Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3149: Burning steel and burning iron

Remember for a second【】

69.com 69, the fastest update of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and Beifu Yiqiuba! The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and I saw that the four iron-clad guards, on the steel plates above and below their bodies, had no longer seen the red-burning color just now, and the rushing heat wave gradually dissipated. A tall and mighty iron-clad man, just stayed where he was, motionless, and the black and red light in his eyes was also silent. If I really had to describe it in one sentence, it would be that these four iron-clad people were really dead? !

Several guards around Wang Zhen'e shouted excitedly: "Great, destroy these dog things, Brother Zhen'e, you are so powerful, you can see the weakness of these dog things at once!"

Wang Zhen'e's brows were still furrowed, looking at the four armored guards, he muttered, "Why, why hasn't it burst, it shouldn't be!"

Before he could finish his words, he only heard the sound of tearing, sharp and harsh, like the kind of knife slicing through glass, or the kind that slices through steel armor with a sharp blade, impacting people. The eardrum, even more, makes people's heart feel uncomfortable.

At the same time, some thin cracks began to appear on the bodies of these iron-clad people. At first, the thickness of the hair was the thickness of the hair. Soon, it spread around, and new cracks continued to appear, getting longer and longer. The thicker it became, it gradually turned into fine marks visible to the naked eye, like thousands of swords. land.

And with the shattering and falling of these steel decks, the four Dali King Kongs, which were still invincible just now, finally fell apart. The ground was full of steel fragments, and an iron shelf inside was completely revealed to everyone. in front of.

I saw this shelf, the core is an iron box, smoking, puffing, black magic water is overflowing, and around the iron box, there are all kinds of gears of different thickness, close, even The shafts, etc., seem to be like a small device of later generations, driving various force transmission devices, and all the actions of this iron armored person are realized by this black iron box.

Wang Zhen'e's eyes widened, looking at the iron frame, he couldn't help walking up, and as he walked, he muttered to himself, "God, this is really ingenious. Is it the source of the strength of the Tiejiaguan people moving?"

Liu Jingxuan shook his head in disbelief: "Strange, strange, so strange, shouldn't the person here be alone? Wasn't Xi Chao..."

Wang Zhen'e also reacted awkwardly: "Yeah, those wooden armor gates that Zhang Gang made, but they want people to operate and control them, but why are there no figures in here?"

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth and said, "Maybe this is Hei Pao and his Heavenly Dao Alliance's sorcery. If you can use acupuncture and other methods to control and manipulate people, then use this iron box to control this. It's not surprising that Hercules kills and wounds, just like Guanshu."

Wang Zhen'e said incredulously: "Impossible, this is not the news of those gates that we have seen normally, those gates can only be rotated according to the set axis, repeating the previous actions, but this iron-clad gateman, Moving back and forth on the battlefield, being able to shoot crossbows to kill people, and stabbing lances with knives, how could this be ordinary news?"

Liu Jingxuan scratched his head, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "I don't know exactly how to do it, but..."

Having said this, he turned his head to look at the sky and saw nearly two hundred Kongming lanterns. While they were fighting, they had slowly drifted past the positions of these bows and crossbows, heading towards the handsome platform. Liu Jingxuan's complexion changed suddenly, he slapped the saddle on the head, and shouted, "Damn, I've been fooled, Heipao used these iron guys to attract us, and he took the main force to send slaves."

Wang Zhen'e also reacted and said solemnly: "Quick, go to the direction of Shuaitai, Brother A Shou, don't worry about it here, go and help the handsome!"

Liu Jingxuan nodded and said, "You are here to clean up these dead ghosts and monsters as quickly as possible, to these iron-clad people..."

Before he could finish his words, all of a sudden, only the iron boxes in front of him were heard, and they twitched violently. Accompanied by waves of strange noises, black demonic water kept spewing out of the iron boxes. Dyed all over the place.

With this period of intense movement, the remaining shafts and gears of these iron-clad people also twitched rapidly, and finally, they all fell apart completely. The demonic water splashed, and another big fire group swelled up, and all of the four pieces of iron armor were swallowed up in the flames.

The flames were blazing into the sky, like four huge fires, but it was not the traditional firewood that was burning, but the viscous, even rolling from time to time. From a distance, it seemed like a black human figure was constantly burning. Twisting their bodies, thousands of Jin soldiers silently watched this tragic Hokage, and they forgot where they were for a while, an unspeakable sadness and vicissitudes, followed by a feeling of disillusionment , pressed on everyone's heart.

Wang Zhen'e murmured: "Is this burning black demon water? Why do I feel like I'm burning an evil devil?"

Liu Jingxuan raised his brows lightly: "To be honest, when Xi Chao burned like this and turned to ashes, we thought that the fire burned away the evil in the world and burned everything. The conspiracy, but I didn't expect that after many years, that feeling would come back."

Having said this, Liu Jingxuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Today's battle is not only between Jin and Yan, but also not only the Han people.

^0^ One second to remember【】

The decisive battle with the Xianbei people is also a decisive battle between the light and the evil. I am fortunate to participate in this battle and follow Ji Nu to destroy the big devil like Heipao, and I will die without regrets! "

Wang Zhen'e followed suit and shouted loudly, "Slaying demons and eradicating demons, you will die without regrets!"

As soon as Liu Jingxuan turned around, he was about to gallop in the direction of Shuaitai, and the gloomy and cold voice in the sky sounded again: "Hey, Liu Jingxuan is really extraordinary, and Wang Zhen'e is well-deserved, it seems that this seat is underestimating you. , but Liu Jingxuan, look who came out of the city gate?!"

Liu Jingxuan's expression changed, he looked in the direction of the city gate, and his eyes widened.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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