Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3232: Marriage and family protection

Murong Zhen gritted his teeth, and said solemnly, "If the clansmen of my hometown can come to us and help us, then we will..."

Murong Chao interrupted him: "When Murong Bao took the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians from Houyan back to their hometown, Lan Khan went back to face him. What happened? You think the local clansmen will welcome this kind of defeat. Are we still going to destroy us? When Murong Xi was in chaos, he had already lost the hearts of the people, and the people in his hometown had lost the last bit of old love for us Murong Clan. Even in order to avoid our accountability and punishment to them, they would still stand by Feng Feng. On the other hand, to fight with us to the end, unless we can re-establish an empire in the Central Plains and rely on a strong army to pass over, it is possible to make the local old people obey again, this truth, the King of the North Sea, you should know better than me."

Murong Zhen's eyes widened, sweat dripping from all over his face, but he couldn't refute it.

Murong Chao looked at Murong Lan and sighed: "Princess Lan, I agree with your judgment, going back to Liaodong is a dead end. We are mostly old and weak now, and there are very few soldiers. We are not as strong as Xiyan and the previous emperors, and they are everywhere. It's time to run rampant. Stay here and have a chance."

Murong Lan's brows wrinkled: "But does Your Majesty really not worry about the future? We are all surrendering to Jin, but you are the emperor after all, can you really agree?"

Murong Chao smiled slightly: "I was originally a beggar in Chang'an, and it is my luck to be alive in this chaotic world. In the past few years, I have been an emperor, and I have enjoyed riches and honors. Even if I die today, it is worth it. As a Murong clan The emperor and leader of the emperor must think about the lives of the people and the clansmen. If they can survive, then what is the harm in giving my life? Besides, with Princess Lan here, I don’t think I need to die.”

Murong Zhen said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, you have to think about it, we are ministers and generals, even if we have a blood feud with the Jin people today, with Princess Lan as bailout, we will most likely be pardoned, but you are called an emperor. Your monarch, you have no turning back, Liu Yu can let us go, but it is unlikely that he will spare you!"

Murong Chao said calmly: "I believe what my aunt said, because Liu Yu, like Fu Jian and Yao Xing, is a person who wants to be benevolent and righteous. What they want is to rule the world, so they can't kill the ruler of the subjugated country, otherwise the enemy country will be in the future. In order to save his life, the king would rather drag the whole country to die than surrender. This is not the result they want. Princess Lan, what you and Liu Yu talked about should be that I should follow their army and return to Jin with you. And the clan members stay here."

Murong Lan nodded: "Your Majesty is right, this is Liu Yuti's condition, not only that you have to go with him, but also five thousand soldiers to go back with him to pacify the chaos of the Heavenly Master and make atonement. Moreover, two thousand Many people were handed over as murderers, and their families were assigned to the Jin Dynasty officials and family manors here, as Zhuangke for a few years. Others can stay in Guanggu City and participate in the reconstruction, as the people of the Jin Dynasty. ."

Murong Chao smiled slightly: "It sounds like a good condition for those who are defeated and subjugated. Taking away 5,000 troops also means removing the possibility of revolt of the rest of us, leaving the rest of us in Guanggu, because Without a leader, the strong and strong are also outside, I am afraid that there is no strength to rebel and become independent, and it can also form a certain balance with the tyrannical Han landlords in other parts of Qingzhou."

He Lanmin smiled and said: "We talked about it earlier. These are the results of discussions between Liu Yu and Liu Muzhi. They should have fully considered the situation on both sides. However, there is one more important thing. Princess Lan hasn't said it yet."

Murong Chao frowned slightly: "What's the most important thing?"

He Lanmin said indifferently: "Liu Yu asked for marriage, marriage, and asking Princess Lan to become his wife again and reunite with him, and the reason for sending troops this time has changed from destroying the country to seeking justice for the dead people, becoming In order to recover the wife who was kidnapped by Heipao, only in this way will we not let other soldiers come to seek revenge for our clansmen.”

Murong Lan's pink face flushed slightly, and she said softly, "Minmin, don't talk about that."

He Lanmin smiled and said: "Alan, this is not your personal matter, it is a state matter. Only by having a relationship can we eliminate the hatred of the war over the past year. This is also the rule of our grassland. After we get married, we are a family. It can be resolved. Moreover, now we have become your maiden’s family, even Liu Yu’s subordinates want to take revenge, as well as the local Han people in Qingzhou who want to take revenge, so they don’t dare to mess around.”

Helan Lu said solemnly: "Princess Lan, you were originally Liu Yu's married wife, and the former Jin emperor also presided over your marriage in public. The reason, now that the culprit and the great evil have been found out, and it has become like this, you and Liu Yu should also get back together, this is an honorable thing. I support and bless you."

Many generals and schools also saluted: "Congratulations to Princess Lan for getting back together and marrying Yan Jin."

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Don't think too simple, this relationship is different from that year, and there are not no people in Jin who want to oppose it. Moreover, Liu Yu has also withstood the pressure of many people. I agreed to this matter. After the war, the land of Nanyan and Qilu was a big piece of fat, and many families of Wudi wanted to share a piece of the pie. With the addition of the local tyrants, they wanted to exterminate our clansmen."

Helan Lu said sternly: "The more this is the case, the more we need Princess Lan to kiss and kiss, just like you said just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Being Liu Yu's maiden family, can we pacify some people with bad intentions. Only then can we protect us. Princess Lan, maybe we still need you to stay here after the war."

Murong Chao nodded and said, "If this is the case, I can go back with Liu Yu, and the King of Beihai brings five thousand soldiers and horses to help him go back to quell the rebellion, while Lord Helan and the rest of his clan will stay behind. Guanggu, in this way, Liu Yu should be at ease. After helping him defeat the rebels of Tianshi Dao, we will ask Liu Yu to assign the land of Qingzhou to our soldiers and reunite the family, Princess Lan, What do you think of this?"

Murong Zhen said anxiously: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible, so that others have the opportunity to attack you, even if Liu Yu does not want to kill you, as the king of the subjugated country, when you arrive in Jiankang, those Jin Dynasty families will also attack you. When Princess Lan is not here, no one can protect you."

Murong Chao sighed: "Those who abandoned their country and came to vote, the Eastern Jin Dynasty often showed mercy. In the past, they spared their lives to Zhang Tianci, the last emperor of Liang Dynasty, and Fu Hong, the prince of Qian Qin, I think, Liu Yuhe. In order to stabilize our Nanyan clansmen, Liu Muzhi will also do enough protection for me, so that Nanyan, who has finally been calmed down, will not be chaotic again because of the death of one person, don't you think, Princess Lan? "

A list of eight chapters in one hill and eight chapters in the Northern Palace of the Eastern Jin Dynasty https://

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