Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3139: Formation switch ghoul

Murong Lan frowned: "He Lanmin, your brain is not broken, after all, he is my eldest brother, and he has been like my father since childhood. Even if I don't help him, it doesn't mean I can kill him. This Everyone in the world has reasons and excuses to kill him, but I don't."

He Lanmin said coldly: "But you said just now that the disasters of Dayan and the Murong Clan all started because of his self-righteousness. He wanted to end the war with Liu Yu and save the remaining clansmen. The head of the black robe will do."

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "I said, he deserves to die, he can die 10,000 times, but it shouldn't be up to me, this time I won't help Heipao, and I won't help Liu Yu kill him, life and death are up to you, It depends on God's arrangement. And I will do my last duty and fight with my clansmen to the end."

He Lanmin shook his head: "If you want to protect your clan, you should eradicate the black robe, and eradicate the Tiandao Alliance. If the Wannian Taiping plan is not completely stopped, it will still harm your Murong clan, because I know, The key to this plan lies in Liu Yu!"

Murong Lan's expression changed slightly, looking at He Lanmin: "What do you mean by that?"

He Lanmin sighed softly: "My good sister, have you forgotten, we have seen the future before, and we know the ending of you and me, but what I want to tell you is that for some reason, this ending has been Something has changed!"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth and took a step forward, almost sticking to He Lanmin's face: "What do you mean by that, do you have the ability to see the future?"

"Sword Comes"

He Lanmin nodded and took Murong Lan's hand: "Come with me." The two walked towards a tower above the empty Weng City. The moment their figures entered, the door creaked. It closed with a creak, a piece of dust rose up, and everything around was silent, except for the sound of wind and the screams of killing in the distance.

Guanggu, outside the South Gate, 200 paces away.

The soldiers of the Jin army had already retreated to the distance outside the city gate. The soldiers in the front row were holding shields and holding lances that were more than five meters long, while the soldiers behind the shields were many other than those holding lances. Both were holding fishing nets, and the other hand was holding a sulphur jar. Twenty or thirty steps away, more than ten longevity monsters were struggling in the fishing nets. The non-human kind of beast-like roar, every time, will impact the human heart.

Xiang Mi wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to Xu Chite who was beside him: "Chite, this time is so difficult, I almost explained it in the city, thanks to you for reminding me, let me leave early, still use Cover with bows and arrows, otherwise, these dead ghosts and longevity monsters are really hard to deal with."

Xu Chite breathed a sigh of relief, but fear was still written on his face: "We actually expected that the black robe might fight back with the longevity monster, but what we didn't expect is that the person who these monsters bite will also become the person they catch. Immortal monsters. My three brothers, right before my eyes, became..."

When he said this, his eyes were wet.

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Then I can't bite and catch it, Chite, promise me, if I bite these monsters, give me a good time, I don't want to become these people who are neither ghost nor ghost. s things!"

A roar sounded, and more than a dozen Kongming lanterns slowly floated from the city head, while six or seven longevity monsters fell toward the dense crowd, shouting to Mi: "Disperse, quickly disperse. !"

The more than 1,000 Beifu sergeants who formed a group and arranged in three columns quickly dispersed in all directions. The army formation that was arranged in a line just now suddenly became twenty or thirty small circular formations, or A team of thirty or forty people, or a team of sixty or seventy people, surrounded the six or seven longevity monsters that had fallen on the ground, with the shield arm inside, and the long lance pointed directly at the monster that fell to the ground.

The longevity monsters got up from the ground one after another. They were bubbling with disgusting black water all over their bodies. The green lights in their eyes were flashing, and they were about to attack.

More than a dozen fishing nets were thrown from all directions and threw them on these monsters. Immediately, the longevity monsters were surrounded, so that they could not move, and could no longer pounce on the surrounding soldiers. The roars of the monsters were like wolf howls. It echoed, and Xiang Mi's roar was like thunder, shocking the eardrums of the soldiers: "Brothers, fire attack, burn these monsters to death!"

Twenty or thirty kerosene jars bloomed on the longevity monsters who fell into the net, struggled and rolled on the ground, trying their best to break free, and almost at the same time, hundreds of rockets rushed towards them. The heat wave hit their bodies severely, making these monsters suddenly become fireballs rolling on the ground, the sound of sizzling grease when the body was grilled, and the stench that people wanted to vomit. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ fills up all around.

Xiang Mi heaved a long sigh of relief, and was about to speak when suddenly, his expression changed, because from the direction of the city gate, in the black smoke, thirty or forty longevity monsters rushed out, which was different from the slow movement before. The monsters that dragged their feet slowly were different. These monsters walked as fast as they could, and even used their hands and feet together, crawling quickly on the ground. In just a while, they rushed out fifty or sixty steps, scattered into a circle, and killed those The Beifu sergeants of the longevity monster that fell from the sky are already less than thirty steps away.

Xiang Mi's complexion changed greatly, and he shouted: "Quickly withdraw, quickly withdraw, quick!" And he himself quickly drew out the two giant axes on his back, and he was about to go up against these monsters. The roar entered the ears of Xu Chite who was beside him: "Chite, don't forget what I said just now!"

Beside Xiang Mi, the soldiers scattered in formation retreated like a tidal wave, while more than 20 guards, wearing shields and holding melee knives and axes, followed Xiang Mi with great strides. In the eyes of everyone, Shining with a determined cold light, not afraid of life and death, is already the creed of these most elite warriors, as long as they can stop the rushing monsters for even a moment, and cover the retreating companions, everyone will die without regrets!

A burst of smoke suddenly came from fifty paces away from the side, accompanied by more than ten sounds of wind breaking through the air, Xiang Mi reacted almost instinctively. The longevity monster that was less than twenty steps away suddenly had arrows pierced through its head and neck. There was even an arrow that directly shot a monster's head from its neck. Five or six steps away, he finally fell to the ground, and the head hit by the arrow rolled twice on the ground like a watermelon before stopping. A black ink-like juice came out of his mouth, and the blue glow in his eyes , finally faded away.

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