Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3128: I see pity with rain pear flowers

Liu Yu looked at Wang Miaoyin for a long time. On that peerless face, she was full of strength and stubbornness, just like the heroine of the female middle school who did not hesitate to be the enemy of the entire noble family in order to love her. The daughter of an aristocratic family who did not hesitate to turn against his biological parents in order to stay with him for a long time, but this time he was facing himself, and his position was opposite.

Liu Muzhi sighed softly, and this time he turned to Liu Yu: "Ji slave, everything needs to be considered more from the standpoint of others, the aristocratic family has been around for a hundred years, like a hundred-footed worm, not dead but not dead. , There is no shortage of talents among the children of the aristocratic family, especially in terms of classics and historical books. For the time being, there is no one who can replace the children of the aristocratic family. Ji slaves, you can't be too impatient, we have always agreed, the aristocratic family If there are people among the children who are willing to make progress and make contributions to the country, it is also a blessing for the country."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "I have never rejected these people, just like you, like Miaoyin, have I ever been an outsider? But we all know that it is precisely those scumbags of aristocratic families who like to do nothing but work, and have more than enough success. By relying on thugs to bully goodness, haven't we bullied Diao enough since childhood?"

Wang Miaoyin said solemnly, "For people like Diao Kui in the past and Wang Yu in the future, who have the country and the law to rule them, could it be that there are dozens or hundreds of Hu people's trilogy under his command, so he can fight against the country's law? Brother Yu, It is precisely the children of aristocratic families who want to make good achievements and need to build their own army."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I can't promise you this matter for the time being, the high-ranking family wants to be a member of the family, and these national laws are allowed to be organized. If you really want to recruit people without breaking the law, these Hu people are willing, then you can too. It can be recruited, but it cannot be said that it is to conquer Guanggu. The people of the whole city are sold as slaves, and all the male prisoners of war are divided up for your noble family. To be honest, many of them are proficient in riding and archery, and they are very good sources of soldiers. In the future, Dajin will continue to fight, and they should be used as military households and soldiers, not as private soldiers of your family."

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "We are responsible for the usual training and support. Isn't this saving the imperial court a large amount of military expenses for the country. If we really want to expedition the Central Plains, we will not do our best? Brother Yu, you will Do you think that you will take all the elite soldiers in the world into your own hands and leave nothing to others? Or..."

When she said this, she gritted her teeth: "Or, you still would rather trust Murong Lan, rather believe that this woman can help you take care of these Xianbei people, and you don't want to believe me, my mother, and these noble families in Dajin. What about Gaomen?"

Liu Yu sighed softly: "Miaoyin, before the enemy, we should not worry about these things first, lay down Guanggu, and can we discuss it later? You and Mu Zhidu have been hiding this from me, and have not talked to me. I discussed it and decided on my own, am I sorry for you, or are you bullying me too much?"

Wang Miaoyin suddenly burst into laughter: "We bullied you too much? Liu Yu, are you too embarrassed to say this? After all these years, did you bully me and hurt me, or did I bully you and hurt you? You are sorry for our Xie family, Or are we thanking you for being sorry?!"

Liu Yu's lips trembled slightly, watching Wang Miaoyin, who had tears on his face, but didn't even wipe it, he felt pity in his heart, now he could no longer control himself, and he didn't even care about Liu Muzhi. At his side, he took a step forward and wiped Wang Miaoyin's tears with his sleeves.

Wang Miaoyin took a step back, her apricot eyes wide and wide: "Liu Yu, general of the Great Jin chariot and cavalry, please respect the king and queen of the Great Jin, this is on the battlefield, not in Jianjing Temple, let alone when you and I were young, Hua Qianyue Come on, it's time to talk about love!"

Liu Yu's hand stopped in the air, but he couldn't stretch it out. Even if he wanted to hold this woman in his arms again, he knew that the more fierce Wang Miaoyin was, the more it showed the struggle and reluctance in her heart. If she really took a step forward, she would never resist, she would definitely throw herself into her arms, all the grievances, reluctance, and complaints would fall apart at the moment of hugging, just like the battle in Linqu. Like the hug on the handsome stage, love can really make all reason and restraint disappear.

But Liu Yu knows that he must not indulge himself, and strong enemies may come at any time, and the conflict between Wang Miaoyin and the noble family behind her can never be just because of a hug, because the old love is still alive. Give up, even after the passion, still have to face the cruel reality. Therefore, his hand stopped in the air like this, trembling slightly, but he couldn't move forward half an inch.

Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "Forget it, you can't tell the reason why you are arguing like this. I think it's better to put aside the dispute first and fight the enemy together, Miao Yin, I think it's better than this, if Murong Lan Kill here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's up to Ji slaves to decide. After all, they can see the kind of tacit understanding that we can't see. If Murong Lan really came to help us instead of Heipao, then Maybe she will be the most crucial help for us to kill the black robe."

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth: "Then what if she came to help Heipao? If she is a master, it will be a matter of life and death in an instant. If she is really bad, it will be too late. If she can kill Heipao, I've already started, I'm afraid that most of them have bad intentions, Mu Zhi, I will never let Liu Yu be in this kind of risk alone. Otherwise, if there are three long and two shortcomings, it will be too late to regret it!"

Liu Yu said solemnly: "I told my subordinates, if I have any accident, Mu Zhi will take over the Beifu and continue to fight, while Heipao and Murong Lan will be killed by you at that time, Miao Yin, this has nothing to do with the children. Love, purely for national affairs, I have to bet this time, otherwise if the black robe escapes again this time, we will not have the chance to besiege Guanggu this time and kill him!"

Wang Miaoyin said solemnly, "Then take a step back, even if Murong Lan is here to help you, even if she succeeds, you plan to give Nanyan and hundreds of thousands of Xianbei people to her? To you and her son? Do you give your wife and children the Qingzhou that we have sacrificed tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers of the Great Jin Dynasty to capture with such great effort, and let this place become your Liu family and the private property of the Murong Ministry for generations?"

"Liu Yu, you keep saying that our aristocratic family monopolizes resources and prevents others from getting ahead, but this time it was replaced by your Liu family and the Murong Department, but you are going to replace this hereditary family. Do you really have a clear conscience?"

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