Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3204: Selling as a slave is also different

Wang Miaoyin's face changed slightly, and she said solemnly, "There are national laws and family rules. The appearance of Liu Laozhi is just an accident, not universal. Mu Zhi, don't take him as an example."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "What about Su Jun, Zu Yue and others when the Jin Dynasty was founded, is it also a coincidence?"

Wang Miaoyin frowned, but did not answer.

Liu Muzhi sighed and said, "Miaoyin, you have never been in the army, so you don't know what the soldiers think. Your family members are high up and don't want to join the army. You are born to be separated from these soldiers. , Su Jun, including Ji Nu and the others, live and eat with the soldiers. In their eyes, these coaches are not only their bosses, but also brothers, even fathers and uncles. They follow blindly without risking their lives."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, for the sergeants, the court, the emperor, the officials are far away, and the generals are very close. If the generals ordered, no matter what they were asked to do, they would agree to it. What Fatty said just now A few people, although they rebelled because of their own ambitions, but if they hadn't established a closer relationship with the sergeants than the imperial court, how could it be possible to respond to everyone?"

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth: "So, our noble family has to keep our own armed forces. Otherwise, if you generals and commanders have dissent, wouldn't we be slaughtered by others??"

Liu Muzhi smiled and said: "But, under what circumstances did the few people I mentioned just rebelled? Did you always have ambitions and want to be your own king? I'm afraid not, Miaoyin. They are all from your family. The big clan wanted to seize people's troops, join forces with people, and relieve others' military power, so they turned these generals who held military power back, otherwise, I am afraid that they are still loyal ministers of Da Jin now, leaving a good name."

Speaking of this, Liu Muzhi looked at Liu Yu: "Ji Nu, you are most familiar with Liu Laozhi. You said, did he have objections early in the morning and wanted to set up operations early?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Liu Laozhi is a pure warrior and a warlord. As long as he can always be the leader of the North Palace and lead the troops, he will not rebel. The reason why one person and three rebels is mainly because others want to deprive him of his military power."

Wang Miaoyin said solemnly, "Don't worry, the noble family will not take away Liu Cheqi's military power, what they want is to incorporate the Xianbei people into the manor and become a trilogy, which can infringe on the interests of any of your generals. already?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Miaoyin, I mean, don't you understand that a smart person like you? I mean to say that an army formed by imposing people's will and depriving people of their freedom will not be true. I obey you, the so-called twisted melon is not sweet, what the soldiers want is the freedom first, the military discipline is enough to suppress their personality, and you will be a slave for another generation, who can stand it?!"

Wang Miaoyin said unconvincingly: "Shibing, military households have existed since ancient times, why can't they bear it? As long as they fight with peace of mind and make great achievements, they can leave their nationality and become civilian households and be promoted to generals. You, why did you bully them?"

Liu Muzhi looked at Wang Miaoyin and said calmly, "Miaoyin, then let me ask you, when you were a nun in Jianjing Temple, you were also dressed in fine clothes and food. Do you think you were not bullied?"

This stabbed the scar in Wang Miaoyin's heart, a trace of sadness flashed on her face, she closed her eyes, and murmured, "Don't say it, Mu Zhi, I don't want to recall that past event, not even a moment."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Sorry, I had to evoke your sad memories, but you have done what you want, don't do it to others, why since the founding of the Jin Dynasty has always been a military household system, but the combat effectiveness is very low When the country was founded, these guards were far inferior to those of the refugee commander, which made your Xie family recruit troops before the Battle of Feishui, and lead the heroes of the world to join the Beifu army. You said, why did the Lord Xianggong and the others oppose the Beifu? The army is not based on this kind of military household and slave status, but is a free man from the beginning?"

Wang Miaoyin opened her eyes and said, "That's the time when the enemy is short of manpower. We can only do things cheaply."

Liu Muzhi smiled and said: "Then why after the war, the Xie family can't take the Beifu army as a private soldier and become a slave of the great family, what about Zhuang Ke? Miaoyin, the master of the family, the knowledgeable one. Talented people will understand one thing. If you are just farming, fishing, and hunting for ordinary production people, you can become a farmer, a tenant, and it is barely okay, but for soldiers who are born and die, and lick blood with their swords, this is absolutely impossible. of!"

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth and pointed at Murong Lan: "I don't believe it, Mu Zhi, many of them from Xianbei are slaves, or to put it mildly, they are new clansmen, but they are still captured prisoners of war from other tribes. There is no freedom to speak of, but among these people, many of them are very capable, how do you explain it?"

Having said that, Wang Miaoyin sneered: "Even with armored cavalry, nearly 30% of them are slaves like this."

Murong Lan nodded: "You're right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The rules of our grasslands, defeated captives are slaves, I never evade this point, so today if you are the Chinese soldiers who captured captives on the battlefield And the common people, I have nothing to say if you want to earn your aristocratic manor as a guest."

Speaking of this, her tone changed: "But, the soldiers and civilians of Nanyan who have retreated into the inner city are not in your hands now, they are now free, and the peace I am negotiating with you now, if it is successful, it will only be based on free people. The identity belongs to the Great Jin, you can't use the slave identity to deal with our clansman casually, wonderful sound, do you understand?"

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth: "What a wise Princess Murong, when the battle was completely defeated, our soldiers in the outer city could have captured tens of thousands of people, but when you came here, you said you would stop the war, just to prevent us from capturing them. ."

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "Why don't you say that if it wasn't for me, Liu Yu and you might be dead, then the outcome won't be guaranteed, what prisoners are we talking about? We are negotiating peace now, based on the current conditions, don't assume Nothing else. And"

Having said this, she paused and said solemnly: "But, even as slaves on our grasslands, there is hope. If you make a contribution in battle, you are the same as ordinary clansmen and soldiers. Those who receive the spoils of war, and then redeem themselves with these riches."

"Here in our grassland, even the humblest slaves can turn over in one battle, and even achieve the emperor's career, such as Shile. But if they become the founders of your aristocratic family, part of the music, then I am afraid it must be Life after life, children and grandchildren are all slaves, and they will never get rid of them."

"Don't talk about the black-hearted families of the Diao family. Don't you Xie family's founders also continue for several generations, passing on from descendants to grandchildren? The biggest difference between you and us is two words, hope!"

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