Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3141: Facing what big sister-in-law is right

Liu Jingxuan's expression changed slightly, and he said, "It seems that the enemy's attack is still focused on the slaves. I have to rush back to the Chinese military commander for support. Tie Niu, be careful here, you should know how to deal with these longevity monsters!"

Xiang Mi nodded vigorously: "Understood, the long-lived monsters in the sky will disperse as soon as possible. Those on the ground, try to shoot and kill them, control the distance, destroy them remotely, and don't bite them!"

Liu Jingxuan patted Xiang Mi's shoulder and said, "Xicheng has stabilized. Big Stone is really powerful. He defeated all armored cavalry with the help of chariots. It was beyond my expectations!"

Xiang Mi's eyes widened: "Is the news true?"

Liu Jingxuan laughed: "The news that Lao Suo personally sent people, can this be fake?! To be honest, if these long-lived monsters hadn't suddenly appeared before, I would have been ready to go to support, after all, they are all armored cavalry, We all met at Wuqiao Ze back then, and we know the power of these iron cavalry, and the previous time Linqu beat them, the power is not less than that."

Xiang Mi nodded: "Yes, we have repeatedly deduced before. The most worrying thing about this siege is that the enemy's armored cavalry suddenly burst out. For a while, I knew that the Yan army actually pushed down the city wall and rushed out through the gap. Ten thousand armored cavalry, Ah Shao directly beat the entire army and almost wiped out the army. I don't want to attack the city here. I can't wait to fly over to save Ah Shao and the others. Until now, I can't be relieved. I thought it was because he was Ji Nu Ge's apprentice that he was biased, but now it seems that I was wrong."

Liu Jingxuan smiled and said, "Big Stone, Suppressing Evil, the third and fourth sons of the Shen family will be the future of our Beifu Army. With them here, we can all retire and go home to hold our grandson."

Xiang Mi grinned: "It's too early, we have to conquer Luoyang, Chang'an, and Hebei, otherwise, you will be able to sit still while watching other people's sons and daughters make great achievements?"

Liu Jingxuan waved his hand, glanced at Xu Chite, who was silent beside him, and said with a smile, "Isn't there our brother Chite? You will do a lot in the future, this time is not very lucky, Mengzi will give it to you. It's not your fault, captive, don't worry about it, there is still a chance."

Xu Chite blushed slightly and said, "It's my fault that I didn't protect Brother Mengzi, Brother A Shou, to be honest, I wanted to die for a while. Until I heard him It's not a big problem, I can only let go of my heart after I've been rescued. This battle is for victory, it's meaningless to think about this person who has made meritorious deeds and that Jianye, does ten thousand great achievements in exchange for the life of my brother?"

Liu Jingxuan said with a smile: "Okay, young people say it well, you have to have this mentality, you have to correct your position, and figure out the difference between one's meritorious deeds and one's victory, I didn't figure it out very clearly in the past, Brother A Shou, So I missed a lot of things, and it wasn't until the past few years that I gradually saw it. Brother Chite, you are the future hope of the Beifu Army. Don't lose confidence because of one or two small setbacks. Just like a big stone, he gave him that The unsatisfactory brother was dragged down, and he was almost dragged out and beheaded. Isn't this time also guilty? Compared to him, your little fault is nothing, don't worry about it."

Xu Chite said loudly: "I won't let Brother A Shou and the commander down again. After eliminating these longevity monsters, I will continue to enter the city, occupy the high point, and provide bow and arrow cover for the troops and horses. ."

Liu Jingxuan nodded with satisfaction: "You are a good archer, bring some good archery brothers, go and shoot those Kongming lanterns in the air, the longevity monsters on the ground will be dealt with by Tie Niu, you should deal with the aerial ones and wait for the enemy army. When this long-lived monster from heaven and earth is used up, we can counterattack across the board and enter the city."

Xu Chituan nodded, waved the big bow in his hand vigorously, and said, "Brother A Shou, just take good care of me, I won't let you down, this time I will clear these longevity monsters as quickly as possible."

As he said that, the arrow was wound, and the arrow was fired. Fifty paces away, another longevity monster fell to the ground and died.

Liu Jingxuan glanced at Xiang Mi and said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you, don't rush into the city, and don't rush to the city wall, otherwise it's hard to retreat, as long as the enemy doesn't rush out of the urn city, It is victory. After all, we have already opened the gap in Xicheng. According to Brother Jinu, as long as Nancheng can prevent the enemy’s counterattack, it is best to make a knife and chop off the head of the long-lived monsters shot, so as not to suddenly Get up and hurt people."

Xiang Mi nodded, suddenly thought of something, his lips moved, but he still didn't speak.

Liu Jingxuan noticed Xiang Mi's abnormality. Brothers who have been with him for many years, can understand each other's meaning with just one look. This familiarity even surpasses that of his wife and son. Liu Jingxuan turned his head to the guards behind him and said, "You guys are ready. Come back and regroup, I still have a few words to explain to Brother Tie Niu.”

The two walked to the side one after another, and stood about thirty paces away from the other sergeants. Xiang Mi sighed and said in a low voice, "Brother A Shou, I saw it just now, I saw my sister-in-law."

Liu Jingxuan's expression changed, he understood why Xiang Mi could only discuss with him secretly, it was indeed a very difficult thing to handle, he sighed and said in a low voice, "Is it for her to be held hostage or she herself took the initiative to deal with it. Are you fighting?"

Xiang Mi said: "She holds the whole body and supervises the battle with a sword. She is under Helanlu's commanding flag. She should be with Helanlu. She didn't take the initiative to attack our army, and it didn't seem like she was kidnapping. I think, It should be to supervise the battle. Or, to let the Yan army in the city see her and boost morale."

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth: "Although Murong Lan is our eldest sister-in-law, and has saved us many times on the battlefield, but now, after all, our stance is hostile, and this is not the time to talk about personal feelings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I believe these longevity monsters are not her. It came out, but even without these monsters, when we break through the gate of Wengcheng, she will also go down to the city to fight us in person."

Xiang Mi smiled bitterly and said, "If it really comes to this time, what will we do? Is it possible that we really meet her?"

Liu Jingxuan's eyes gleamed, and he fell into contemplation for a while.

Xiang Mi sighed: "No matter what Brother Ji Nu says, she is an enemy, and he wants us to show no mercy, but Brother A Shou, you say, can you and I really make this move? Can we really treat my sister-in-law as an enemy? Did you fight? I can't fight anyway!"

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth: "You and the brothers ordered that if Murong Lan really rushes out, you are not allowed to attack her, you go up and fight her with the back of your knife, try to capture it alive, and never hurt her!"

Xiang Mi smiled bitterly and said, "Forgive me, Brother A Shou, you don't know what my sister-in-law is capable of. Even if I really hit her, I might not be able to beat her, not to mention the back of the sword, why don't you come!"


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