Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3198: Who will lead the eternal peace

Liu Yu frowned slightly, looked at Murong Lan, saw her expression calm, and said, "I will not deny it, this is my little thought, deep down, I have such a fantasy, although I know it is almost impossible. , because my eldest brother and Liu Yu are not the same people at all. Their outlook on life and ideas are completely opposite. Liu Yu is a person who can do anything to save the world, and my eldest brother is willing to sacrifice the world for his peace , forever a man of God."

Wang Miaoyin sneered: "Then you still believe that the two of them can negotiate?"

Murong Lan sighed faintly: "There is only a little bit of hope, and this hope comes from Liu Yu's ideal of saving the world, and my elder brother's wish to lift the tribal curse, there is a little overlap, other than this In addition, maybe there is still a little room for negotiation on the point of dealing with the cloak and destroying the Heavenly Master Dao together. This is why I still have a little illusion."

A cold light flashed in Wang Miaoyin's eyes: "What exactly is the Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan you are talking about? Can it really lift the curse of any tribe in exchange for ten thousand years of peace? I don't believe it!"

Murong Lan shook her head: "Miaoyin, there are powers of heaven and earth in this world, created by ghosts and gods, they can create terrifying monsters, and they also leave behind magical objects that can destroy them, just like your Moxie sword. After all this, do you really not believe it at all?"

Wang Miaoyin's brows wrinkled slightly: "It seems that you have some truth in what you said. Then, have we ruined the good thing of your eldest brother's Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan? Hmph, even if I believe that there will be miracles between the world, Nor will I believe that the miracles initiated by your eldest brother will benefit the world!"

Murong Lan shook her head: "The Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan he led was not a good thing back then, but"

Having said that, she looked at Liu Yu: "If you are leading it, that's another story!"

Liu Yu said solemnly, "I still don't know what this Wannian Taiping is. What do you want me to lead? It's Murong Chui, I didn't have it just now."

When he said this, his heart suddenly sank. Murong Chui told him so many secrets just now. How many other people know his identity as a transmigrator besides him? The two confidantes who can tell me now that their enemies and friends are hard to tell are already known, how much do they know?

An unspeakable look flashed on Wang Miaoyin's pink face, and she looked at Liu Yu: "Brother Yu, what did you guys talk about just now? Did Murong Chui reveal anything about the Wannian Peace?"

Liu Yu sighed: "No, he only said that he needed my cooperation and cooperation, but he didn't say how to cooperate. An important reason why I didn't cooperate with him was that I didn't want to give all of me, including my life, to his hands."

Murong Lan nodded: "It's natural, if I were you, it would be impossible to trust my elder brother. However, it is said that the Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan can really turn things around and change fate. If there is a chance to be initiated by you, I don't think you should miss your chance."

Wang Miaoyin said coldly, "Princess Murong, don't think too much. What do you mean by saying that your elder brother is now completely useless in martial arts, and his life will not be long. At this time, will Liu Yu come to realize ten thousand years of peace?"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "I believe that my eldest brother is still a descendant of the Murong Ministry. Although he wants to become a **** himself, if he misses the opportunity, he will still hope to do his part to lift this curse, and "

Having said that, she sighed softly: "Also, when Mingyue Flying Gu stabbed him at the end, I believe it was the cloak's instructions. Otherwise, on the terms that this woman talked to my elder brother before, she has no reason to betray. ."

Liu Yu raised his brows: "Could it be that this ten thousand years of peace can still restore Mingyue's body, and even succeed in cultivating immortals, so that he is no longer a monster?"

Murong Lan nodded: "It should be, this ten thousand years of peace, if we can lift the curse of our tribe for thousands of years, it should also be able to turn a demon into a human. Queen Wang, you should not object to this."

Wang Miaoyin hummed coldly, noncommittal.

Liu Yu said solemnly, "So, when Murong Chui wakes up, I have to talk to him?"

Murong Lan said sternly: "Yes, this is the reason why I want to negotiate with you now. My eldest brother's hope of becoming a **** is now dashed. I only hope that he will give up his lifelong obsessions and fantasies, and will be willing to Murong for us in the end. The clansmen should do something good and do something good for the world to atone for their sins. However, if he knows that Queen Wang you want all of us to be slaves and completely destroy my Murong clan, then he can't cooperate with anything. ."

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "It's his business what he thinks, I don't care about the peace of the past, and I don't need his cooperation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This expedition is because he and Nanyan sent troops to invade me. Jin, killed officials, kidnapped my people, and killed these innocent people. This is a national revenge and must be avenged. How you deal with our Han army and people, we must deal with you Xianbei people, this is the cycle of heaven! "

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "The disaster was caused by my eldest brother, and was instigated by the fifth floor of Gongsun. Now they are all dead or dying of serious injuries. In our country of Yan, so many people have died, and the army has also paid for the crime. The price, wonderful sound, killing people is no more than a slap in the face, you have already won a big victory, why do you want to kill them all?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "Tell these words to the dead Han people. When you have the upper hand, you will kill others. Now that the defeat is set, others will not kill you. I want to escape this punishment and do it again. What did you do to Fu Jian?"

Having said this, Wang Miaoyin turned her head to look at Liu Yu and said loudly, "Brother Yu, you have seen with your own eyes how these Xianbei people of the Murong clan repay Fu Jian who spared their lives, and you still want to be the first of Fu Jian. two?"

Liu Yu remembered the tragic situation in those days, and sighed, speechless.

Tears flashed in Murong Lan's eyes as she looked at Liu Yu: "Liu Yu, I know that with what our family has done in the past, whether it's for Fu Jian or you, it's hard to win the trust of you, but please don't trust me again. Give me a chance, this time, I have Dayan's military talisman, a sacred object, I can order the clan, you can't trust the Murong clan, but can you trust me once? I just didn't shoot the arrow at you at the juncture of life and death, and It's shooting at the bright moon, can't I still express my intentions, isn't it worthy of your trust?"

Wang Miaoyin laughed: "Murong Lan, don't make excuses. If it wasn't because the Mingyue Flying Gu had already stabbed Murong Chui, would you still shoot this arrow?"

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