Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3227: capricious little abacus

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall reverberated, and it was buzzing in everyone's heart. Yes, only after the fight can we know that the enemy is strong and we are weak, but this painful realization has come too late. And the price he had to pay was unbearable.

Murong Zhen gritted his teeth: "Princess Lan, it's meaningless to say this now, the battle is over, we have a lot of blood from the Jin army on our hands, and if we want to surrender, we're afraid we won't end up well. You said it before, Liu Yu wants to avenge even the revenge of killing the people of Jin. If we have to pick more than 2,000 people to die, then today we killed tens of thousands of their soldiers and paid for the heads of all the soldiers in the city. ."

In the hall, which had been silent for a while, there was another sound of gossip. After all, many people felt guilty in the face of life and death. Under the dual effect of failure and guilt, even the voice of the voice was strong from the outside, and the voice was loud. The following is the lack of confidence that can be heard.

Murong Lan said calmly: "Liu Yu's condition is that he only incriminates the two thousand people who massacred civilians. In other words, he must give an explanation for this expedition. Maybe you don't know Liu Yu very well, but I am sorry to my husband. It is very clear to him that in the battles on the battlefield, the soldiers are fighting for the country and acting according to orders, not to mention grudges and hatreds. If they really want revenge, then as long as the black robe, the culprit who started the war, is responsible as a war criminal, it will be fine. They don't need to die."

Having said this, she paused and raised her tone a little: "But as a commoner, Liu Yu's primary target is to protect, if the crime of massacre is committed against unarmed commoners, then it doesn't matter to the ends of the earth. He will seek revenge from you, and that's why he insisted on us handing over more than 2,000 people this time."

Murong Zhen opened his mouth wide and shook his head in disbelief: "What's the idea? Let the strong warriors not seek revenge, but protect these weak people? Is Liu Yu in a daze?"

Murong Lan sighed: "This is the difference between their Central Plains and our prairie people, we are the young and the strong, the old and the weak, all things tend to the strong, and even the food distribution is for the strong to choose first, so we It is only natural for the strong to get more benefits, because we need to rely on strong men to fight and loot, this is the nature of our grassland people."

When Murong Lan said this, her eyes flashed coldly: "However, it is precisely because of this kind of thinking that only recognizes strength and not benevolence and righteousness, we will have endless civil strife and massacre. There is no restraint, bullying others when the strong, and the weak. When people are destroyed, even brothers and sisters, parents and children will turn against each other, and you will fight for power and kill each other. Isn't it because we have always believed in this kind of fate today? Now, we lose, lose It is very miserable, facing the disaster of genocide, we must change this belief again!"

Murong Zhen gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "When things are not desperate, Princess Lan, you said that Liu Yu can let us go as long as we pay more than 2,000 people, then we can temporarily deceive with them, our Ancestors have also done this kind of thing many times, befriending people, defending the city, and waiting for an opportunity."

Having said this, he paused: "I just want to wrong you, Princess Lan, marrying Liu Yu is considered a marriage, and then you return to the Eastern Jin Dynasty with him, your skills and abilities are here, you can get away anytime you want, Liu Yu Presumably it won't stop you, and when we start our army and restore our country, you will still be our Princess Lan when you come back."

Helan Lu said coldly: "King of the North Sea, you have a good plan, hand over more than 2,000 people and send Princess Lan out as a hostage, so that there is no one in the city who is arguing with you, you can board this place by yourself. Boss, I will think about the restoration of the country later, learn from Xiyan, if you can beat it, you will separate it here, but if you can't beat it, you will take the tribe and clansman all the way to the north to kill you back to your hometown, it's not a loss."

Murong Zhen sneered and said, "In extraordinary times, we should do extraordinary things. Back then when we were in Xiyan, this was a success. If it wasn't for Murong Chui being blocked in the customs, we would have returned to our hometown in Liaodong. If you think this is so capricious. No, Princess Nalan also said that the Jin people sent us hundreds of sea boats, and then we will go back to Liaodong by boat. It is better than being ruled here and separating our tribes and clansmen. It is better to be slaughtered by people.”

Helan Lu sneered: "I would rather be slaughtered by Liu Yu than be brought back to Liaodong by you. Last time I was in Xiyan, Murong Chui saved your life, but now Beiyan in Liaodong is ruled by a surnamed Feng, no You Murong clan, with this weak clan who have been defeated for the rest of their lives, returning to Beiyan, I am afraid that they will be given away."

Murong Zhen gritted his teeth: "Okay, Lord Helan, you don't want to go back to your hometown~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then you can stay here, anyway, your Helan clan also fled and defected, not with us, you and Liu Yu When I was in the grasslands, I had friendship, and now Princess Lan will also talk to you, so it may not be impossible to live."

"However, Lord Helan, I remind you to remember one thing. In today's battle, in addition to our armored cavalry, it is your Helan tribe in Nancheng who killed the most Jin troops and suffered the most losses. You are really not afraid that Liu Yu will retaliate against you. Now, why does he promise it is his own business? If Kaicheng surrenders and is slaughtered by others, do you think his soldiers will be able to hold back?"

Helan Lu's eyes shone brightly, but he did not refute. Obviously, Murong Zhen's words also spoke to his heart. Although he said that nothing would be wrong, he also knew that he had a deep blood feud with the Jin army in today's battle. If you really want to get out of the body, you may not have this certainty.

Murong Lan said calmly: "King of the North Sea, all you think is just your own speculation, if Liu Yu's is really a villain who wants to take the opportunity to take revenge, then when you leave the city and go to sea, start on the road, right? Is it easier?"

Murong Zhen's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth: "We can leave the city in no hurry, we can, we can continue to stay here, hand over 2,000 people, give Liu Yu an explanation, and then wait for him to withdraw, and then we will act on the camera. Princess Lan , Do you really think that it is the only choice for us to completely hand over our lives to Liu Yu?"

Murong Lan sighed softly: "After all this, do you still think we have another choice? If we lose like this today, the remnants of the army have no fighting spirit. Being able to withdraw to the inner city is already a mercy, and if Liu Yu takes advantage of the victory to attack the city in an all-round way, do you think we can survive for a long time?"

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