Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3158: After the marriage became the emperor's industry

Xiang Mi's face changed, and he said in surprise: "Yang Xianrong? She was captured by several Hulu monarchs and false emperors from the Empress of the Jin Dynasty, and then became the queen of these Hu people's dynasties, and she even brazenly treated the Huns and false emperors. Emperor Liu Yao said that he is a great hero. The previous emperor of the Jin Dynasty could not even protect a woman, so he was far inferior to him. This kind of shameless and immoral woman is nothing compared to the queen."

Murong Lan shook her head: "Of course Miaoyin is not as shameless as she is, but why don't you think about it, these Hu people monarchs like to marry the queens of the previous dynasty, and even think about it again, we prairie people have concubines of their dead father Khan. , the younger brother will inherit the sister-in-law, what is this for?"

Xiang Mi thoughtfully said: "Understood, this is also a kind of legal inheritance, just like the establishment of a new dynasty, the jade seal of the previous dynasty is required. However, this is the queen after all, and Brother Ji Nu is not one of those hustlers. Sovereign, how could it be possible..."

Murong Lan said calmly: "Then you say, when Liu Yu joined the Beifu Army, why did Xie An Xie Xianggong betroth Wang Miaoyin to him? Why does Liu Yi marry Liu Tingyun now? love?"

Xiang Mi sighed: "What do you mean, this is a kind of marriage, a relationship? But, even so, it is not necessarily necessary to pass through Wang Miaoyin, who has become a queen. Could it be that the Wang family, the Xie family, these big families, Is there a young woman without a junior?"

Murong Lan shook her head gently: "As I said, Miao Yin has always been the intelligence director of the Wang family, and the training and intelligence organization she received directly from her mother, Madam Xie, not just an ordinary Xie family daughter, this kind of The same is true of Xie Xuan back then. The Xie family focused on training. It was Xie Xuan who learned the art of war, not Xie Yan, so this North Palace coach was also Xie Xuan. They personally control the intelligence organization of the Xie family, rather than changing hands, they hope that Liu Yu will marry not a woman, but the entire Xie family."

Xiang Mi sucked in a breath of cold air: "My God, I never thought there was such a doorway in the middle, so Queen Wang wants to send her brother to change the dynasty, become emperor, and then become his queen, so as to protect the royal family. Is it for the benefit of the Xie family?"

Murong Lan nodded: "This is true for the family, and for her personally, she is also an infatuated person. Strictly speaking, it was me who stole love and Liu Yu who robbed her. Now the world is reincarnated, It is impossible for me to be with Liu Yu forever. Liu Yu is a great hero and has a great vision to restore the Han family. He needs the strength that can help him. I cannot give this strength, so let Miaoyin return to his It's the best possible result."

Speaking of which, her eyes were already glistening with tears, and her voice was a little choked up. After all, for a woman, especially such a dedicated woman, how could she not be heartbroken when she handed over her love like this to others. ?

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "No, it doesn't have to be like this, sister-in-law, in the hearts of our brothers, you are the sister-in-law. No matter how pitiful Queen Wang is, her fate with Brother Ji Nu has been exhausted. Continuing the front line is not appropriate, and you have paid so much for Brother Ji Nu, this should not be the result. If someone wants to force you to leave, I will not agree, and I believe all brothers will not agree either! "

Murong Lan sighed faintly: "You are all good brothers. I have brothers like you in my life, Murong Lan, and I have no regrets. But what if you don't agree? You are soldiers, warriors, and warriors. Ji Nu is charging, you can fight for him, but can you help him govern the country, can you help him manage the place, can you help him collect taxes? Tie Niu, if you don't say anything else, just say you, you How many years have you been the county governor, are you competent and qualified?!"

Xiang Mi's lips twitched, and he wanted to say something, but in the end he slapped himself hard: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I have no culture, I don't even know a few big characters, I only know how to play. Fighting wars, but not knowing how to govern the country and bring peace to the world, this matter is ultimately inseparable from the literati family.”

However, he still said unconvincingly: "But it doesn't matter, I can't study and study when I'm too old, but my son and grandson can. Several boys in my family have entered the school run by Fatty to study. They must be If you can surpass me, you will definitely be able to read and hyphenate words, you will definitely be able to…”

Murong Lan said sternly: "Yes, they will become scholars, and your Xiang family may also become a new aristocratic family, just like the current Wang family, Xie family, and Xi family, and then your descendants will be the same as the current Wang Xie's children. , Slowly lose the martial style and blood, no longer think about fighting for military achievements, but rely on the title of Zuyin to gain glory and wealth, you will eventually live as the people you hate the most, right, Brother Tie Niu?"

Xiang Mi's eyes sparkled, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but he couldn't utter a word of rebuttal.

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Tie Niu, let me tell you something you don't like to hear, you can get into the noble family that is still standing up to this day, and it has its own foundation. Wen Xiwu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com let the younger generation master a powerful intelligence organization, this is not comparable to you!"

"Not to mention that it has been in business for a hundred years, and the forces are intertwined. Let Wudi and Jingxiang all the estates are managed by their sons and nephews, and Zhuangtou are all their tenant tenants. Is this possible by your emerging Beijing eight parties in Beijing? Is it replaced? I know Liu Yu's goal is not only to destroy Hu, but also to pacify the world and establish a governance where everyone can live in a stable manner. This is doomed, he needs talents to manage!"

"These talents, in a few decades, only the noble family can provide him, so he has no other choice but to continue to cooperate with the noble family. If he is motivated, he will join the Wang family, the Xie family or even the entire family behind them for me. If the world goes to war, then I am sure that the world he wants will never be established!"

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "Could it be that if he didn't change the dynasty, wouldn't he marry Wang Miaoyin, he wouldn't be able to build this world? With brothers like us and people like Fatty helping him govern, don't we have to look at these noble families? The face of the door?"

Murong Lan said in a daze: "The noble family does not have to oppose Liu Yu, but must destroy the target. Although they have the mafia, they also have Mrs. Xie, Wang Miaoyin who is in charge of the general affairs, as long as they guarantee their The basic interests will not be completely deprived, and they can still be cooperated."

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