Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3130: The decisive battle is coming

Liu Yu nodded seriously: "Miaoyin, protect yourself, there is only one thing I can teach you now, I will tell you my law of survival on the battlefield for many years, only by throwing everything away to fight, it is easier to survive. Before fighting, you must Know what you want. Whether you want to destroy the enemy, or protect yourself!"

"If you want to protect yourself, you have to find the best cover and think of a way out. If you want to eliminate the enemy, then you should treat yourself as a dead person, because you are facing an unprecedented powerful enemy, and you can't get any points. Heart. Also, even if I die in front of you, don't shake your goals for it, on the battlefield, even a momentary distraction will kill you!"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "I have fought with you a few times this time, from Linqu to Guanggu. I also understand this. I think I know exactly what I want. Brother Yu, don't worry, I won't. It will drag you down, let alone hinder you, and divide your heart."

Having said that, the corner of her mouth twitched lightly, looking at the Kongming lanterns floating out from behind the city wall, and muttered: "This time, did Heipao want to set fire to the ground from the air? It's just the last battle. Experience, we have deployed a large number of archers from the city wall to here, just to guard against the enemy's air strikes, just relying on these Kongming lanterns, isn't that a waste of death?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "The black robe must have used the ultimate move. Last time they didn't just throw fire pots, but..."

Wang Miaoyin's eyes lit up, and she lost her voice: "Yes, last time they threw the orchid guards who had taken the evil medicine of longevity directly from the air, and turned those people into monsters of longevity to fight with us, Brother Yu, if this time they It's also a repeat of the old trick..."

Liu Yu said indifferently: "Last time we all took precautions, this time it's even more of a problem, one or two long-lived monsters are nothing to be afraid of, just surround them, throw sulphur saltpeter on them, and then attack them with fire. After all, those longevity monsters are not human, they are slow and not flexible enough. If the number is insufficient, they can be easily dealt with. I think this time, the black robe will definitely not use the tactics that failed last time. What will he do?"

Having said that, Liu Yu looked towards the city wall in the distance and muttered, "It's time to use your tricks!"

Guanggu, Nancheng, inner city gate.

Murong Lan's eyebrows were knitted together, standing on the city wall, the arrows kept swiping over her head and around her. Occasionally, she would wield a sword and shoot down one or two arrows that shot at her body. Ten paces away, the Jin army, the heavy infantry, and the Helan soldiers holding shields and knives were gnashing their teeth and staring at each other. The corpses were fighting, and countless people hugged each other, rolled over in the piles of corpses and blood on the ground, and attacked their opponents with all available weapons, fists, fingers, and teeth. Rather than fighting, it was the most primitive. hand-to-hand combat.

Helan Lu folded his arms and stood beside Murong Lan with an expressionless face. A lieutenant covered in blood knelt beside him and cried, "Sir, let's go, leave some seeds for our Helan Department, If we fight again, all of us will be fired."

Helan Lu's voice was so cold that he had no emotion at all: "Evacuate? Where do you want me to evacuate? The West City is broken, and even the invincible armored cavalry and Murong Town, the king of the North Sea, have failed to attack, and any further withdrawal will only result in the annihilation of the entire army. Karimi, don't you understand? Today, here is where our bones are buried, we have nowhere to go, nowhere to go!"

The lieutenant named Karimi let out a wolf-like roar, his voice full of grief and anger: "In this case, I will fight to the death now, my two sons and three nephews are all dead, I Don't let them go alone!"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth and said, "It's not time yet, Karimi, calm down, calm down, I think the national teacher..."

Having said that, he looked at the hundreds of Kongming lanterns flying over the city wall, his brows stretched slightly, and said: "The Kongming lanterns have been released, presumably the national division has already started to fight back, maybe, the battle situation will be reversed soon. ."

Helan Lu's laughter sounded behind Helan Lu: "It's not easy, Lord Helan, when did you have such confidence in me?"

A look of joy flashed on Helan Lu's face, and together with all the Helan soldiers around him, they gave a military salute to the rear: "See the national teacher."

I saw the wide black armor of the black robe, rising into the sky, like a black dragon flying across the sky, gliding above the tower, and behind him, waving its wings, the daunting Mingyue Flying Gu closely followed. Behind it, the third person was actually He Lanmin. She had changed into a military academy armor, but she still couldn't hide her stunning face. But there was an unspeakable look in her eyes. She was no longer as agile and charming as usual. She even moved to the side at the moment when she met Murong Lan's eyes. Look into Murong Lan's eyes.

But Murong Lan stepped forward, grabbed He Lanmin's collar, and said sharply, "Where is my son?"

He Lanmin gritted his teeth, still turned his head, did not dare to look at Murong Lan, and whispered: "Yizhen, Yizhen, he is with Wang Mengzi, now, it should be in the hands of Jin Jun."

The blade in Murong Lan's hand suddenly rested on He Lanmin's neck, and said word by word, "He Lanmin, I treat you as a sister and drag my own son to you. Is this how you protect my son?"

Helan Lu's complexion changed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said quickly, "Princess Lan, don't be impulsive, say something if you have something to say."

He Lanmin closed his eyes and murmured: "I'm sorry, if you want to kill me, kill me, I, I have nothing to say."

Heipao's voice coldly remembered: "Alan, you should kill me, not Minmin, she is just acting on my orders."

Murong Lan gritted her teeth, released He Lanmin with her left hand, pointed the long knife in her right hand at the black robe five steps away, and said solemnly, "You are right, you are right, you are wronged, you are a debtor, pay me back!"

Heipao said indifferently: "Actually, you should thank me. I handed Ling Lang to the Jin army intact, and Zhu Lingshi has already picked up Xiao Yizhen intact. This is what Mingyue saw with her own eyes. Come on, Mingyue."

Mingyue Flying Gu nodded: "Yes, the fifth floor of Gongsun is to let Mrs. Helan, Wang Mengzi, and Murong Lin break out of the encirclement to the north, creating a chance for him to escape. Yizhen was also acquired by the Jin army. I do have to congratulate you, Princess Lan, now you don't have to worry about Ling Lang's safety."

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