Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3169: Flying Gujing ghosts come out every day

Liu Jingxuan's eyes widened in surprise: "That's okay? Isn't that Gu worm in your head? You can still have children by having children..."

Murong Lan said in a daze: "My eldest brother still has some affection for me, and when he was gu, he let the worms parasitize my chest and abdomen. Someone taught me how to meditate through luck and let the worms gradually move towards the abdomen. , at the time of conception, Gu worms move towards the most abundant blood and essence, and they can be born in the child and then excreted from the body. With this method, I finally got rid of his control over me for so many years. It's truly free."

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth: "No wonder you have the ability to resist him now. So, is this Gu worm still on Xiao Yizhen? Is there a way to get rid of it?"

Murong Lan said sternly: "When it was excreted from my body, it is said that this Gu worm is dead or dormant forever, even if there is still life, if the black robe's urging method is lost, it will never harm anyone, because, If that Gu worm wants to be motivated to attack, it needs to combine the physique of the Gu mother body and a complex set of spells. If you change the parasitic person, you will no longer be able to motivate it. Even if my son carries this monster all his life, But it won't be controlled like I am."

Liu Jingxuan breathed a sigh of relief: "That would be great. However, you haven't talked to Ji Nu about this, and you probably haven't talked to Wang Miaoyin either. She won't allow you."

Murong Lan said calmly: "When I promised her to leave forever, I didn't know about the Liaodong hometown and the curse of the holy tree. Later, when I looked at Murong Bao who fled to Liaodong, I fell into cannibalism again, father and son killed each other. In the end, even Beiyan was wiped out, and the Murong Clan's land was also seized by the Feng Clan. In this case, if I return with my clan, I will only make them all perish or be plundered by Beiyan and become slaves. Even if I am lucky enough to have a piece of land, I will continue to fall into this curse, so I must break this curse before I can go back."

Liu Jingxuan frowned: "But you didn't tell them beforehand, how do you get them to believe you? If even I want to stop you, then Wang Miaoyin is even less likely to give you a chance to speak."

Murong Lan said calmly, "It's fine, as long as Liu Yu believes in me, it's like on the stage, I haven't discussed it with him, but as long as I show up, we'll know each other with just one look. After all, I've been married to him for many years. This is the only way to go beyond the black robe’s expectations, the current black robe is Murong Chui, who has regained his youth and strength, and is in his forties, and it will not be easy to defeat him!”

Liu Jingxuan laughed: "Forty-year-old Murong Chui? Then I'd be interested in fighting him to see if he is stronger or I am stronger. By the way, I have been begging with him for so many years, hurting me, hurting me, and even killing me. My father's blood feud!"

Speaking of this, Liu Jingxuan's eyes were red bloodshot, and he swung the big vajra pestle in his hand heavily, and a strong energy rushed out of his face. Even Murong Lan, who was more than ten steps away, only felt a strong wind blowing in his face. , Xiu Mei also frowned.

Murong Lan sighed, "I told you a long time ago that the death of Ling Zun has nothing to do with the black robe.

Liu Jingxuan said solemnly: "Whether I made a cloak or a black robe, in short, it was the work of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, forcing my father to death, causing me to lose my fame and escape to Nanyan, this is not all planned by the two old ghosts. Even if I promise you to keep the black robe alive, as a son of man, I have to fight for my father!"

Murong Lan said sternly: "My eldest brother has all kinds of magic arts, not only martial arts, but only me and Ji Nu can work together to deal with him, A Shou, you have more important things to do, after this battle , you still have to go back to the teacher to fight the demon thief, and the slaves can't be separated from you, and the land of Qilu may also need your presence, I don't want you to be in danger in this battle."

Having said this, Murong Lan paused: "And if my eldest brother is going to raid the slaves, there will definitely be all kinds of killers and dead people all over the place, people and ghosts will come out to block the approach of the outer circle reinforcements, A Shou, you still have Strong enemies need to be dealt with!"

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth: "Even if Ji Nu can communicate with you, but Wang Miaoyin, she hates you to death, wouldn't you take this opportunity to get rid of her?"

Murong Lan shook her head: "I owe her, not she owes me. In the future, Liu Yu has a long way to go. In order to achieve his peace in the world and give everyone a world full of hope and future, he can only become emperor. There is only one way to gain power in the world. Without this title, whether it is the Heavenly Dao League or the Mafia, those who want to occupy the world’s resources and always ride on others’ heads will continue to oppose him, even if you are Brother Beifu, sooner or later there will be a split, you know what I mean."

Liu Jingxuan sighed, his eyes became lonely: "Compared to the enemy in front of me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the alienation between brothers is the most painful thing, just like me, now I always feel that I am separated from so many people. Just because I went to Nanyan, I was not regarded as a brother by many people."

Murong Lan said sternly: "A Shou, don't get me wrong, it's not about you going to Nanyan, even He Wuji and Liu Yi will be the same as you. In the past, everyone slept in the same tent and ate in the same pot. Fighting together to kill the enemy and shed blood and sacrifice, the brotherhood is real, but now, everyone is holding a lot of troops, and there is even a conflict between power and interests. You went to Nanyan to have a relationship with everyone, but what about Ji Slave? Why did he come this far with Liu Yi?"

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth: "Liu Yi taught his **** wife to a large extent, with Liu Tingyun as a slut, our Beifu army will always be peaceful, one day, Wang Miaoyin will get rid of her. At that time, I..."

When he said this, his face suddenly changed and he closed his mouth.

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "You are right, Wang Miaoyin will get rid of Liu Tingyun sooner or later, but before that, she will be the first to get rid of me, we are not young anymore, time is pressing, there is not much time to wait. Sooner or later, Ji Nu will become the king of God and realize his ambitions and ideals. The only one who can accompany him to the end is the wonderful voice, not me, Ah Shou, please take care of Liu Yu in the future. The hard way."

Just as he was talking, he heard a shrill whistling sound in the sky. Several Kongming lanterns gathered together suddenly dispersed. They rushed towards Liu Yu's handsome position, and the remaining Kongming lanterns also suddenly accelerated their speed, taking advantage of the strong wind to attack the same target at full speed!

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