he only controlled the gates of the outer city, and the remaining ones The enemy army retreated into the inner city to defend and closed the gate of Weng City. The Yuan brothers originally wanted to make a contribution and led the troops into the city first, but Brother Sandan did not agree. After all, whether this kind of defection is sincere, It's hard to say."

Yuqiu Jin nodded: "Yes, there are only ten thousand people left there, and seven thousand surrendered at once. It is not easy to guard them. According to common sense, they have to collect their weapons first, and then concentrate on guarding them. It's better to be steady, you're right, this West City is the key, the city walls are down, and we don't need to enter the Weng City, as long as we defeat these armored cavalry, the overall situation will be settled in today's battle."

A cold light flashed in Zhu Lingshi's eyes: "Now we have nothing to worry about in the rear, and we don't have to worry about the enemy's attack from the north gate, and we can deal with these armored cavalry in Xicheng with peace of mind. Brother Taka, we will do as we discuss. , you will definitely have the opportunity to use force!"

Yu Qiujin smiled and patted the chariot. Li Han, who was in front of him, understood it, and with a flick of his whip, the chariot passed by the side of Zhu Lingshi's chariot and drove towards the rear. Zhu Lingshi pulled his face down, and a tiger's His face shone in the sunlight, he pointed to the front, and said solemnly: "Go forward, target, the enemy's rear cavalry!"

Two hundred paces away, Murong Ping and Dorgenfu rushed to the front of the team. Murong Ping was still shouting and beckoning his subordinates to follow up, while Dorgenfu's brows gradually wrinkled. Do not send.

Murong Ping turned his head to look at Dorgenfu next to him, and said in surprise, "Ado Agan, what's wrong with you, is there anything wrong?"

Dolgenfu pointed to the surrounding area, where the smoke and dust could be seen twenty paces away with their eyesight, and there were scattered corpses in armored and cavalry, and occasionally some corpses in Jin military clothes fell to the ground, all of them were scattered. Face down, more than a dozen Jin army flags were thrown to the ground and covered on top of these corpses, Dolgenfu said solemnly: "Look, Brother Ping, we have chased in more than two hundred steps, no A battered chariot, there are only so few enemy corpses, there are not as many corpses as our army, and there is no blood on the ground, and the enemy's wheel marks are beginning to normal, this, this is not right."

Murong Ping's face changed, but he shook his head: "It's useless to say this now, there is no way to stop in the dust, otherwise it will be stepped on by us in the future, you see, the handsome flag of the Jin army in front is still down. , maybe our knights killed them in front, as long as you rush out of this sand and dust, I believe you will be able to see the battlefield."

Dorgenfu gritted his teeth and said, "I'm afraid, Brother Ping, we have to prepare for a fierce battle. I always feel..."

Before he could finish his words, suddenly, the sound of drum horns resounding in front of the sky, at least hundreds of war drums, beating at the same time, accompanied by the cheers of Wu Di Chinese: "Destroy Hu, Destroy Hu, Destroy Hu !" Like a seventh-level typhoon, blowing towards me.

This seventh-level typhoon blew away the smoke and dust in front of the two of them, and everything suddenly became clear. Fifty paces away, in the space of one or two hundred paces, more than 200 armored and mounted corpses, including people and horses, were scattered all over the place. The ground is all, all limbs are incomplete, the flesh is blurred, the ground is full of arrows and broken lances, obviously, these armored horses are all ambushed by the bow and crossbow storm here, causing a lot of casualties in an instant.

And behind these armored corpses, about fifty paces away, less than three hundred paces away from Murong Ping, a hundred Jin army reloaded chariots were lined up, above the chariots, covered Animal skins, and on the shield plate in front, there are fierce gods or beasts painted, the bows and crossbows on the car point straight ahead, and the armored soldiers holding halberds and lances on the right have murderous faces, and the back row On the chariot, a war drum was installed, and the shirtless warriors were desperately beating their drumsticks. All the chariot soldiers shouted in unison, and the sound of "killing the Hu" came from this, in the very center. On one of the chariots in the chariot, the blue flag with the character "Zhu" rose slowly until it reached the top. One of the generals under the banner was wearing a robe and a large armor, and the silver armor reflected light. Could it be Zhu Lingshi?

Murong Ping's face was flushed red, and he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Damn, it's a trick!"

Dolgenf said solemnly: "Brother Ping~www.wuxiaspot.com~ withdraw, after I cut it here, the enemy army will come prepared, and we have lost the opportunity."

Murong Ping sternly said, "What are you retreating? The brothers before this time died in mid-flight, they consumed a lot of the enemy's crossbow, and now they are advancing without retreating, rushing over, smashing these chariots, and beheading Zhu Ling. stone!"

Dolgenff gritted his teeth: "Then please wait for the rear team to arrive, re-arrange the formation, spread the wings, and attack them from the side!"

Murong Ping shook his head: "No, the more than 100 enemy chariots are lined up in a row, from the bottom of the city wall to the Changwei, the front of the three or four li, all open, just don't let us turn around, Zhang Yi's flanking attack is no longer effective, the more they do this, the more we have to break through the center, don't worry about the chariots on the two wings, just take Zhu Lingshi!"

Dolgenf's eyes lit up and said, "Good way, they only have a single chariot. If they break through a little bit, then the whole line will collapse."

Murong Ping laughed: "That's right, that's it, they increase the strike force of the bow and arrow by opening the front and increasing the width, but as long as we rush over and fight with the enemy chariots, or rush to the back and then turn back to attack, then This front line of chariots is useless. The more the enemy is attacking like this, the more it shows that they are insufficient in strength. Only relying on these more than 100 chariots cannot stop our more than 1,500 iron cavalry! Five hundred cavalry on the left and right will charge, and a thousand cavalry in the center will take Zhu Lingshi directly, Ado Agan, you will come in person!"


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