Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3704: If you get on the car with a halberd, you will give up

Zhu Lingshi sighed: "Okay, be careful of everything, don't force it, when it really doesn't work, lower the commander flag, and I'll arrange for another chariot to take over. The commander, Zhu Biao, has followed my father since he was still alive. A veteran of many years, with rich experience, you can obey his command!"

Xu Kuizhi nodded excitedly, jumped out of the chariot with his bow, and took fifteen steps forward, where the fake handsome chariot with the blue handsome flag that Zhu Biao was in went to, and immediately disappeared in front of him. in the smoke.

In front of Zhu Lingshi's chariot, a forty-something man with a full beard and a full face was Zhu Lingshi's guard and the head of his family, Zhu Quanzhi, and sighed: "My lord, let Xu Kuizhi come forward, With his young and vigorous personality, I'm afraid something may happen, so do you really let him go like this?"

Zhu Lingshi curled his lips: "Uncle Quan, we are all soldiers. What do you think is the most unbearable thing for soldiers?"

Zhu Quanzhi nodded: "A true soldier is not afraid of death, but is afraid of not having the chance to die. This is what the old master has repeatedly emphasized when he is here."

Zhu Lingshi said sternly: "Yes, Master has no son, Kuizhi is the son-in-law, and he has the background of the Xu family. It can be said that the master has high hopes. One Liu Rongzu and one Xu Kuizhi are his own family. This time, they were arranged to go out with the army, and they were on the front line to fight, although they were not arranged to be the main generals, but their intentions are self-evident."

Zhu Quanzhi sighed: "It's a pity that Rong Zu, such a fierce general, actually collapsed on the collapsed city wall. We all thought..."

Zhu Lingshi nodded: "Like the Raptors, it's easy to break when you're too strong, so Master said it well, at any time, you must keep a calm judgment, a great wisdom is like a fool, and a brave one is like a coward. As a general, you must understand your responsibilities. I just realized this truth recently. Kuizhi probably also knew that Rongzu was killed, and his chance came, so this time he was so willing to sacrifice his life. If I stopped him at this time, it would be If he misses the future of his life, he will definitely blame me or even hate me afterwards."

Zhu Quanzhi's brows furrowed: "So, letting him go to the fake handsome car is to give him a chance, but it is also to let him experience the risk, life and death, no one can blame you, right?"

Zhu Lingshi hooked the corners of his mouth: "That said, after all, he is Master's son-in-law. Although he came to Beifu late, he and I are also very close together. I can't really ignore him in danger, uncle Quan Zhi. Ah, when necessary, let's help him if we should."

Zhu Quanzhi frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "My lord, there are no outsiders here, Uncle Quan leans on an old man, let me tell you something, this Xu Kuizhi thinks that Liu Rongzu died in battle, his chance is here, but for you ,if…………"

Zhu Lingshi's expression changed, and he said solemnly, "Stop, Uncle Quan, don't even think about this."

Zhu Quanzhi quickly closed his mouth: "Just take it as my nonsense, lord, don't take it to heart."

Zhu Lingshi sighed softly: "Actually, Chao Shi fell into the enemy's hands and still served for the demon thief, which has already cut off your possibility. Now that I can take charge of the army alone, it is already the master who overcomes all opinions. It gave me extra opportunities, how can I ask for anything else. There are times in my life, and there are times in my life, and I will try to force them. If I think too much, it is easy to lose what I should have.”

Having said that, he looked at the smoke and dust that was soaring into the sky, the sound of killing and the sound of war drums coming towards the wind, and Tan Shao's flag was also crumbling in the forest of arrows and spears: "Why are you brother Ah Shao? Will he fall into this situation? Everyone thinks that he will take the credit for conquering Xicheng and taking the first credit. He can even become Master's deputy and take over the Beifu in the future. But what about the result? In the moment before the victory, I lost everything, and now I have to rely on others to save my life. After this battle, Brother Ah Shao has no chance of taking the top. Soldiers who only aim to win, and other thoughts, fight less."

Zhu Quanzhi nodded: "My lord is right, we can do our best to win, we don't need to think about anything else, but, where Xu Kuizhi..."

Zhu Lingshi narrowed his eyes: "I expect him to deal with the enemy's rushing cavalry, the problem is not big, the real trouble, I am afraid that when Murong Ping rushes behind, he will notify Brother Takato to prepare, and when necessary, We have to go first, and let Takako take over the command at the back."

Zhu Quanzhi sighed: "My lord, your character of not fighting or grabbing is really..."

Zhu Lingshi smiled slightly: "As long as you win, it's fine. If you want to fight for merit, then we are still at the North Gate, Uncle Quan, send the order."

Having said that, his eyes turned to the front and rushed towards him. He just jumped up from Xu Kuizhi, and the chariot under the blue commander's chariot at the front was less than 150 paces away. The enemy was all armored, muttering. Said: "Kuizhi, work harder, resist this wave!"

Under the blue handsome flag, Xu Kuizhi smiled and said to a sturdy and dark veteran in his 40s standing in the car with a long lance in his hand: "You are Zhu Biao and Zhu Hu. Brother Shitou let me come... "

Zhu Biaotou didn't turn back, he still stood in his original position~www.wuxiaspot.com~ motionless, just like the long lance he pointed forward, motionless like a mountain, and said coldly: "There is a halberd behind, pick it up and prepare to fight. , put down your bow and arrow, we don't need it."

Xu Kuizhi's expression changed, and he said in surprise, "Aren't you going to attack with arrows? If it's an enemy army..."

Before he could finish his words, he only heard a sound of breaking through the air, and the armored cavalry on the opposite side charged and fired arrows, and a black arrow rushed towards him.

Several sergeants with shields stood up abruptly from the carriage in front of them. In their hands, they held wooden rafts half a foot tall and half a foot thick. The sound, all the arrows that attacked, were all inserted on the wooden raft, and the sound of the arrows falling to the ground could not be heard. Obviously, this round of enemy cavalry's shooting was perfectly prevented.

Zhu Biao still stood on the spot, the long lance lifted up a little, pointed forward, Xu Kuizhi gritted his teeth, dropped the big bow in his hand, and picked up a halberd, but obviously, his ability to hold a long weapon is far It is far better than using a bow. On this stationary car, even after a few gestures, I could not find the angle of the halberd.

Zhu Biao shook his head: "Young man, remember, if you are not good at stabbing stabs, turn the halberd across and lean against the side of the car, even the halberd is enough to shoot down the enemy, but from now on , you have to treat yourself as a dead person, even if the enemy lance pierces you, you can't move, if you can't do it, you will leave this chariot now, understand?"


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