Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3211: The matriarchal tribe does not know the father

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "You are the uncivilized prairie barbarians who don't follow the rules. Everything is based on strength. How can you be so embarrassed to mention it in such a grand manner? no?"

Murong Lan's expression changed, and she said solemnly: "You people from the Central Plains are in the direct line of succession, but is there less competition for the throne? There is no father and son in front of power, do you want me to help you recall the chaos of the Eight Princes? "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Okay, okay, don't have to fight, in fact, everyone knows in their hearts that it is correct to say that there is no father and son in front of power. For the sake of the supreme throne, it is the real denial of the six relatives. From ancient times to the present, how many Isn't the demise of the dynasty destroyed by this inheritance?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Ji slave, what you said makes sense, the reason why the world finally chose this method of direct son inheritance is because it is the most effective and orderly method of inheritance, no matter what you like. I don't like it, but the countless transfers of power over thousands of years have proved that a father has a natural affection for his son."

"Just like the concept of loyalty and filial piety, all things come first, and then there are kings. If a person no longer trusts his son, then who is the credible person in this world? If you have your own son, raise him with one hand. Adults, too, must trust him more than us."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, it's human nature, Brother Yu, you don't have a son now, oh, no, you should have one, but you haven't experienced raising your son and seeing him step by step. The process of growing up, so I can't experience that kind of father-son love."

Having said that, she looked at Murong Lan and sneered, "You have planned this for a long time, right, mother and child are precious, Murong Lan, you are really planning."

Murong Lan sighed: "I said before that when I gave birth to Yizhen, I wanted to use this child to stop the war. Another one is that only by giving birth can I get rid of the Gu under the black robe in my body. It was a last resort. You said that I was deliberate, I admit it, but I also swear that it was not to compete for Liu Yu. "

Wang Miaoyin said bitterly, "I told you the method of this row of gu. I didn't expect you to use it to crowd out my love for Liu Yu, Murong Lan, you are really too shrewd."

Seeing that the two daughters were about to quarrel again, Liu Yu quickly brought the topic to the main topic and said, "Miaoyin, you have to figure out one thing, that is public power and private power. As a father, it is only natural that you like your son, otherwise How can there be such a saying that the old cow licks the calf? Not only people, but all things in the world, there is no one who doesn't like or love their children. But this does not mean that this kind of father-son relationship can rise to the level where the father can hand over the power of the country. In the hands of my son, even if he doesn't have the ability."

The three of them looked at each other and fell into silence. Liu Muzhi muttered to himself: "Public power, private power, this is the first time I have heard of this, Ji slave, how did you think of it?"

Liu Yudan said: "This is not the first time I have heard it. In fact, the ancient sages also understood this truth. Confucius has mentioned the concept of public weapons many times. You don't know about it, Fatty."

Liu Muzhi's face blushed slightly: "I remembered when you said that. He really has been emphasizing the concepts of name and utensil, that is, name and public utensil, which is the public power you said?"

Liu Yu said sternly: "Yes, the name is the legitimacy of your use of public weapons. In short, as a general of chariots and cavalry, I have the power to form and lead the Beifu army to fight for the country. Miaoyin is the queen. Only then does he have the power to replace the emperor who is inconvenient to move, go on expeditions with the army, and issue edicts. And the emperor is the divine authority of the monarch, and he controls the people on behalf of the heavens.

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, all things are born, then there are rulers, first the people, and then the state. The emergence of the state is to realize a series of different strata, from the king to the leader and the slave. To lead and organize, so you say that everyone is equal, which is not in line with this. If everyone has the same power, there is no father and no king, wouldn’t the world be in chaos?!”

Liu Yu shook his head: "No, Fatty, I never deny that in a state, rulers and administrators at all levels are needed, from emperors to village officials, but what I object to is that In other words, the son of the emperor is still the emperor, and the son of the village official is still the village official. In this way, the power will always be controlled by the superior, and the people at the bottom will never have the opportunity. Everyone's energy is all about how to pass on public power to their children and grandchildren, and they don't think about how to use this public power to benefit all people in the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He said it loudly and loudly. Looking at Wang Miaoyin: "Just like the high family of aristocratic families, their ancestors have also worked hard and struggled, and it is also necessary to get the power of the state, but in order to continue to pass this power to their children and grandchildren, the high family of aristocratic families began to become more and more narrow and degenerate. , do not hesitate to harm the interests of the country, let their increasingly ineffective descendants continue to hold this power, and attack those who have the ability to rise to the top. We have been fighting for so many years, isn't it just to break such a world? "

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "You have always said that the so-called equality of all is equality of opportunity, so what do you mean, for this equality of opportunity, that kind of hereditary model of father and son, starting from the emperor, prepare all Overturned?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Yes, in fact, in ancient times, it wasn't that the father died and the son succeeded. From the period of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors until the day of Yu, the system of concession was used instead of directly passed on to the son, right."

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Yes, but in ancient times, when families were not even formed, they respected their mothers and could have **** with every man in the tribe, so they didn't even know who their fathers were. Come on, all the children born in the tribe are members of this tribe, and it doesn't matter that the father's power is passed on. I'm not wrong, Murong Lan, I'm afraid there are still tribes like this on your grasslands."

Murong Lan said coldly: "There are very few tribes in the grasslands that respect their mothers, let alone women who mate with men like dogs and sheep, and even their fathers don't know who they are. The tribe still wants to pass on from the father to the son, unless the son really can’t hold down the clan, it is also the younger brother. Liu Yu, what you said only exists in ancient legends, and it is hard to say how the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors passed it on. Woolen cloth."

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