Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3144: Climb the wall and drive the iron out

Liu Jingxuan frowned slightly and said, "Tie Niu and the others have thousands of elite soldiers, and they can withstand it. It is impossible for too many people to come out of the enemy's tunnel, and most of the long-lived monsters before have been eliminated. This way, It's just a suspicious soldier, now Tie Niu has confronted Helan Lu, I believe he can cut down the enemy generals, and what we really need to rescue is from Ji Nu of the Central Command."

Having said that, he glanced at the direction of the ghost wall, and saw that Wang Zhen'e's general flag had also retreated to a position more than 400 steps outside the city wall, and the formation of the Jin army had also stabilized. Forty or fifty Kongming lanterns Flying over the top of the front line, from time to time there are longevity monsters falling from the Kongming lantern, clawing their teeth and dancing claws, and coming in a menacing manner.

But on the ground, it was already raining arrows, heading straight for the target in the air.

These long-lived monsters that fell were shot as live targets in the air, and they finally fell to the ground. Before they could get up, they would cover them with a few fishing nets, and then the kerosene and sulfur jars would follow them. Hua, in an instant, with a few rockets on the upper body, even the strange scream of "squeak" could not be made, and it became a burning torch, fell to the ground, and stopped amid the cheers of the Jin army around. distortion.

Liu Jingxuan's brows stretched, and he said with a smile: "Sure enough, this boy of Zhen Evil has two hits. Even if he makes a surprise attack like that, he still finds the weakness of the enemy army and makes a response, so he should fight like this. Although longevity monsters bite people, they can increase the number of them. , but the power is not as strong as the ghost soldiers of the past, as long as you keep your distance and pull away to fight, then you don't have to worry about these ghost soldiers monsters."

Pilu Daoxiu's brows also stretched, and he said with a smile, "If that's the case, then what's so scary? Brother A Shou, we have gathered more than a thousand cavalry here. It must be possible..."

Before he could finish his words, suddenly, there was only a loud noise. In the ghost wall section, almost in an instant, more than 20 flipped holes in the wall flashed at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of armored Riding, like a blue ocean, surging out from the city wall, just like the stormy waves, straight to the outside of the city.

More than 20 longevity monsters, originally walking slowly within a distance of 20 or 30 steps in front of the city wall, just turned around, but saw the blue armored armored horses running at full speed, roaring from behind him fiercely , knocked them to the ground, and before they had time to struggle, they stepped on the back with iron hooves, and they instantly turned into piles of rotten flesh and ink, and they died!

And these blue-armored armored riders are smeared with some black, foul-smelling lake-like objects, and they can also make people want to vomit from a hundred steps away. Obviously, this is the kind of longevity. The smell on the monsters is probably that some longevity monster medicines were boiled in a large pot, mixed in the Mi Lake, and smeared on the body of the armored rider, so that the longevity monsters thought they were the same kind and would not attack.

Sure enough, the hundreds of longevity monsters remaining outside the city did not attack the armored cavalry that was closer to them, but followed these green armored cavalry and continued to attack forward.

Yueshou's body was also covered with these disgusting black lake-shaped objects, and even a few pieces were smeared on his face. The black juice flowed along his beard, making his breathing difficult, but But he shouted loudly: "Come on, charge for me, don't stop, trample these Jin soldiers to death for me!"

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth: "Damn, these blue-armored cavalrymen of the Yue Department actually moved to Nancheng, and they rushed out of this ghost wall. I didn't expect these long-lived monsters of the enemy army, their purpose was not to defeat our army, Instead, we want to force our army back and make room for the cavalry to attack!"

Pilu Daoxiu said bitterly: "The black robe is too cunning, he deliberately showed weakness, led us to attack the city, let us take the initiative to clean up the corpses in front of the ghost wall, this will help their cavalry assault, they have been operating here for a long time, there is that The ready-made flipping wall is just to allow these cavalry to stand out. If we fought against the wall, or pulled out dozens of steps and waited, with bows and crossbows shooting, these iron cavalry would not be able to get out of the city!"

A cold light flashed in Liu Jingxuan's eyes, and he said solemnly, "However, using the Ju armored cavalry that was defeated in Xicheng and returned to the city before, these Qingjia Yuebu armored cavalry counterattacked, indicating that they don't have much strength, they just want to beat us. Unprepared, the city gate attacked through the tunnel, and even Helan Lu himself led the troops out. Obviously, the black robe has used all his strength since the battle has been fought, and it is these forces that are used to hold back our troops and horses in the south of the city, for the sake of It was his own final blow!"

Speaking of which, I saw that the more than 100 blue-armored cavalry in the front had already rushed towards Wang Zhen'e's army formation with a roar. In just this moment, Wang Zhen'e also responded quickly. The sergeants in the front row Wearing a large shield, holding a long lance, half-kneeling and squatting on the ground, a lance wall was erected, pointing straight ahead, and the archers in the back no longer shot at the Kongming lanterns in the sky. The rain of arrows rose into the air and flew towards the iron cavalry ahead.

The sound of horses neighing came, even a well-equipped armored cavalry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ faced the fierce bow and crossbow of the Jin army, and it was impossible to be unscathed, and the arrows swept across the place. , people keep falling off their horses, and when people turn their backs, they will also trip up their companions behind them. After all, it is impossible to rush out of the wall in this way, and it is impossible to form an array after leaving the city. You can only attack at the fastest speed, hoping to kill quickly. Enter the enemy line and cause the collapse of the enemy army.

The sound of "woo" and "bang" also came over. About two miles away from the city wall, five or six hundred steps away, more than 30 catapults that had been prepared for a long time also began to whistle. These catapults were originally for the purpose of It is used to provide cover when sieging the city. At this moment, the enemy cavalry is killed from the wall, which makes them useful in advance.

Wang Zhen'e's order quickly instructed these stone chariots from the general flag in semaphore. After a little adjustment, hundreds of flying stones smashed into the vicinity of these walls, and even more than ten horses just He rushed out of the hole in the wall, and before he had time to scream and charge, he was smashed by the oncoming flying stone, and he fell back into the hole heavily, and the entire wall between the walls was no longer there. Impossible to pass!

Yueshou's face changed greatly, he swung the big knife and shouted: "Don't stop, rush for me, rush at the fastest speed, kill the enemy's archers, kill the enemy's catapults, otherwise, we will all die here! "

With a sound of "Peng", a flying stone the size of a watermelon fell to the ground less than three steps away from Yueshou's war horse. One of the corpses also jumped in shock, Yueshou's face changed, and he shouted: "Spread, flank on both sides, go to the enemy line first and then kill the catapult!"

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