Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3797: The great cause is not urgent

Liu Yu sighed: "You are right, I was a little too hasty, wonderful sound, thank you for telling me so much, you have always stood by my side, which makes me very grateful. There was a moment when I... …”

Wang Miaoyin's eyes were full of resentment, and she sighed softly: "Fool, in order to be with you, I could even abandon my family, leave Lord Xianggong, leave my mother, and stay with you despite the criticism of all the families. , if it weren't for the arrangement of fate, you and I could not maintain the marriage contract of the year, and now I am your general's wife, how can I negotiate with you here as a son of a noble family? Over the years, our relationship has gradually become more and more The journey is farther and farther, but my original intention for you remains the same."

"I know that you are noble, you are righteous, you want to change this rotten world, you want all living beings to be equal, you have the thoughts of gods and Buddhas, and you have the realm of God. But brother Yu, nothing can be achieved with haste, in this In the turbid world, you can't only have the clear stream, but also learn how to get along with the turbid waves. Especially these turbid waves you can't live without and can't get rid of. Mu Zhi and I are not using your power to benefit our own family over the years. If we want to If you do this, what else are you going to do? My Xie family has been in power for decades. If I don’t want to seek a peaceful world, do I need to promote someone like you? Then we should look for it, and the one to marry is Wang Guobao is Huan Xuan!"

Liu Yu nodded: "I misunderstood it, maybe it's because the high-ranking family has always been in control of the fate, and even framed many times, when I know that even Lord Xianggong is a member of the mafia, especially, especially the cause of Because of the separation of you and me, so I..."

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "If Lord Xianggong really doesn't want to make changes to this world, then he won't break with someone like Wang Guobao, and he won't want to promote a grass-roots person like you to offend the entire family, and even more so. It will not offend the other guards of the mafia, and in the end almost lost the family. Liu Yu, you are not the only one who is fighting against this dark world. There are also people of insight in the family who want to turn things around. After suffering losses and sufferings, all the children of the noble family are regarded as worthless, and they all think that they only care about their own interests."

"When a country is strong, a family can be strong. How can we not know this truth? But people are lazy, their families have inheritance, and they are born rich. Naturally, there will be many people who do not want to make progress. We have to find a way to gradually eliminate them. This is the reason why Lord Xianggong wanted to recruit you as his son-in-law and join our Xie family. Since the birth of sons and daughters is destined by God and cannot be changed, at least he can recruit powerful talents. The son-in-law gets started, and there is competition among blood relatives."

"Liu Yu, don't think about it, Lord Xianggong should give Uncle Xuan, not his own son, Uncle Yan, even the important position of the head coach of the Beifu. Is he the kind of selfish person you said? But This is the only thing he can do. If he directly gives you the position of Beifu Commander, an outsider who has nothing to do with the Xie family, then it is impossible for the Xie family to agree. Therefore, if he wants to replace the family, he wants to To take back power from them, you must first become a member of a noble family, or do things for them for a long time, don't you understand now?"

Liu Yu said sternly: "I now understand the painstaking efforts of Lord Xianggong. I used to wrongly blame him and felt that he was also using us, but now, as I also sit in his position, I gradually become different. After thinking about it, I can't even restrain the old brother of Beifu, even my own younger brother, let alone his own family, the more time goes by, the more difficult it is to grasp the power of this world."

Wang Miaoyin took a step forward, the water in his eyes was flowing, and he looked directly at Liu Yu: "This is human nature, we can't change it, after we have wealth, we can't expect everyone to be able to forge ahead. This is the case with the sons and nephews of aristocratic families, and the same is true for civilian heroes. When you are poor and humble, if you think about turning over to seek wealth and honor, that person's ability will be stimulated through struggle. But once the power is in hand, you will think that the country will last forever, and it will be difficult for ten thousand years. This is regardless of the rich and the poor. ."

"No matter what children of aristocratic families say, they read a lot, they have the ability to govern, and the competition between and within the family also forces some children who want to be motivated to do practical things, compared to the suddenly rich and no-knowing commoner children. That said, there are more opportunities for talents.”

Liu Yu frowned and shook his head: "But Miaoyin, have you ever thought about it, the number of noble families is too small, and the number of children of noble families is limited, even if there are 500 people out of 10,000 people who are willing to make progress. It's not enough. , because the number of commoners is a hundred times that of the children of the aristocratic family. Among one million people, there are 20,000 people who are willing to make progress, which is far stronger than the power within the family. In the past, the family mastered the ability to govern the country~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes Because they monopolize knowledge, and control culture can only be spread within their own families, now it is different, we have the printing technique, and we can make thousands of books, so that commoners can also have culture and skills."

Wang Miaoyin frowned: "I have always had reservations about this matter anyway. A talented person may not be virtuous, and a villain's ambition may not necessarily be a good thing. The family has been passed down for hundreds of years and has its own constraints and rules, although There are also unworthy descendants, but they can be controlled by the leader, someone like Liu Daolian who perverts the law and harms the country is also your younger brother, who can restrain him?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So I have to deal with him publicly, and use the national law to restrain him. Through this kind of treatment, everyone in the world will know that before the national law, everyone is equal, and relatives can be exempted if they are not family members. It is wrong not to be courteous to the doctor or to the common people. Princes who break the law should also share the same crime with the people. In the future, if we want to build the world we dream of, and to realize the dream of changing the world when we were young, we have to start from ourselves. "

Liu Muzhi suddenly said: "Slave, now the great cause is not completed, and people need to go to defect. For the time being, I can't directly deal with my relatives. People who do not recognize six relatives will make people afraid and stay away. This is human nature. We know that you are For the sake of ideals and righteousness, but in the eyes of ordinary people, you are deliberately trying to make a name for your relatives.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I'm here for the country and enforce the country's laws. Is this difficult to understand?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Everyone is an official to seek wealth and honor, to use the country, to use the country's laws to benefit themselves, and to benefit their own family. Is this difficult to understand?"

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