Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3164: What did the Jing 8 family choose?

Murong Lan sighed softly: "I quarreled with Liu Muzhi about this at the time, because some investigations at the time were based on my intelligence, especially those close to Beiqingzhou and Nanyan. These places, my Orchid spy, have better reconnaissance capabilities."

Xiang Mi said solemnly: "Then why don't you go and explain these things to Brother Ji Nu, if Brother Ji Nu knows, he will definitely seek justice for these brothers who died. You are not under the jurisdiction of Fatty, and you are fully qualified to go. Report this, why should you listen to him?"

Murong Lan said quietly: "Because Liu Muzhi has his reasons, Iron Bull, Dajin is not only the Dajin of your Beifu brothers, but also those from aristocratic families and powerful landlords. You also know that your Beijing Eight Brothers There is no talent for ruling the world, at least in your generation, if because of righteous indignation, you go everywhere to seek revenge for the children of these noble families who killed people, then Da Jin is only afraid that the civil war will start again."

Xiang Mi said sternly: "Rise from the start, we are afraid of a ball, we are not even afraid of Hulu and demon thieves, and even the pseudo-Chu, which has been run by the Huan family for nearly a hundred years, has been destroyed, and we are still afraid of how many noble families he has? Even the king of Taiyuan. The Wang Yu family of my family has destroyed the door for us, is it possible that those people are stronger than the Wang family?"

Murong Lan shook her head: "Tie Niu, don't be impulsive, you have to consider the consequences of everything, a noble family, the power to control the Great Jin, the land, the population has been around for a hundred years, it can't be eradicated in a short time, even if you can really wipe out the world A noble family, who will govern the country in the end?"

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "There is a grievance and a debt to the owner. We are not killing all the aristocratic clansmen, but just killing those who killed our brothers. Isn't that okay?"

Murong Lan said sternly: "The noble families in the world, tyrannical and powerful, often have long ago connected with the same spirit, ten fingers linked to the heart, and one hair moved the whole body, just like Xie Tingyun, he was harmed, all of your Jingba brothers are not together. Angry, do you want to take revenge together? Apart from you old brothers, many people are not related to him, so why would they go to destroy Wang Yuman’s family together?”

Xiang Mi's eyes widened, his lips were trembling, but he was speechless.

Murong Lan sighed: "In the eyes of you military warriors, the army is all brothers. Similarly, in the eyes of the noble family, the nobles in the world are their own people. What you see is that everyone has fought and made meritorious deeds, and the imperial court will give them their titles according to their titles. However, the children of the aristocratic families thought that these lands were for Sun En and the others, and they attacked and robbed the old master. Even if the original owner was dead, the children of other noble families who were relatives and nephews should own these lands. The old Beifu brothers who went to divide the land to get the land have become the robbers who robbed the farmland in their eyes."

"Moreover, in the process of suppressing the rebellion, many soldiers in the army also killed demon thieves. These demon thieves have relatives and friends in the local area, and these people will take the opportunity to take revenge. It is normal for dozens of cases of this kind to appear. Therefore, from the very beginning, Liu Muzhi did not agree with Liu Yu's practice of assigning Wudi's manor to soldiers of merit."

Xiang Mi said bitterly: "Is it reasonable for them to kill people and grab the land? If you have the ability and ability, go and fight the demon thief yourself. These places were taken back from the demon thief by our bloodshed and how many brothers died. , he said it was his and it was his? I don't think it would be an exaggeration to give the entire Wu land to the soldiers of the Northern Palace!"

Murong Lan laughed: "Brother Tie Niu, it's easy to do everything as you do. However, in the final analysis, it's what I just said, Da Jin cannot govern the world without an aristocratic family, and it can't be because of some people. It destroyed the entire family. From the family's point of view, you robbed their ancestral land, and it is understandable that some people resisted because of this. But here, if you know that there are brothers who have harmed these noble families, you will go back then. Raiding the house and destroying the house will cause anger and panic in all the aristocratic families."

Xiang Mi said solemnly, "We have all sworn that whoever kills our brother will definitely avenge him and seek justice. Could it be that their noble families have the same spirit and are married and married, so we don't have the same robe right? ?"

Murong Lan said calmly: "So Liu Muzhi's choice is to suppress these matters and let him handle them. If Liu Yu or you know about this matter, it will be out of control, understand, Brother Tie Niu. "

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "So, this Fatty Liu is still for our good? Hmph, he is also a member of our Beijing Eighth Party, and he is also a comrade with those dead brothers. He broke his oath, wouldn't he have a conscience ashamed? ?"

Murong Lan sighed: "I asked him directly about your words back then, but Liu Muzhi said that if some people's misbehavior caused a break between the Jingba brothers and the noble family, or even caused a civil war, it would The people who died thousands of times, the unworthy children of the noble family did kill dozens or hundreds of old brothers, but there were also dozens of Jing Ba brothers who ran rampant in the countryside, killing people and taking land, not to mention the Shen brothers. You must know this when you return to your hometown to destroy the enemy's family."

Xiang Mi's head began to sweat, and he muttered: "This, this seems to be true, two of my former subordinates returned to the village and bullied men and women, so they were arrested and punished by the government~www.wuxiaspot. com~ These two guys are still asking someone to intercede with me, I said I don't have such a brother."

Murong Lan nodded: "So, there are good people everywhere, but there are bad people, but you warriors are easy to be impulsive, and you can't listen to your brothers being bullied, and some of those brothers' harms are also set up for the landlords. Yes, there are no flaws in the government's verdict. Only those who rely on us to conduct intelligence secretly investigate can we know the truth. Liu Muzhi also used various means to punish those who did evil, and also the officials who served them as the backstage. Dismissal or exile is not without punishment."

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "If the crime is convicted, it will be judged by the national law, and the official punishment is the only thing. If our brothers do bad things, it will be public affairs. If these children of aristocratic families break the law, they will solve it in private, and even the officials will protect each other. Fatty does this because he wants to Bring our Dajin back to the aristocratic world?"

Murong Lan said calmly: "So this is where you have to beware of Liu Muzhi, you, Ji Nu, and A Shou are pure military men, Jing Ba brothers, and they hate noble families, although you yourself The next generation may also become a noble family, but at least you people are not yet. But Liu Muzhi, he was a scholar from the beginning, and he was still a noble after he joined the army. Now he still wants to try his best to maintain Jingba The balance with the family, but at the back, maybe he has to make a choice."

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