Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3137: control the heart

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Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "I still don't believe that you really want to join forces with Liu Yu. If you want to cooperate with him, after so many years, there are opportunities! Why wait until now?"

Heipao shook his head: "Because for so many years, I have still had illusions about the Tiandao Alliance. I thought that the cloak would be on my side, but I didn't expect that he was my real and rival. On the surface, we Liu Yu and Liu Yu are both enemies, but in fact, I just want to use the manpower and material resources of the State of Yan to help me realize the Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan. Now I have almost realized this plan. Look at me, I can rejuvenate my youth. , then what I have to do next is to challenge the century-old curse and bring everything back to the beginning."

Murong Lan said solemnly, "What does this have to do with Liu Yu?"

Hei Pao's eyes flashed coldly: "I need Liu Yu to retire and retreat to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, or, in other words, it's okay to give him the land of Qingzhou. As long as I achieve Ten Thousand Years of Peace, I can bring all my clansmen back to their hometown in Liaodong. And the person I trust most is you, my good sister."

Murong Lan turned around and said coldly: "It's too late, you and Liu Yu have already lost trust, not even with me, he will not cooperate with you, for you, only Hurry up later, this is not just his own meaning, but the meaning of the entire army, the 100,000 soldiers of the Beifu army. Do you think such a **** feud can be resolved? Black robe, stop dreaming, you really want to **** you plan, then get out of here, leave forever, go to a place where no one can find you to realize your plan."

Heipao gritted his teeth: "I said that without Liu Yu's cooperation, I can't even convince Mingyue. If it doesn't count on the outcome of Ten Thousand Years of Peace, how can it help me?"

Murong Lan sneered and said, "That's because you have done so much evil, so that there is no room for you to return it. To be honest, you made Mingyue look like a ghost, and it's amazing that you can continue to make her believe in you. . However, you can't deceive me!"

A fierce light flashed in Heipao's eyes: "Do you think you have another choice now? If you don't help me to make peace with Liu Yu, what do you think you will end up with? If the battle is like this, Liu Yu will not let it go. If you pass me, will his subordinates let you go? Hmph, why do you think Wang Miaoyin came with the army this time?"

Murong Lan's delicate body shook slightly, but she still said in a deep voice, "Even so, I have no regrets, this is what I, Murong Lan, suffered by myself, and the end that I helped you abuse for many years, but fortunately, Yizhen is safe. I have no regrets when I handed the land to Liu Yu!"

Heipao said coldly: "Let's not say that your son Liu Yi really has a good ending, just say that the dream you have pursued for many years, the dream of protecting the Xianbei people and protecting my Murong family, you really are like this. Have you given up? After so many years, you have been working for me and cooperating with me, didn’t you just want to protect your clan and my country? Why, at this last step, you want to give up?!”

Murong Lan turned around abruptly, looked directly at the black robe, and said solemnly, "I will never give up the responsibility of protecting my family and my family, but this is two different things from continuing to do evil for you. No matter what you do. I won't believe it any more if you say that you are fighting for your country and your country. You can't save your clan because of your ten thousand years of peace. So many people have died, and it is impossible for the rest to be because of you. Repel the Jin army once and get good results. Since I can't save them, then following them through this final journey is my last responsibility as Murong Lan's descendant. It's you, even if you can live forever , live for thousands of years, and never expect to be forgiven by our ancestors!"

Heipao's eyes widened and he said loudly, "I am the descendant of the Murong Clan, and I have been fighting for our Murong Clan all my life. I repeat, if what I pursue is immortality and immortality, and immortality and Taoism, then I will not be at all. There is no need to be here. Alan, never give up our dreams and pursuits, I said that once Wannian Taiping succeeds, all the sacrifices will be worth it!"

Murong Lan shook her head: "Hei Pao, you are very wrong, you always think that you are doing the right thing, that everyone has to die for your purpose, you don't think about what is real The way of heaven, is it called the way of heaven to live like a corpse according to the destiny you have designed for people? The reason why people are different from beasts is that people have the right to choose their own way of living, whether they are born or not. Death, as long as you live according to your own wishes, it is worth it."

The black robe's eyes shone brightly, and he was speechless for a while.

Murong Lan looked at the black robe and continued: "Maybe, you can act according to your will, maybe you can launch some ten thousand years of peace, and you can lift the curse of the god, but even if you succeed, then our clan is alive. Does it still make sense? When you lose the curse, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also loses that terrifying power, and even loses the proud face, and you are no longer the favored person of heaven. How can you satisfy them? A proud warrior and a stunning beauty die, and do not want to live as a mediocre ordinary person, this is what our Murong clan thinks."

The black robe gritted his teeth: "No, if the ten thousand years are peaceful, even if there is no such thing as the gods, I can pass me..."

Murong Lan shook her head and sighed: "Enough, eldest brother, what's the difference between you like that, and the **** who gave us strength and cursed us? You are self-righteous and want to decide the fate of others, but you don't care what he thinks. Don't want it, are willing to give anything in exchange. It's like you thought from the beginning that Liu Yu would go according to your idea, that your sons would go according to your idea, and in the end, they all went towards what you didn't want. That road, you attribute it to that curse, but you never think about it, this is what a person normally wants to get, especially the desire for power, is this some kind of god's curse that makes people have it?"

Heipao said solemnly: "As long as you are a person, you have weaknesses, and you can have a side of trading. My sons have it, and Liu Yu has it too. What he wants is the Han family, famous in history, and I can do it now. Give it to him, when I lift this curse and launch Ten Thousand Years of Peace, he can be his Han hero, you can take your clan back to Liaodong, or you can stay with him, and I will leave this world, is this the case? Isn't it good? All I want is that you can bring me to him and let me have a good talk with him. You also refuse this?"

Murong Lan said firmly: "I refuse!"

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