Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3132: Heaven and Earth twin ghosts

Wang Zhen'e thought he was dazzled, and rubbed it vigorously. Duan Hong, who was opposite him, looked at Wang Zhen'e with a look of surprise, and said, "Zhen'e, what's wrong with you, did you get sand in your eyes?"

Wang Zhen'e rubbed his eyes, shook his head and said, "No, Ahong, did you see Brother Dazhu move?"

Duan Hong turned his head to look at Liu Dazhu on the ground blankly: "Brother Dazhu you are talking about, is that Liu Dazhu? How can he move even if he is dead, Brother Zhenye, you may be too tired. It's better... …”

He suddenly closed his mouth and was so shocked that he was speechless, because he could clearly see Liu Dazhu's head twisting and making a screeching sound.

This time, Wang Zhen'e also saw it very clearly. It wasn't just Liu Dazhu. There were hundreds of Jin army corpses lying in a long row beside him. The wounds began to leak black juice. The eyeballs became green, like Yama, and a stench of death, like the smell of those immortal monsters, permeated all around, and the faint purple-black mist also began to permeate the air.

This time Wang Zhen'e reacted, and he shouted: "No, no, these corpses are about to become long-lived monsters, hurry, burn them!" He said, and quickly took out one from his arms. The small bottle of kerosene was about to be thrown at Liu Dazhu.

Duan Hong's eyes widened, and he grabbed Wang Zhen'e's wrist like a pair of iron pliers, blocking Wang Zhen'e's movements, so that his bottle could not be thrown out again, Duan Hong said loudly: " No, this is our brother, they are not monsters, those, those longevity monsters only become after taking medicine, they, they are just..."

I only heard a scream, a civilian man who was carrying a corpse on his back, but did not notice the corpse on his back, his eyes suddenly opened, green light flashed, and he bit the neck of the civilian man fiercely. , The man screamed in pain, and suddenly lifted the "corpse" on his back to the ground, jumping wildly on the spot in pain, and everyone could clearly see that where he was bitten, blood was drifting. , The two front teeth were clearly embedded in his wound, and the teeth were no longer human-like, they became sharp and sharp, like wolf teeth, and they were all black, which made people want to vomit.

The bitten man, after jumping a few times, suddenly fell straight down, with **** wounds. After he fell to the ground, an ink-like, fishy and stinky juice started to come out. And his hands and feet began to twitch involuntarily, and the ten fingers that were exposed began to quickly turn black and thick, and the nails were also growing wildly, becoming sharp and sharp, like wolf claws.

Wang Zhen'e suddenly broke free from Duan Hong's hand, and shouted at the people on the ground: "Ahong, did you see that these monsters bite people and catch people, and they can turn people who are bitten into people who are bitten. Monsters like them, the current Liu Shizhu, is no longer your Shizhu brother when he was alive, if you want to become the same "brother" as him, I will burn you together now!"

Having said that, he ignored Duan Hong, who was still in a daze, and smashed the kerosene bottle in his hand onto the mutated civilian who was bitten on the ground just now. He grabbed the torch in his hand, and suddenly, the corpse that was twitching and mutated on the ground, along with the immortal monster that bit him before, was covered in raging fire, making terrifying screams that were definitely not human. The sound rolled in the flames.

After Wang Zhen'e threw the torch, he took Duan Hong's hand and ran back, while running, he roared: "Quick, burn all these monsters, don't let them bite and catch, this time Monsters will turn living people into theirs!"

Duan Hong finally came to his senses and ran back with Wang Zhen'e. While running, he was still in great shock, and said, "This, how is this possible, the second strong brother, how can he... …”

Wang Zhen'e ran out of breath and gritted his teeth: "The two strong brothers you said are the people who carried the corpse and bit them just now?"

Duan Hong nodded and said, "Yes, he is carrying his younger brother San Zhuang. Could it be that San Zhuang has also become a monster of longevity?"

Wang Zhen sighed evilly: "Yes, the black robe is more cruel and terrifying than we thought. In the past, the longevity monster he created was a terrifying, terrifying murder tool, inaccessible with swords and guns, and could shatter armor. Breaking the shield is absolutely difficult to resist, to destroy them, apart from cutting off their heads with the sharp blade of a divine weapon, the only way to attack them is to attack with fire, just like, just like this!"

Duan Hong widened his eyes and looked back into the distance. Many corpses lying on the ground were already on fire, and were even rolling over. But more of them stood up from the flames, their eyes glowing green and black. teeth and long fingernails, began to scratch and gnaw at the nearest living person.

Different from the cruel and **** kind of tearing apart the living people as food before, and even eating the liver and intestines raw, these monsters this time seem to have turned into vicious dogs, gnawing on the legs and necks of people.

In the screams, the person who was bitten and scratched will slowly fall to the ground and struggle like the second strong. After a few moments, he will lose his breath, and then in a blink of an eye, his eyes will glow green, like a zombie. It jumped up from the ground and turned into that terrifying kind. Almost a hundred sergeants were brutally murdered and poisoned in the blink of an eye.

Duan Hong understood at once, and shouted at the soldiers who were still holding the weapons in their hands and fighting these monsters bravely: "Retreat, quickly retreat, if you bite it, you will become a monster~www.wuxiaspot .com~ come back soon!"

Liu Zhong's surprised voice sounded more than ten steps behind Duan Hong: "What's the situation, this, why did the longevity person suddenly appear?"

Wang Zhen said sternly: "These ghosts, as long as they bite people, they can turn people into long-lived monsters, spread them all out, retreat, don't melee them, use rockets to destroy these monsters!"

Liu Zhong finally understood, and shouted at the thousands of stunned and overwhelmed sergeants behind him: "Quick, go back, spread out, archers, archers prepare to use fire..."

Before he could finish his words, several kongming lanterns flew over his head. In the queue of archers behind him, a burst of crossbow shots were fired. , mercilessly fell into a small group of civilians who had just rushed forward and had no time to dodge, screaming and smoke everywhere, and soon, there was the smell of stench, as well as the sound of exclamations and screams.

Above the inner gate of Nancheng, the corner of Heipao's mouth evoked a cruel smile. Hundreds of such long-lived monsters also began to stand in Wengcheng in front of him. He looked at Liu Yu's handsome platform in the distance. : "The twin ghosts of heaven and earth, can you catch it, Liu Yu?!"

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