Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3135: The black robe asks the sister for the last help

Murong Lan's delicate body shook slightly, and she turned her head. Her eyes were wide open, full of murderous aura. Although she didn't say a word, her terrifying aura caused even Mingyue Flying Gu to narrow her eyes slightly.

Helan Lu looked at this pose and said quickly: "National teacher, you two talk slowly, talk slowly." He said, winking at He Lanmin, He Lanmin moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't want to. He left immediately, but he gave Helan Lu a hold on the jade wrist, and then pulled it away.

Mingyue Flying Gu didn't seem to want to leave either. Hei Pao coughed softly: "Mingyue, help me check the situation outside. If there are longevity people who want to go back to the city, drive them forward according to my method."

Mingyue fluttered her wings coldly, soaring into the sky, and soon, she flew outside the city and disappeared.

On the huge city wall, there were only two brothers and sisters, Hei Pao and Murong Lan. An unspeakable wind blew gently, causing Hei Pao's long black beard to move slightly, but it was not like the blood before. The rainy wind seemed to be Murong Lan's uncontrollable anger, like a stormy sea, hitting the black robe one after another through the air.

Hei Pao suddenly laughed: "Yes, very imposing, it seems that being a mother is different."

Murong Lan roared sharply: "If you dare to touch my righteousness, I will definitely kill you!"

Heipao softly said "oh": "I asked Minmin and Wang Mengzi to take Xiao Yizhen out of the city, and I didn't see you chasing after them, Alan, when did you become putting a child's life on the line? Yan's thousands of soldiers and civilians, what about your hundreds of thousands of people?"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "Because only by killing you, Dayan's people can survive. Now I am more and more sure of this, you are the biggest scourge of Dayan's Murong family, not Liu Yu!"

Heipao laughed: "Do you think that if you kill me now and surrender to Liu Yu, will you be able to save our more than 200,000 people? The double ghosts of heaven and earth have been launched, and now I will attack with overwhelming force. Liu Yu, instead of waiting for him to attack the city, if you are smarter, you should be on my side."

Murong Lan sneered and said, "Just relying on your playstyles that turn people into long-lived monsters after biting people, just thinking about defeating Liu Yu? People are not stupid, and they won't leave people there to bite you stupidly. You see, the Jin army in this urn city has already withdrawn quickly, distanced outside, and then attacked with rockets and sulfur, what do you use to realize the plan?"

Having said that, Murong Lan turned her head to look in the direction of the ghost wall, the Kongming lanterns floating out, and the immortals who kept falling from the Kongming lanterns, frowning slightly: "Aha, I almost forgot, In order to make up for the slow speed of this long-lived person, you also used this Kongming lantern, the so-called double ghosts of heaven and earth, the ghosts are the long-lived people who fall on this Kongming lantern, if they fall into the crowd, they can bite people."

However, Murong Lan quickly raised the corners of her mouth in disdain, and a hint of mockery flashed on her face: "But even if you do this, you are just a surprise to Jin Jun, if I expected it right, what kind of bite are you? After catching someone, you can turn the attacked person into an immortal person, and you can't guarantee that every shot will be successful. You don't have so many medicines, and the medicinal properties are not so strong, even if you become an immortal monster, it won't last long. Otherwise, you would have used this trick long ago, right?"

The muscles on Hei Pao's face twitched lightly, and then he sighed: "Alan really deserves to be my best younger sister, to be able to see the flaws of the twin ghosts so quickly, yes, the person who bites is not a bad guy. Anyone can become an immortal, but only one out of ten succeeds. Moreover, after being bitten once, the new immortal bites another person, and it is impossible to spread and spread, it is just an ordinary immortal. , Moreover, the duration is only half an hour, and the power is a little worse than that of the first-time longevity person, and it can't achieve that kind of invulnerability!"

Murong Lan burst out laughing: "As expected, if you really had this ability, you would have used it long ago, and even throwing hundreds of immortal monsters into Liu Yu's military camp at night can make him fill the camp. It can become this kind of ghoul overnight. This trick is nothing but bluffing, it is to temporarily shock, pull away Liu Yu's main force, and even temporarily make Jin Jun afraid of such a method. Dare to withdraw troops to rescue, so that you can find the opportunity to open the gap to attack Liu Yu's handsome stage!"

Heipao sighed: "Alan, I won't hide it from you until now, Murong Town's attack in Xicheng failed, I didn't put Heaven and Earth in Xicheng to save him, just for this last blow, Zhu Ling Shi actually hid chariot troops to attack our armored cavalry. Xicheng attacked from where the wall was trapped, defeated Tan Shao, and forced Liu Yu to send Liu Jingxuan and other main forces to Xicheng to support him, thus giving me a chance to attack Liu Yu, but now it seems that this opportunity has been reduced by half."

Murong Lan sneered: "Because of Liu Jingxuan and Wang Zhen'e's two elites, they were not forced to rescue other places, but were still stuck here, and Helan Lu's troops are already at the end of the force, and it is impossible for you to open a **** path for you, your own The two ghosts of heaven and earth are not sure to break through the interception of these two troops and take Liu Yu directly. So now you think of me again, and you want me to come and help you, right?"

Hei Pao's eyes sparkled with green light: "That's right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That's it. And this time, it's not only helping me, but also helping you! Help your son Liu Yizhen!"

Murong Lan shook her head disdainfully and said, "What nonsense, I helped you kill the child's father, you told me that you were helping my son?"

Heipao said indifferently: "What I want is not to kill Liu Yu, I have told you this all the time, if I want to kill Liu Yu, I can do it many years ago and keep him, half of it is Gu Nian and you. I want to use your hand to draw Liu Yu back, and the other half wants a powerful foreign aid. My real enemy has always been the cloak, not a mortal like Liu Yu, you should understand! "

Murong Lan sneered: "What do you understand? You thought I was an ignorant girl back then. Do you believe anything you say? After so many years, I already understand what you want. All the rhetoric between you and me , is just to trick me into helping you kill Liu Yu. This is my only role for you."

Hei Pao shook his head: "Kill Liu Yu, what am I left with? A ruined lonely city, one up and down, everyone sees me as a devil, Nan Yan, who wants to kill me and then hurry up, from Murong Town to every sergeant , you won't trust me anymore, do you think I still rely on Nan Yan to realize my Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan?"

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