Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3214: There is no need for an emperor

In Wang Miaoyin's beautiful eyes, the rays of light flowed, and she fell into contemplation. Obviously, Liu Yu's words came to her heart, and Liu Yu continued to say loudly: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, sit in the highest position, You have to take the corresponding responsibility, but this ability, the first generation of the emperor, the family has it, can you guarantee two generations, three generations, ten generations and eight generations later, can you still have it? If you don't say anything else, just say that you thank the family, and you can still do it now. Is it better to find someone with Xie Xianggong's ability than a fat man?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "Yes, you are right, children of aristocratic families, because of blood inheritance, they were born into wealth and honor, and they grew up in the hands of women. The training of struggle, the reason why I have the ability today is also the result of the elders in the family, especially my mother, who have trained me since I was a baby, Murong Lan, you are the same."

Murong Lan nodded: "Yes, we are born women who want to engage in intelligence, and we are placed on high expectations in the family, so we have such training, but there is no parent in this world who can cruelly let their children grow up like this. Suffering?"

"We have a family tradition, and it is women who do this kind of espionage work, because even in the future, even if we get married, we will have to spy on the other party's family, but in the next generation, whether there are children who can do this kind of thing, it will not matter. It’s easy to say, and, after all, espionage is something that can’t be on the table, and the right way is still the art of war, the way to govern the country and the world.”

Liu Yu said sternly: "So, blood does not determine anything, people are raised by parents, most people's abilities are not much different when they are born, and what kind of person they can be in the end depends more on The education of the day after tomorrow, this is what I said, to give everyone as equal opportunities as possible. After I took power, I set up the precepts, so that the children of the Beifu soldiers and heroes have the opportunity to study and study, not for the sake of the Jingba brothers in the future. Instead of the current status of the noble family, it is to let the people all over the world slowly have such an opportunity in the future."

Liu Muzhi's brows furrowed: "Are you thinking too easily? Even if there is printing technology, you can copy a large number of classics and classics, it is impossible to find so many teachers to teach, even if it is Now, many children of aristocratic families are unwilling to enter the prefecture to teach, because there is no merit, they can't be promoted to officials, and they can't be awarded titles."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "This is our responsibility, and it is something we rulers need to find a way to solve. Of course, siege cities can be remembered in history, but education is the foundation of a country and a nation!"

"The problems you are talking about now are not because of our education in the past, our literacy and hyphenation are limited to high families, nobles, and ordinary people don't have this opportunity at all? That's why there is a shortage of talents. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Jin, and one million people can read and write, and they can teach others to teach. Is there such a problem?"

"At this time, the children of noble families are not willing to be gentlemen, and some are people. Even if the issue of nobility is not considered, a high enough salary will be given, and the existing ones from the national school to sacrifice wine to Dr. Xu Xu, the master's The salary has been increased several times, are you still afraid that no one will do this?"

"Even barbarians like Shile know that to govern the world, they must have culture. The Hu people's regime like Shizhao will let the children of the nobles learn the culture of the Han people. When Murongde established Nanyan, they all know that they respect Confucianism and worship Confucianism, and let the Confucian scholars from Qilu come. Guanggu is teaching, don’t we Chinese Han people have less awareness in this regard than these Hu people?”

Liu Yu's words were loud and clear, and they reached the ears of the three of them, and the reverberation still reverberated in the air. After a long time, Liu Muzhi sighed: "That's really good, Ji slave, today I'm the real one. I found that although you don’t read as much as us, but the truth of these people is very clear. We people can only be officials at most, because our thoughts are already limited, and we can’t escape this kind of thing. The nobility, the circle of the aristocratic family, and only you, can morally go further than us."

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Aside from our identities and positions, your words are indeed very correct, but you said a thousand words and ten thousand, blood inheritance, royal family and family descendants one after another, even if there are thousands of bad things, but at least If you have an orthodox status, this set of divine authority is considered a lie, but if ordinary people believe in this destiny, they will be safe and secure. Everyone will have desires, and they will all want to be emperors. It’s just a matter of abiding by the rules and fighting within the system. If you don’t abide by the rules and start rebelling, how will you solve it?” https://

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Isn't it because in the normal system, it is impossible to have power? You see, if I have the opportunity to rely on military merit to sit where I am now, would I still rebel?"

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth: "You said this because you already have power in your hands. When Huan Xuan was the emperor and could kill you at any time, would you obey your orders?"

Liu Yu nodded: "So, when I meet a bad emperor, I only think about being in power and enjoying myself, and not thinking about the emperor who does things for the country and the people of the world, I will overthrow him, not only Huan Xuan, if it is Sima The emperor of the clan does not want to regain the lost land and save the people, but wants to seize my military power and live the life of enslaving the world again. I also want to overthrow him. Not only for the emperor, but also for the family!"

Wang Miaoyin kept shaking her head: "Brother Yu, brother Yu, in front of an enemy princess, in front of me, the Queen of the Great Jin Dynasty, in front of the Prime Minister of the Great Jin Dynasty, is it really appropriate for you to say such rebellious words? ?"

Liu Yu laughed: "What is Shun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is Reverse, what is Dao? Relying on your ancestors to be the emperor, should you have the power in the world as a matter of course? This is not the Dao that I approve of. Not for their own enjoyment, but for their own responsibility. The ancient sage Mencius once said that the people are the most valuable, the society and crops are second, and the ruler is the least. If the emperor just wants to regain power, he will not hesitate to harm the world and put all the people at risk. What do you want this emperor to do? In the final analysis, if the emperor puts his personal power above the fundamental interests of the world, there is no need for this emperor."

Wang Miaoyin's eyes widened: "I don't want an emperor? There is no king in the world? Who will manage it? Isn't the world in chaos?"

Liu Yu said indifferently: "Through a system of co-election and public recommendation, a co-lord who can be convinced by everyone in the world can be selected. This co-lord does not have to be the emperor, because he has no right to pass it on to his descendants. !"

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