Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3216: Murder is unacceptable

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Then you have to promise that there will be no more practice of dispersing our clansmen into the aristocratic manor and serving as slaves for generations. It is okay to enter the ranch you run in a short period of time to look after the house and take care of the house. , but in personal relationships, there can no longer be that kind of distinction between master and servant."

Wang Miaoyin pondered for a while, and said, "I have to go back and discuss this matter with the major families, and I cannot give you any promises and guarantees now, but I promise you that I will do my best to solve this matter, at least I thank the family and the Wang family. I won't do it. If I can't solve it, then let Liu Yu and Liu Muzhi face these noble families directly, are you satisfied now?"

Murong Lan's expression softened a little: "If you can really do this, then no matter what the outcome is, I won't blame you, Liu Yu, I hope you can bear witness."

Liu Yu nodded: "regardless of whether the wonderful sound can do this with the strength of the Xie family and the Wang family, I will not allow this kind of thing to happen to your family as slaves, as long as I am in this position, I will not I will allow it. However, I will not spare any of the executioners who participated in the massacre of our innocent people. If you want them to keep a whole body, you'd better deal with them yourself."

Murong Lan's expression changed: "They are under the orders of Hei Pao, I..."

A cold light flashed in Liu Yu's eyes: "Alan, I don't want to hear any reason or explanation for this matter, maybe in the eyes of you Xianbei people, it is only right and proper to be a slave and decide the life and death of others at will. I am so opposed to being a slave myself, but since I will submit to the Great Jin and become a citizen of our Jin country, I have to understand that the fate of others is also fate, and the freedom of others is also freedom. They do not want to be slaves, and they cannot allow it. Anyone who has the idea of ​​making others a slave. This rule will be established from this time!"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "But you Han people also have a saying that those who don't know are not guilty. There was no such rule in the past. They listened to the Emperor Dayan at that time, or the leader of the tribe, that is, the black robe. If they obeyed the order, they would If you want to kill people, does that mean that you are fighting with Da Jin today and killing the soldiers of the Jin army, and you have to pay for your life?

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Those more than 2,000 people are not soldiers, but commoners. Your Murong family has been in control of the Central Plains for nearly a hundred years, and even before you entered the Central Plains, you have been sinicizing in Liaodong for a long time, and you have recruited many scholars. The theory of benevolence and righteousness that common people are not allowed to slaughter at will, do you still need me to speak today?"

Murong Lan sighed: "You know the situation at the time, it was just after Linqu was defeated, and the black robes incited, causing many soldiers and civilians whose families were killed in action to attack these innocent Han people actively, the purpose is to cut off their escape route of surrender, you If you don't let these people go, it may stir up uncertainty in the city."

Liu Yu said coldly: "The injustice has the head, the debt has the owner, the country and the family hate this place, and the debt is not paid with blood, I can't explain it to the 100,000 soldiers, I can't explain it to the millions of people in the Jin Dynasty, and I can't explain it to the countless people. Ten thousand people who died, the families of soldiers and officials explained, if I raised troops to take back the captive people, and finally fought a **** year to destroy Nanyan, in exchange for the result that the murderer was still fine, the soldiers would not agree, Dajin. My family will not agree, neither will my conscience!"

Tears glistened in Murong Lan's eyes: "Do you really have to kill someone?"

Liu Yu said sternly: "Alan, you should know that I am not someone who is cold-blooded and easy to kill, but this time, I must start this way and set this rule, you want the Xianbei people to obey you obediently in the future, and no longer cause trouble. , it is best to establish this rule from the beginning."

Wang Miaoyin suddenly said: "I said Muronglan, you'd better not go back. At that time, there were probably thousands of people who killed these Han people, not only soldiers, but also many people. If you want to kill all these people, then I'm afraid they will kill you first."

Having said that, she looked at Liu Yu and said, "Brother Yu, don't you take this into consideration? When the negotiation fails, Murong Lan is included in it. Don't you lose a lot of money?"

Liu Yu said solemnly: "This is a sincere expression of surrender. If I don't take practical actions to repent, and I don't have the consciousness of taking my life to atone for my sins, how can I trust them? Killing for life, especially killing innocent civilians, Even in the tribes of Yan State, there is such a rule. Even slaves cannot be casually killed and executed. They make excuses to kill more than 2,000 innocent Han people at one time. Such atrocities, if I do this If you let it go, that's the reason of heaven, Alan, if you're in a difficult situation, you don't have to go back to the city, I'll send someone to convey the meaning, then it's war or peace, and they decide for themselves."

Murong Lan sighed softly: "If I don't dare to go back and personally publicize this condition to them, it's even less likely that anyone will obey. Since I want to save my clan, I have to give up my life. , Liu Yu, I admit that many people committed this crime at that time, and I can't distinguish them one by one."

"Some people were angry at the time just because of the death of their relatives. They went up and punched and kicked a few times, but they didn't kill them. The black robe's poison plan was to make as many people as possible get blood on their hands, and he did it. , If you really want everyone to take revenge and kill, even if about half of the people in the city have to pay for their lives, this is forcing them to fight to the death."

Liu Yu frowned: "Since this is the case~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then let's do it, killing for life, one life for one life, this is the most fair, fat man, how many people have we killed?"

Liu Muzhi responded without hesitation: "Two thousand one hundred and twenty-seven people, I have a list here."

Liu Yu nodded: "Okay, 2,127 people, one life is worth one life, then I will ask you to hand over 2,127 people, let us follow the Dajin murder method. Convicted. Alan, do you agree to this?"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "Is that necessary? As far as I know, many of the soldiers who directly executed the killing order were the sergeants and his own guards led by Gongsun Fifth Floor, and it was mainly these people who were responsible for most of the fighting. Dead, and a small number of those who survived, how about I hand over these people?"

Liu Yu said coldly: "Then, did you cut off 2,127 heads of the dead bodies today to make a trade? You just said that killing with a sword is killing, but more It is for your tribesmen to swarm up and beat them to death. The soldiers who died in battle today are not to mention, they are fighting for the country, but these two thousand one hundred and twenty-seven living people must be handed over to me. It is the result of this dispatch of troops, and it is also the condition for you to surrender and submit, either accept or fight, choose for yourself."

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