Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3175: The light falls, the ghost comes out

Following Hu Fan's order, the archers behind him loosened their bowstrings one after another. Thousands of flamingos rose into the air like fiery clouds, flying towards the Kongming lanterns in the air. The bow strength is obviously much stronger than that of the ordinary Beifu army archers before. Whether it is the initial speed or the height of the arrows, they are much stronger than Xiao Ziliang's subordinates. Even the Kongming Lantern, which was ten feet above the ground, was obviously no longer safe from the blows of these bows and arrows.

The sound of "woo woo woo" was incessant, and the lampshade of the Kongming lantern kept hitting arrows, caught fire, and quickly turned into huge fireballs that were burning in the air, flying down at an extremely fast speed.

The sound of the mechanical firing of "Kaka" is also one after another, that is, the crossbow machine is pulling again and again. Among the crowd of archers, dozens of ballistas are scattered, and these ballistas have long been carried. The maximum elevation angle is specially designed to deal with possible enemy attacks in the air. Compared to flying birds, these Kongming lanterns, which are not very fast, have become the best attack targets, because the crossbow machine that is fired with force will lose the height that the crossbow can reach. will be far higher than the bow and arrow shot by man.

With a "pop", a three-foot-long crossbow slammed into a Kongming lantern, and the inflated air bag, like a big balloon, was severely pierced, and a large number of The air flow quickly escaped from the hole, and even the strong wind blew out the burning torch under the kongming lantern. smashed into the crowd.

In the first encounter alone, there were more than 30 kongming lanterns, either burned or shot through. The group of kongming lanterns that had been blackened just now was suddenly reduced by about a third, and the remaining kongming lanterns were lifted one after another. When the height is high, it floats toward the top floor, and it also avoids losing control and colliding with each other because of the burning arrow or the hole lantern pierced by the crossbow.

More than 30 kongming lanterns fell to the ground heavily. Just less than fifty paces before Hu Fan's formation, most of the kongming lanterns were burning vigorously, and more than ten wooden barrels were visible to the naked eye. The ground was scattered all over the place, and it shattered due to the violent landing collision. The black demonic water flowed back and forth on the ground, forming a black stream. After encountering a fire, it exploded instantly, and a raging fire suddenly burst into flames. , The black streams suddenly turned into burning magma, and the entire sand and stone clearing also formed a burning hell.

The pounding heat wave spread rapidly to both sides. Even Xiao Ziliang and the others, who were chasing behind and wanted to run and shoot, only felt that the air in front was about to explode, and they hurriedly fell to the ground. They even felt themselves. Their skin was melting. As long as they opened their mouths, even their trachea and esophagus seemed to be scorched. They quickly closed their mouths and buried their heads in the sand on the ground. This was the only way to make them feel that they were still alive. A living person, not a roast pig on a fire.

Hu Fan was also independent from the front of the army. Behind him, the sergeants in the front row also crouched down one after another. Hu Tongzhi shouted, "Father!" and rushed over, trying to pull his father to the ground. .

As soon as his hand came out, he was given a pair of powerful hands like iron tongs, and tightly stuck his wrist, and then he only felt an overwhelming force coming from this big hand and slammed himself on the ground. Then, a fire wind flew over his head, almost burning his scalp, because his helmet didn't know whether it fell when he fell or was blown off by the strong fire wind. Apparently it's out of my head.

But Hu Tongzhi still opened his eyes wide, looking at his father, like a stone pillar, standing still in the hot wind, sparks seemed to pop up from his eyebrows, I don't know if it was The hallucination seemed to be on fire at any time, but he just squinted his eyes and didn't move, letting the red cloak float up and blow straight out from behind him, missing his whereabouts.

Hu Fan's voice sounded coldly: "Hu team is right, this will not be able to withstand this hot wind, I have passed through the fire, I have been in the water, this black fire is still fifty paces away. Hey, you can't burn anyone!"

Hu Tongzhi's face flushed slightly, he jumped up from the ground, and the archers behind him also got up, Hu Fan didn't turn his head, and said solemnly: "Brothers in the front row, prepare to fight the enemy, in the back row Archers, keep shooting Kongming Lanterns, don't stop!"

Hu Tongzhi shook his head confidently and said: "Father, from such a high place, if you fall down and burn in the black demon fire, ten lives will be lost, there is no enemy army, we should continue to shoot the Kongming lanterns in the sky. !"

Hu Fan shook his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said solemnly: "Boy, don't underestimate the enemy, these Kongming lanterns are not empty."

Before he could finish his words, the hanging basket of a Kongming lantern whose lampshade had been smashed suddenly moved. All the sergeants froze and took half a step back unconsciously, even Hu Fan, who had been squinting the whole time. His eyes also opened, and Hu Tongzhi's voice was trembling: "This, is this a human or a ghost?!"

A human-shaped object stepped out of this hanging basket. Its body was covered in blood, and it was no longer human-shaped. The moment it was just out of the basket, it was unable to walk anymore because of its broken leg and fell directly to the ground. There was black juice flowing from the corners of its mouth and nostrils. Obviously, this was a long-lived monster.

Hu Fan's eyes narrowed slightly again, and Hutong Zhi laughed: "Father, do you see it, even such a long-lived monster can't stand a fall from a height of ten feet, and now it can't hurt anyone."

Hu Fan didn't answer, he just looked at this long-lived monster coldly, and started to crawl on the ground. In its eyes, there was a green glow and killing intent, even those who were a few dozen steps away would feel a rush in their hearts. fear.

Hu Tongzhi gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "Damn monster, my lord will overtake you!"

He raised the bow in his hand, pulled out a rocket, and swiped into the line of fire in front of him, and the arrow immediately burned.

The long-lived monster with gleaming green light has already climbed on top of a black demonic water, which made his whole body covered with these black sticky things, its movements did not slow down in the slightest, just in this black water , crawled forward firmly and powerfully, until the rocket in the alley was shot head-on.

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