Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3172: Flying to Haidongqing

Wang Miaoyin's face changed slightly, and she muttered to herself, "Hey, what are these things, how come there are so many?"

Her eyes turned to the one headed, with a body three or four feet long, with two huge wings, gliding quickly in the air, and what was even more strange was that it seemed to be riding a two-foot-high body on its back. The villain, although it is a lot smaller than the Mingyue Flying Gu, which is six or seven feet long, still looks very scary.

Liu Yu nodded: "These are big withers, and they are falcons. Murong Lan once told me before that the Murong team came from outside the Great Wall, between the white mountains and the black water, and there are many beasts and birds, and the most birds there are We are talking about the big wither, and the king of the wither, also called the costum, has a physique that is far larger than the general wither, about these, it is the legendary costum."

Wang Miaoyin nodded thoughtfully and said: "So these are the legendary Haidongqing, that's it, the Murong Ministry used to dominate the Sushen area outside the Great Wall, and they also forced those Sushen tribes to pay tribute to Haidongqing for hunting. The falcons of the time were training the children and nephews of the clan to use the horse-and-shooting skills, and it was unexpected that at this time, Kong Mingdeng would carry these Haidongqings and make a direct surprise attack."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "These Haidongqings have a fierce temperament. When hunting, they can even grab small deer and peck out the eyes of leopards. This kind of volley attack..."

When he said this, he saw that in the rain of arrows, there were constantly costocyanine arrows, but many costocyanines had arrows stuck in their bodies, and they did not fall down like ordinary birds. Even with a slight stature, the speed remained the same, and it was still violently rushing into the dense group of ground archers.

A large piece of black sea daffodil rushed into the crowd, bursts of eagle roars and screams mixed together, endlessly, hundreds of sea dungeons, like goshawks fighting rabbits, flew into the crowd, They flew to the sky again, and above their claws, they became a lake of flesh and blood. Some were holding the iron helmets of Beifu sergeants, while others were holding the **** scalp, and even large pieces of flesh. Some It is the eyeball.

This volley hit the ground, hundreds of sergeants screamed and fell to the ground, and no less than ten Haidongqings were shot down by bows and arrows, or stabbed by sergeants on the ground with swords, spears, etc. , can no longer fly high.

And the things that these Haidongqing carried on their backs also fell to the ground when they were flying in the air. They were some wooden armored people who were only more than two feet tall, holding sharp blades of more than one foot in their hands. Rolling back and forth on the ground, like a small spinning top, wherever it passes, there are shadows of swords and blood, broken feet and stumps. For the soldiers who are about to deal with aerial attacks, they can often prevent the upper part, but they cannot defend the lower part. Three-way, in an instant, hundreds of archers cut to the bottom and fell to the ground screaming.

The voice of Liu Zhong from the front was roaring loudly: "The shield player protects the lower three roads, and the archer switches to rockets to shoot these flat-haired beasts! The spearman and the knife and axemen are approaching the stab, chop! Cover the archer."

His voice was quickly conveyed by the sound of semaphores and drum horns. The bow and arrow formation of the Beifu Army, which had been slightly chaotic just now, became stable again. Soldiers with torches quickly ran past the rowing archers and took them away. In the pit in front of him, the oil was ignited and turned into a line of fire. Immediately, four or five lines of fire rose up in the army, and soon, the kerosene smeared in the hands of these archers was ignited. arrow.

Hundreds of Haidongqings, after passing the crowd of archers in the first group, no longer want to fight. Those wooden armors with rotating blades on the ground are staying behind to follow the remaining soldiers in the formation. Mengqin and Kongming lanterns were heading towards the second formation, the archers who were burning with fire. It was already less than 300 paces away from Liu Yu's handsome stage, and the two thousand soldiers in this line were already fighting. The archers and the axemen were already waiting, and the long arrows of more than a thousand arrows aimed at this black crow, with murderous aura and covered in blood, Hai Dongqing.

Liu Zhong stood in the crowd, his voice was strong and firm: "All spread out, a knife and axe guards an archer, more than three feet away, leaving space for swinging the knife, don't need to be too dense, shoot these first Dead bird!"

The archers quickly followed his orders, and the densely packed formations suddenly dispersed.

A bow and arrow captain said to Liu Zhong while instructing the dispersal of his subordinates: "General, do we just need to shoot these birds, what about the Kongming lantern that looks up?"

Liu Zhong glanced behind him. About a hundred paces before the handsome stage, there were 2,000 archers lined up, while Hu Fan was holding a big bow for rushing thunder. Staring here coldly, all the archers of the Divine Arrow Assault Battalion behind him are just like him, motionless as a mountain, but a calm and killing intent is coming towards him, even if they are separated by more than a hundred steps, they are still strong.

Liu Zhong smiled and turned his head: "There are beards in the back and their divine arrow assault battalion, those are the divine archers left behind by the bottle, all of them are striding through the air, we just need to get rid of these dead birds, the Kongming lanterns in the back , they have a beard to deal with."

Having said this, his expression froze, and there was a murderous look in his eyes: "Listen, no flat-haired beast is allowed to pass us for a while, fly to the back, and cause trouble to the beards, did you hear that?!"

All the surrounding archers agreed in unison, Liu Zhong picked up the big bow himself, looked at the group of Hai Dongqing that was already densely approaching in front, and was less than a hundred paces away from the archers in the front line, and slowly raised it. Get up.

Hu Fan stood quietly in front of the Divine Arrow Assault Camp, looked at the group of archers a hundred paces away, and nodded lightly: "Liu Zhongzhen is indeed the one who has been following Brother Ji Nu, and now the enemy is so calm. , great, great."

A seventeen-year-old boy, Hu Tongzhi, the eldest son of Hu Fan, squinted his eyes and said, "Dad, look at this..."

Hu Fan said coldly: "The team is in the alley, who are you calling?"

Hutongzhi's expression froze, and he quickly said: "My subordinates are wrong. In this army, there are no fathers and sons, only soldiers and generals. You see these birds are going to dive into the sky.

Hu Fan smiled slightly, looking at Hai Dongqing who was screaming and screaming, starting to rush down from the sky dozens of meters high, and then looking at the thousands of flaming arrows on the ground, and said: "Approaching the shooting, It is enough to kill, Liu Zhong, a good general! He is going to destroy these sea dungeons!"

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